Safe Travels and See You Soon....


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Jen & I wish everyone safe travels to Atlanta. These days in Atlanta should be treasured with your extended family. Leave the worries and stress at home.

We want to apologize in advance if we do not get a chance to hold a conversation for more than a few minutes (or even seconds) while in Atlanta. Things can get quite hectic at times for us as we get pulled in all different directions at once.

We would also like to remind everyone that these next four days are quite busy for us. We will not be checking email, facebook, forum, twitter, instagram, etc, etc, etc routinely. Do not expect any personal replies to any messages until after the festival.


Wish like hell I could be there. But my duty with The Texas State Guard will have me in Austin Friday-Mon. My daughter and my grandson are also visiting while her husband is doing his 5th tour in Afghanistan, they will be here until sometime in Oct.

I will miss everyone even more this year, it's an age thing. Everyone have fun, and be safe, and take Glenn's words of wisdom to heart;