
TheGraveDigger said:
Awesome! Glad you enjoyed it. How heavy was "The Way"?
Heavy as hell...:tickled:

The guitars were really crunchy last night and they played mostly the heavier songs. I have seen the band many times, going back to about '85 on the 'Soldiers' tour, and they sounded as good as ever.
sh0kr0k said:
Do you realize you sound like a complete Ass Hat? It's just lyrics.. if you don't like it, don't listen to it. The only thing I really have a problem with is the fact that lyrical content has created a sub-genre of metal. Why can't it all just be "metal" whether it's Extol or Morbid Angel? Why should there be a distinction anyway?
i agree.

people try to point out biblical contradiction, but DAMN, there's more contradiction in his 'explanation'!

i'm christian, and i like all the bands Joseph listed in the beginning (extol etc) and i also like bands whose message isn't. i don't care, i know where my beliefs stand, and i love metal..... so.....
JosephAcevedo said:
Rob Rock is a christian band? Well I never knew that. I own his "eyes of eyernity" and "holy hell" albums and they are amazing. I am no satanist btw.... Like i said i have no problem with christian individuals. I'm just not all gung ho about lyrical content and shoving it down my throat or saying to me i'm wrong for listening to (insert any christian band here) and not sharing the same beliefs. Thing is i haven't heard many christian metal bands that have impressed me really. But if you consider Rob Rock a christian artist/band then I guess I am proven wrong and I willfully admit that! Like I said one of my best friends is a catholic but she doesn't really listen to christian metal or force her beliefs on those who don't want it. Believe me as much as I like bands who sing about Satan .... I listen mainly for music. I get myself find boring and rediculous (lyrically) when a band like Deicide sings in every song " kill god this... or fuck jesus this!" believe me i get bored of reading those kind of lyrics too. However the music is soo well written that i can't help it. I normally don't look at religion as a aspect of music with the exception of christian lyrics but if you say Rob Rock is a christian artist then I guess not all is bad. I seen him perform twice and he is killer live.


My discussion was about the christian content in metal.
Not the people , all metal fans should be able to get along despite beliefs.

Well, in all fairness, I've not heard that many "Christian" bands that have impressed me either! :) Yeah, Rob is a Christian, and he's fairly straight forward about it. He's one of those guys that isn't shoving his beliefs down anyone's throat. IMO, there's not too many vocalist that's better than he is, and I'd love to see him live! If you'll look in the special thanks section of his Holy Hell CD, you'll notice that he gives thanks to Charles Stanley Ministries. Charles Stanley Ministries is also known as In Touch Ministries. You can check it out over the net. Dr. Stanley is a very renowned Baptist Minister. He actually is the minister of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta. I thought that was cool that Rob showed appreciation to him though.
TBJ said:
That is one of the bigger problems in our society, we judge people before getting to know them..all sides are to blame, christians, satanists, atheists, whatever..

I personally have friends of all denominations and religions, and most of the time it never really made a difference in our relationships..

I've never quoted myself before, but, well, here it is.
edgeofthorns said:
To Hell With The Devil, More Than A Man, and All For One are my favorite Stryper tracks.

Gravedigger you rock for giving this band some props!!!!!!!!!!

I agree !!!!!
i am seeing stryper tonight....not a huge fan but have a free ticket.... :)
should be cool after reading some of this.