ROLL CALL: Theocracy, A Lower Deep, Inviolate


Sep 22, 2006
Hope all our progpower family in the area can come out and support the scene this Saturday night. Really looking forward to hanging out with everyone and celebrating Pathfinder Promotions' One Anniversary! Hoyt and all us have worked very hard this year to bring great metal to the southeast, so come show some love, we really appreciate all your support.

It'll be me + 2! I'll be wearing my black long-sleeve Nightwish tour shirt. See y'all there! Be sure to wish me happy birthday when you see me!:headbang:
I'm feeling like shit -- one of those half-a-cold things, where you feel crappy and sniffly and headachy -- so I probably won't be there unless I start feeling better this afternoon. (I had to miss doing WREKage last night for the same reason. :( )
I played a show last night that didn't end until 2:30 (The bar couldn't close down because of too many people not wanting to leave .. and we played four encores, haha), and I didn't get to sleep 'til 5. It's been a busy day, and I've only had 3 hours sleep. Honestly, with the show starting in about four or so hours, I can't see myself NOT falling asleep along the 2 hour drive to get there :(
I played a show last night that didn't end until 2:30 (The bar couldn't close down because of too many people not wanting to leave .. and we played four encores, haha), and I didn't get to sleep 'til 5. It's been a busy day, and I've only had 3 hours sleep. Honestly, with the show starting in about four or so hours, I can't see myself NOT falling asleep along the 2 hour drive to get there :(

oh, pshaw, we were at a show ourselves last night that didn't end until almost midnight and then we were at the Waffle House until after 2:30 AM, so I don't wanna hear any excuses! :p

hah hah, just kidding man. You stay home and stay safe. Get some rest and we'll see you next time bro!
