Steinar Gundersen's Guitars

Dark Lord

Reincarnation of Yourself
Nov 4, 2005
Beirut, Lebanon
Hey Spiral Architect buffs, does anyone know what kind of guitars Steinar Gundersen uses?? Because in the booklet of the album, the guitar he's playing looks like a PRS or a Dean guitar (Michael Angelo Batio has a contract and a signature guitar with those guys)... but i'm not sure if i'm right about my assumption, so if any of you know what Steinar uses.... please let me know :)
well you may be right... like i assumed as well when i said it might be a PRS... but we can't be too sure... and the reason why i said that it could be a Dean rather than a PRS was because one of the Dean guitar models looks so much like PRS guitars.... and just so you know... Dean guitars are very high quality and way damn expensive... and just to show you, here's an image of Michael Angelo with Dean Zelinsky, the owner/founder of Dean guitars ... see the distinct resemblance between the guitar Dean is holding and Steinar's !!!
flexable said:
I'm currently using a black Ibanez Universe.


Hey Andreas... are you really comfortable with using an Ibanez... especially when playing this type of music... cause I had an Ibanez S series which was really cool but I never was relaxed playing heavy and technical music with it, and i've been playing for about 8 years now, but i'm no professional like you... so anyway, don't you think you'd be more comfortable using a Jackson (i think they're the best honestly) or an ESP (custom-made ofcourse)... tell me what you think?

I use a custom Jackson DKMG with EMG 81/85 pickups and an Original Floyd Rose :) ... just incase you were wondering :D
Dark Lord said:
Hey Andreas... are you really comfortable with using an Ibanez... especially when playing this type of music... cause I had an Ibanez S series which was really cool but I never was relaxed playing heavy and technical music with it, and i've been playing for about 8 years now, but i'm no professional like you... so anyway, don't you think you'd be more comfortable using a Jackson (i think they're the best honestly) or an ESP (custom-made ofcourse)... tell me what you think?

I use a custom Jackson DKMG with EMG 81/85 pickups and an Original Floyd Rose :) ... just incase you were wondering :D
I'm comfortable with the Ibanez(been playing Ibanez for so many years) and I enjoy the 7 strings, but it's getting pretty worn out and I'm looking for a new guitar(hopefully also a 7 string) with maybe midi and/or piezo pickup. I have been thinking about a Parker guitar, but I haven't been able to try them out enough yet.

I can't tell if I'd be more comfortable with a Jackson(or ESP) since I have no real experience with them. But when it's time to get a new guitar I will try them out.

flexable said:
I have been thinking about a Parker guitar, but I haven't been able to try them out enough yet.

I can't tell if I'd be more comfortable with a Jackson(or ESP) since I have no real experience with them. But when it's time to get a new guitar I will try them out.


Well I haven't really heard of Parker guitars.. so i have no comment there... but whenever the time comes for you to get a new guitar, i wish you the best of luck... ps: I strongly recommend Jackson guitars with XJ Jumbo frets... best control over fretboard. and Jackson, by my knowledge, make great 7 string guitars... i don't know if you've heard of a Shred Master called Rusty Cooley (exceptional guitarist)... well he uses a custom made 7-string Jackson Guitar... I'm saying that Jackson, to me, are the best guitars out of years of experience... well i've tried Ibanez S series as i told you... i also tried fender telecaster (definately not my type)... Yamaha Pacifica (not so bad) ... i've also tried Fernandez guitars (pretty good)... and yeah... i've tried B.C Rich's (peace of shit in my opinion) ... So Jackson is my top choice... by the way, Alexi Laiho of Children of Bodom used a Jackson Rhandy Rhoads signature series on his first 3 amazing albums... till his guitar was stolen if i'm not mistaken and then he had to make a new signature guitar for himself, so he signed with ESP. He shredded some major shit on these 3 albums while using the Jackson RR-1... mmm... one more thing... i hope i didn't bore you too much :D ... if you still think that ibanez guitars are the best choice for you, why not go for a Steve Vai signature series... GREAT guitars... there's also a 7-string Steve Vai Universe guitar... great Dimarzio pickups. Don't try a Satriani or Paul Gilbert series... i tried them once at a guitar shop and I didn't feel comfortable at all with any of them.... good luck with your guitar hunt :)
Dark Lord said:
Well I haven't really heard of Parker guitars.. so i have no comment there... but whenever the time comes for you to get a new guitar, i wish you the best of luck... ps: I strongly recommend Jackson guitars with XJ Jumbo frets... best control over fretboard. and Jackson, by my knowledge, make great 7 string guitars... i don't know if you've heard of a Shred Master called Rusty Cooley (exceptional guitarist)... well he uses a custom made 7-string Jackson Guitar... I'm saying that Jackson, to me, are the best guitars out of years of experience... well i've tried Ibanez S series as i told you... i also tried fender telecaster (definately not my type)... Yamaha Pacifica (not so bad) ... i've also tried Fernandez guitars (pretty good)... and yeah... i've tried B.C Rich's (peace of shit in my opinion) ... So Jackson is my top choice... by the way, Alexi Laiho of Children of Bodom used a Jackson Rhandy Rhoads signature series on his first 3 amazing albums... till his guitar was stolen if i'm not mistaken and then he had to make a new signature guitar for himself, so he signed with ESP. He shredded some major shit on these 3 albums while using the Jackson RR-1... mmm... one more thing... i hope i didn't bore you too much :D ... if you still think that ibanez guitars are the best choice for you, why not go for a Steve Vai signature series... GREAT guitars... there's also a 7-string Steve Vai Universe guitar... great Dimarzio pickups. Don't try a Satriani or Paul Gilbert series... i tried them once at a guitar shop and I didn't feel comfortable at all with any of them.... good luck with your guitar hunt :)
Hi, and thanks for the tips. Well I'm glad that there are lots of 7 string guitars coming to the market. When I first got mine there were almost none to choose from. And I really don't want to go to a 6 string now either.. I've also been thinking about 8 strings. The guys from Meshuggah are using 8 string guitars from Nevborn guitars and I would like to try one when I get the opportunity.

