QUEENSRŸCHE: Dedicated to Chaos

Queensryche continuing to sell that many records doesn't prove that they are still good, it proves what an idiotic fan base they have now. ;)

Geoff Tate, and Don Dokken should have a battle of who has the shittier voice contest. Both absolutely butcher their songs live!
Geoff Tate, and Don Dokken should have a battle of who has the shittier voice contest. Both absolutely butcher their songs live!

I'm surprised about the bashing on Tate's voice. I saw QR a couple of years ago, 2009 I think, wasn't expecting much, but was really impressed by how well he sang. Sure, he can't hit the high notes anymore but rather than try and fail he had re-written the high runs to go down rather than up.

Now the song writing for the last 10+ years has been horrible, no question about that.

I also saw Dokken open up for Scorpions last fall. The Scorps were on their retirement tour and did themselves proud...Don Dokken was WAY overdue to do the same. Gawd that was painful.
Yeah ... a little over the top on the ripping of Tate's vocals. He's still a solid singer .. just has lost a lot of the years, smoking, etc. Dokken ... not anywhere near the same class.

And some of you will continue to be f@#kin dicks. So you want to make this personal?
Seriously is the flame suppose to point out a burn? To have to point out your own burn is as pathetic as laughing at your own jokes.
Now we chatting about Queensyrche here or do you want to discuss my business?


nah, he's just dedicated to chaos.

Every time I post, I illustrate the depths that the band has been plumbing, and will likely continue to plumb for as long as their fans buy QR albums out of the misguided hope that maybe - just maybe- this new one won't suck quite so bad. I have to give them credit for their determination and dogged persistence, but I think it's time to face the reality of the situation, a reality that fans of QR's newer music seem so...Dis Con Nec Ted from...

The reality that is Tate's rather unimpressive crotch, and all it represents. Geoff has, in many ways carried through with his threat to "get closer to you".

Maybe a restraining order would send the right message?
“It's a clash and slash of musical experimentation anchored by the pulse of digital code.”

This statement alone make me want to run from this one...
Oh, Lord. That sounds utterly dreadful. I will give it a listen, though. Well, whatever is streamed online. Not investing any more in this band....or this thread. OASN - does every thread have to devolve into the same pissing match with the same people? Enough already.
The reality that is Tate's rather unimpressive crotch, and all it represents. Geoff has, in many ways carried through with his threat to "get closer to you".

OK, it's bad enough that the new era 'Ryche sucks ass, but if you keep finding ways to associate imagery such as your avatar with the good OLD material..... You're gonna run the classics as well! :yuk:
Last night I revisited 'Promise Land', I have not listened to it in years. It is really good. I think going back to it now I can piick up more in it.
Tried to listen to 'Operation II' again last night, it would have been my third time. I could not get through it. That is one of the worst albums I have ever heard.
I know that most of us feel this way, but it absolutely kills me that Queensryche has declined so much. I remember seeing them open for Metallica on the And Justice For All tour. I don't think I've ever heard singers other that Halford and Tommy from Seventh Wonder sound that perfect in a live setting. What a shame.
Did someone actually compare Tate to Dokken in this thread? OMFG.

OMFG! Yes I did!

Last 2 times I saw Ryche live Tate sounded flat, and out of key, and did not even attempt a single high note.

Saw Stryper a few days ago and wow.....MICHAEL SWEET now theres a fucking singer! He looks 30 years younger than he is, and belted every single high note from the records.

So yea Tate for me can join the Dokkens of the World IMO.