QUEENSRŸCHE: Dedicated to Chaos

And as an aside, am I the only one who finds OM2 not that bad? It's not reinventing the wheel or anything, but I really enjoy about half that album, which is all you can expect from QR nowadays. It is certainly the best album since Promised Land for them. Not saying much, I know.

I do agree with this. I don't find it to be awful at all. It's just not great. Much like Helloween's Keeper 3, I think if it had been named something different it wouldn't have gotten nearly as much hate as it did.
And I disagree. Well, not saying Puppet Master is bad but I LOVE GMYSP. It's actually one of my favorites of his as I still play it fairly frequently. I think the thing about the album is that it is different from others of his because he doesn't use his highs as much as it's much more concentrated on his mid-range.
Truth be told I think GMYSP is solid ... it's just not one I reach for very often.

I think The Puppet Master is the standout of his most recent works while the others are more or less solid but unspectacular.

What I like about TPM is the great atmosphere and story (one of his best stories, imo). It doesn't hurt either that the songs are very catchy on whole. I also like how King incorporated Livia Zita (now his wife) into the project. She helped add a little bit to the band as King's high end vox became less prominent.

As for the story of GMYSP .. I think it's weak, and had some holes. It's also not very scary, gory, or particularly thought provoking.

Still .. one thing we can agree on .. it's kicks the crap out of recent Queensryche ;)

As for the story of GMYSP .. I think it's weak, and had some holes. It's also not very scary, gory, or particularly thought provoking.

Still .. one thing we can agree on .. it's kicks the crap out of recent Queensryche ;)


I'll agree that GMYSP isn't the most original stories that's for sure. It's very memorable and from a listening perspective, very enjoyable.

And most definitely it kicks the crap out of recent Queensryche. :lol:
I personally find Kelly Gray's continued " pay me my fee and I will engineer your cd's " as a big part of the problem.
Kelly is probably there solely for the $ as he recognizes that QR DO NOT want a serious producer/engineer to rock
the QR boat...as almost any good engineer would. Clearly there is no one outside the band telling them "Hey guys,
do you remember when you were considered the most respected band around, and the new songs/arrangements
are just not good".

QR is controlling everything and between the 4 members of the band and the 1 hired gun, they just don't seem to
care. But in the end, I find it hard to comprehend how that organization feels good about such sub-par music.
And I say this coming from a HUGE former fan. It's clear that no one in the band inspires the other or is willing to
just say "this song sucks"! Bands have to at least try to be there own worst critics....apparently not in the QR bubble.
I personally find Kelly Gray's continued " pay me my fee and I will engineer your cd's " as a big part of the problem.
Kelly is probably there solely for the $ as he recognizes that QR DO NOT want a serious producer/engineer to rock
the QR boat...as almost any good engineer would. Clearly there is no one outside the band telling them "Hey guys,
do you remember when you were considered the most respected band around, and the new songs/arrangements
are just not good".

QR is controlling everything and between the 4 members of the band and the 1 hired gun, they just don't seem to
care. But in the end, I find it hard to comprehend how that organization feels good about such sub-par music.
And I say this coming from a HUGE former fan. It's clear that no one in the band inspires the other or is willing to
just say "this song sucks"! Bands have to at least try to be there own worst critics....apparently not in the QR bubble.

from what I hear from "inside sources", Tate and his wife run the show. Which is why you will never see a "return to form" such as RFO or The Warning. Tate has gone on record as saying he hates "chug chug" (paraphrasing) metal. According to these same inside sources, the band was extremely unhappy with the whole 'Cabaret" concept and were there just to collect a paycheck. This is probably why Michael Wilton has his Metal side project now.

Why couldn't this new Queensryche album be more like this:


And less like this?

These videos make me sad. What a great band that used to be, even though some of these are new performances, all these songs are old as dirt, except for that Sabbath cover, and I don't really like how Tate sings that.
These videos make me sad. What a great band that used to be, even though some of these are new performances, all these songs are old as dirt, except for that Sabbath cover, and I don't really like how Tate sings that.

That's the thing. I loved Queensryche right up through the Promised Land days, but lately, I have not been impressed at all with any of their recent output. I'll give Operation Mindcrime II, which I thought was actually pretty decent, but not anything like their original Operation Mindcrime era.

When I've listened to that Malison Rogue album, I cannot help but think how awesome Queensryche would be today if they could've maintained their core sound, but still modernize it (ala that Malison Rogue). I am not saying they should be stuck in the 80s, but at the same time don't give up what made them big in the first place.

I am not all that impressed with what I've seen and heard thus far with this new album. Granted, this is based on a listening to one poorly sampled track, but still, seeing song names like "Retail Therapy" or "Luvnu" or "Wot We Do" is not giving me a whole lot of warm-n-fuzzies about this. I'll admit that the new album art looks cool though.
If I count right 11 of the songs are 4.5 minutes long or shorter........throw as many as you can on the table, and then see if you strike it rich with a radio hit.
Just my opinion........hard to listen to, and I am wanting to find a nugget here...
Just listened to all 16 song samples: what a big pile of steaming horse manure. Not one sample even came close to being interesting. I was web surfing while listening and I forgot which song I was listening to when the next one started. Kelly Gray's bad production strikes again! Sounds like Q2K meets Tribe 9not a compliment). Same old same old!

I'll save my money.
Just listened to all 16 song samples: what a big pile of steaming horse manure. Not one sample even came close to being interesting. I was web surfing while listening and I forgot which song I was listening to when the next one started. Kelly Gray's bad production strikes again! Sounds like Q2K meets Tribe 9not a compliment). Same old same old!

I'll save my money.

Same good same good!