ProgPower USA Picture posting

Sadly, disposable cameras don't do well in the dark. Even if you use a flash, the person or object you're taking a picuture of must be within 10 feet of the flash for it to work.

That makes perfect sense but it doesn't explain why I have great pics of Communic from the second row of seats on stage right, but don't have a basica shot of a person standing 5 feet infront of me in a well-lit airport.

I'm still sore about this... :erk:
Between visits to my HMO (I have a kidney stone), having to act as medical courier (I have no idea why Northside Hospital couldn't just email my CTscan results to my HMO instead of making ME pick up the disc, during rush hour) and now a new appointment with a urologist, I dunno when I can get Part 2 and 3 up. I'll try to hurry, since there's nekkidness in there somewhere. Tastefully blurred out, I suspect. :lol:

Hope you start feeling better, Paul... these hospitals around here are a pain in the butt.:mad:
Really tough lighting for these opener bands, but did get a few good shots.


I had the same problem with the lighting, especially with Krucible. They didn't come out very good at all.
I think he is referring to being escorted from the photo pit and not the venue.

Get well soon Pellaz! I've had kidney stones once, and I'd wish them upon only my VERY, VERY worst of enemies! My bout had me rolling on the floor in the doctor's office in pain while my mom watched on waiting for the doctor to show up. There is no position you can put your body in to lessen the pain. We had no idea what was going on at that moment, so it was pretty scary for both of us.

When I first had mine, it sent me to the ER (at work no less) via stretcher. So it's been about 3-4 weeks that I've been battling mine.

To be honest, a kidney stone is MORE PAINFUL than giving birth.

Same here, I'll need to read a photoshop tutorial to make pics look better
Sadly, disposable cameras don't do well in the dark. Even if you use a flash, the person or object you're taking a picuture of must be within 10 feet of the flash for it to work. You can't adjust the aperature and exposure time - two critical things you need to do when conditions aren't ideal for picture taking. (Yeah, I've taken a few photography classes in my life... )

Still sucks I couldn't have used my digital SLR at the show... would have had some great shots.
I know everyone had film cameras this year, but where are everyone else's pics?

I wouldn't expect many more band pics besides those from the "pros" Todd, Esa, and Christina, plus a few of the sponsors.
Those already posted are excellent though.
WHAT ?!?!?!?!?!?! YOU took lots of pictures of FK??????????

Shock and amazement wash over me!

The old point & shoot 35mm is only passable at close distances in dark surroundings.(even with 800 speed film) Got a handful of decent shots, but pretty much quit taking pcs, and just enjoyed the set. I will re-live the event through the pros... ;)
I'm soooooo not lookin for band pics - I love looking at the people pics

I've got tons of good people pics... just haven't put them in a photobucket yet to post them, and I don't have a Myspace page.

Unfortunately, we people with no myspaces pages haven't been able to access the pics people have put up through Myspace. sucks...:mad:
I've got tons of good people pics... just haven't put them in a photobucket yet to post them, and I don't have a Myspace page.

Unfortunately, we people with no myspaces pages haven't been able to access the pics people have put up through Myspace. sucks...:mad:

When the issues on the um photo gallery are resolved, we (at least Kittybeast and I) plan to upload them there.
As far as myspace goes, folks, you can note on the individual albums whether or not they're public (which non-members can view). So that might be an option. Kathy, try going to the person's profile page first, the clicking on pictures. That should bring up the albums. There isn't a photopage public URL the way they have for blogs and profiles. Try going that route and see if it helps.