Still recovering, ProgPower V thanks


Oct 2, 2002
Wisconsin USA
Glenn for once again proving he is superhuman

Into Eternity for being normal guys and completely kicking my ass and living up to the opening act Mercenary put on last year (ok, close)

Edguy for proving that metal can be fun and still rule

Jeff for putting up with me all week yet another year

Bear for the debates and letting me kick his ass at pool

Frode for the drunken chat and helping me out at Nightwish

Tess, Annie and the Bishops for being friends and smiling more in one day then most do in a year

The Fairfield for not being communists

Shaye for being a liberal ;)

The hot bartender for travelling all the way here from Texas to entertain us

The other bartenders for being cool and the occassional free drink

Earthlink Live for being the best venue on the planet

Georgia for selling beer late and southern accents

The Cheetah 'nuff said!

Betty for the late night talk and her smile

Milwaukee airport for feeling like fast food drive thru

Kathy and Jim for another year of kick ass partying and all the pictures

Alicia, Raven, Adrian, Linda, Todd and all the other people I see every year for always being super cool!


NP: Into Eternity - Dead or Dreaming

I want a rematch!!!! Hahah great hanging out with you brotha!!!!You forgot to mention debating "at" the Cheetah, that doesn't work. One second your talking, the next a beautiful lady walks by and we forget what the hell we were going on about!!! LOL C-ya next time dude

Hey dude, I saw you in the Fairfield a bunch, I thought you looked sorta Vintersorgy. Btw howd you find out the hot bartenders fomr TX, you shoudlnt have told me that....

I am not horribly infatuated I swear :D

NobleKnight said:
Cool, Vintersorg rules. I dunno if shes actually from Texas, but apparently she is living there now for some reason. Stalker ;)
Thanks Aaron............... We love ya man!! Good to see you again. Come golf with the 'rents, OKAY? :Spin:
NobleKnight said:
Your on! LOL no kidding, not to mention being a valuable waste of drooling time ;) Definitely, some year with a good excuse I hope to make it out to San Fran.
Dude next year , check it. THRASH OF THE TITANS II......... Oh hellllllll yeah!!!!
