PPV Hotel REservations swapping etc

Coldfire Mouse

Magpie Witch
Mar 2, 2002
In The Shadows
Okay here's a thread that could be very useful unless someone has already started it further below and I could not find it.

Those of you who are selling tickets...did you make hotel reservations? If anyone made one at the REsidence in on Peachtree NE would it be possible if you are not attending to perhaps switch over your reservation to us? Okay so that sounds weird. Just that this hotel is quite close to the venue and currently they are sold out. We have a back up room at another hotel 6 blocks away..but well walking that distance can be a beeyotch when you have been celebrating a wee too hard like one tends to do during ProgPOwer.

So here's a thought...if those who can't attend and sell their tickets and did make hotel reservations perhaps they can transfer them to someone who can go?

If anyone has a reservation at this particular Residence Inn and can't go and would be willing to transfer it to us...please e-mail me at: coldie@comcast.net

YOu would be doing us a major cool thing. This will be only our 2nd vacation as a couple away from the kid and time like this is GREATLY used and appreciated!

Keep it metal! \m/ :headbang:

Coldfire the Gallery Mistress
I can't believe you waited this long. :erk:

I also can't believe that the Res. Inn sold out. I guess my lobbying over the years has paid off for the hotel, but not fo my friends. :cry:

I sure hope you find something Coldie. As a last resort, you can pay for my room and sleep on my couch. ;)

Talk to you soon.
Don't start with me Kez. Twas not my CC we had to make the reservations on. Twas my better half's. I had given him the information but with schedules and work and in laws etc.....

Besides...if I sleep on the couch...where will Scott sleep? Don't you be stealin my man now y'hear?

The red headed bastard stepchild