Thank you and good night


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Hello all,

First, I'd like to thank each of you for your support. I have the best and most loyal customers in the world. I hope each of you had a good time and will consider returning in the future. It's time for my annual hiatus where I leave the internet for a month or two. Yes, I do lurk and I do reply to emails sometimes. However, you will not see me around here on a consistent basis for quite a while. A few parting words:

*We will return to Earthlink Live next year. A date has not been established.

*I am aware of the concerns from this year. You can rest assured that I will be looking into each. Here is some feedback on some issues I have read on various forums:
1. Dark Stairs: I had the same problem. I will discuss this with the venue.
2. Sound: I agree that it was too loud at times. However, you have to understand that each band engineer controls their own sound. There are a few bands that the house mixes, but that is the minority. I will discuss it with the bands & the venue in the future. However, in an indoor festival setting, it's a tough nut to crack.
3. Mosh Pit: I had no clue it was going on. Please report this to my staff so I can stop it. I cannot fix things that I do not know about.
4. Autograph sessions: I actually think I did a good job this year. The program clearly spelled out the times including that Nightwish would announce a session if they chose to do one. I'm sorry to those that didn't hear the announcement on the P.A. , but it was the best I could do.
5. Gold Badges: These patrons are the backbone of the festival. There are some that feel that there perks were not worth the extra $25. I'm sorry you feel that way, but I have a rather lenghty waiting list as there are plenty that feel they are worth it. As always, I hope to improve the perks every year.

*The gold badge waiting list will remain open. Simply email me to be placed on the waiting list.

*I appreciate all of the feedback via email. I hope you understand that I am simply burned out on this and cannot reply to each of you. However, I do read every single one and appreciate the kind words and constructive critiscm.

*I appreciate all of the band suggestions for next year. However, I will be honest and say that I will not even start considering bands until January. Please remember that I have a no "back-to-back" year policy in place.

*The website will be updated very infrequently. The picture section is being set up so that you can upload your own pics from III and this year.

*I do have XL and L t-shirts left. Email me for details.

*Special thanks to all of the bands. It was a pleasure to deal with professionals that are both gracious and ego free.

*My crew are Gods. They deserve every bit of praise that I get. Please take the opportunity to thank them when you get a chance.

*I will post the between set cds very soon on the forum.

*I'm sure I'm leaving something out. Until next time...

I believe we should be the ones thanking you. You are the man. And I am very glad to hear that the show will return to Earthlink next year. It was the best venue I have ever seen.
Kudos to you AND your Crew! Chris Roy is one hell of a stage manager. Ya'll have that thing down like clockwork. And the crew of Joel, Don. Wayne, Sean and others I am forgetting (forgive me) are top notch. Also kudos to the people attending. It seemed to be primarily asshole-less this year. Good to see people who are there to enjoy the music and the fellowship of fellow metal lovers instead of being there to start crap.

In a short time (3 years) you know have imho the PREMIER Metal Fest in the states. From Fan to promoter you have come a long way. Standing ovations to you and your crew and the fine bands that played this year.

okay I'll stop before this sounds like a total suck up fest ;)

Glenn, I can not begin to tell you how thankful I am for your efforts and the efforts of your crew to bring us this festival! It means a lot to me and has grown to be the highlight I look forward to each year! Now I need to get myself a Gold Badge next time around and be able to stick around for a few parties! :) Thanks for reading our suggestions and taking them into consideration! Hopefully I'll run into you next year (and know who you are!) so I can be one of the many to buy you a beer!

Thanks for making Progpower THE highlight of my year. I'm already in withdrawal. Simply put, the best 48 hours under the sun. The party never stops.

Also, PLEASE consider bumping the festival up to early August as well...It's the easiest time to get off of work and classes haven't started for those of us in college/grad school.
Glenn, let me add my praises. Excellent bands, excellent venue (not too big/small - just right), excellent vendors, great city. Once again I'll be getting that Gold Badge for PP5 as soon as I can. Regardless of who you get to play, I know you will run an awesome fest, as usual. Killer Hawaiian shirts too!!
Glenn you and the crew of PP IV made my first festival something I will never forget! :) You guys rock! I am counting down the days for PP V! :) Great people, great bands, great show...the beer is still expensive but hey, can't win them all! :)

Thanks as always- all of our Progpower trips contain experiences I never dreamed I'd have (eg Dinner w/Angra, hanging out w/ Mercenary...) and I will never forget including the friendships I've made.

I will sum things up by saying "Give me ProgPower or give me DEATH"!!

Looking forward to next year and I'm already saving for my gold badge!

tal shiar agent 930 said:
fine, make it a festival in december, snow is always a good setting for metal shows.

Maybe true, but it makes it hell on the logistics, travel, getting around, etc. I vote for the same week next year! (Even though it doesn't snow much in Atlanta! LOL!)

GLENN -- Thanks for all you do --- and the list is oh so long!!!!! You rock!