Resurrecting a band who vanished into oblivion!


Jul 18, 2002
Not sure how close some of you follow the scene, but about 2 years ago Z Records was supposed to release a brand new band called SOULSKINNER (not the death metal band with the same name).

After 2 seperate release dates in mid 2005 the band vanished into thin air, and no record was ever released.

For those that are curious heres a VERY brief info page on them...

As you can see these members are no stranger to the scene.....having been in bands such as DAMNED NATION, STEEL ATTACK, ASPERITY, CARNAL FORGE, VANESSA and so on.

After 2 years the band breaks the silence, and debuts a track titled "Is This Gods Creation" on my radio show in hopes to get a new record deal!

Anyone who knows about the reputation on Z Records can probably figure out why that deal went sour.

Anyways if you guys are around tomorrow night stop buy and check them out. I'll also have brand new tracks from PINK CREAM 69, TWILIGHTNING, EXCALION, MOONLIGHT AGONY, MARYSCREEK (produced by Frederick Nordstrom) and more!

I'll also be debuting the unsigned band ANTHRIEL who make no excuses about wearing there SYMPHONY X influences on there sleeves! Another amazing talented young band out of Finland!

I would also like to announce that I am now syndicated on my 3rd online radio station. has asked me to join there lineup.

Hope to see some of you tomorrow! for all the info!

I was hoping you were referring to Freternia. Hopes dashed, he sunk back into his chair, and continued surfing; emotionless, indifferent.

LOL oh yea I remember Freternia. No idea why but I used to mix them up with MALEDICTION. I have no clue why either but I always did.