flexable said:
Hi, and thanks for the tips. Well I'm glad that there are lots of 7 string guitars coming to the market. When I first got mine there were almost none to choose from. And I really don't want to go to a 6 string now either.. I've also been thinking about 8 strings. The guys from Meshuggah are using 8 string guitars from Nevborn guitars and I would like to try one when I get the opportunity.


Check these guitars out. My teacher Tim Baurle plays the 8 string and it is amazing.
nicosanchez said:
Or maybe Andreas should get one of those guitar/bass guitars like Colin Marston (Behold...The Arctopus). And of course, an extra pair of arms and hang a regular 7-string guitar in the back. THAT would be a really multi-instrumentalist :loco:

you mean a warr guitar!

flexable said:
I've also been thinking about 8 strings. The guys from Meshuggah are using 8 string guitars from Nevborn guitars and I would like to try one when I get the opportunity.

well Andreas, if you're into 8 strings now... there's this new thing, to me atleast... i just heard about it a while back. It's called fanned frets... Novax guitars have that... and they say nothing feels better than these... so you should try these out... well there's a very famous guitarist i know that uses an 8-string fanned fret guitar but i have no idea what's his guitar's brand... oh yeah i just found out... the guitars are called Conklin...i'm talking about Rusty Cooley.... the same guy who uses the 7-string Jackson and Ibanez guitars... this guy is a freak... a shredmaster... here's a webpage showing some of his pictures with his guitars: ... the first pic is with his Jackson 7-string... the rest are various... mostly the 8-string !!!
here's another link: I honestly advise all of you to download and watch some of his video clips... you will then know the meaning of Speed of Light !!!!
ps: please tell me what you guys think of this ShredMaster/Freak....especially you Andreas :D
Dark Lord said:
well Andreas, if you're into 8 strings now... there's this new thing, to me atleast... i just heard about it a while back. It's called fanned frets... Novax guitars have that... and they say nothing feels better than these... so you should try these out... well there's a very famous guitarist i know that uses an 8-string fanned fret guitar but i have no idea what's his guitar's brand... oh yeah i just found out... the guitars are called Conklin...i'm talking about Rusty Cooley.... the same guy who uses the 7-string Jackson and Ibanez guitars... this guy is a freak... a shredmaster... here's a webpage showing some of his pictures with his guitars: ... the first pic is with his Jackson 7-string... the rest are various... mostly the 8-string !!!
here's another link: I honestly advise all of you to download and watch some of his video clips... you will then know the meaning of Speed of Light !!!!
ps: please tell me what you guys think of this ShredMaster/Freak....especially you Andreas :D
From the video clip I saw, it sounded quite boring because it was just scale exercises up and down. But fast for sure. Btw, the guitar he used on that clip( looks just like mine, except I have different pickups.

I've heard about Conklin many years ago. Read some test in a guitar magazine. I would definitely like to try these frets. They look very interesting.
