Thank you and good night...


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Hello, Everyone.

I just wanted to say thank you once again for a great year. I'm headed into semi-exile for a few months. I'll post from time to time, but not on a regular basis.

A few comments to leave you with...

1. My crew is awesome. They were dealt bad hands twice that were beyond their control and dealt with it professionally. In fact, all of the bands rave about how awesome the crew is compared to anywhere else in the world.

2. I'm just as ill about all the fucking smoke on stage as anyone. That will be dealt with harshly next year. I can't control the lighting tech for individual bands, but will let them know up front to ease off the gas pedal.

3. The heat on Saturday night sucked. It's a constant battle based on numerous factors. This is one of those things I can prepare for 100% in advance and it still not go as planned.

4. We had the most FOH engineers this year than ever before. In fact, my guy only did 4 bands all weekend.

5. I think most of you now fully understand how people just don't give a shit what you ask in terms of shooting video. I appreciate all the efforts in keeping it down though. I will once again evaluate the camera policy next year. I was hoping it would be easy, but *sigh*...

As for next year's discussion, I'll leave a few comments for the armchair quarterbacks to chew on....

*I booked the roster with the full intention of it being the most diverse yet. However, I have to simply grin at some of your comments. Since when does not knowing a band equate to them sucking? The festival is a full year away. How about taking a few months and exploring those bands before you make a rash judgment?

*Perhaps the headliners aren't exactly what some were expecting. However, how did I ignore the basic formula otherwise? Take away the top 3 bands and you have a list that would fit any other year easily. Melodic prog, heavy prog, speedy power, heavy power, melodic power, a bit of thrash... it's all there.

*I have to call total bullshit on those that say 90% of the crowd is made up of regulars. Those days are loooonnnnggggg gone. You really are living in a bubble if you think the same people who attended PP USA IV-X have been constant. The "regular" base has been drying up over the past few years considerably. I have ticket audits to prove that, and that's just as big a reason for shows not selling out as the economy.

*This year sold-out because I reached a new, younger audience with Kamelot. Local advertising in Atlanta at the end made a HUGE difference as well. It was not the regulars coming back because I booked a traditional prog/power lineup.

*I have no doubt that I will lose a few regulars next year because I didn't book the band they wanted to see. However, I am confident that I will replace them with a new segment that will help spread the name further. That will allow me to pull from new audiences for the years to come once they experience the festival.

*If I keep going to the same well, it's going to slowly dry up. That has been happening over the past few years. I have booked damn near every big name already. And those same names are now touring on a semi-regular basis over here. For those that believe the economy is a stronger factor, then I also ask you this: Why would the guy in Chicago that can drive 30 minutes to see Gamma Ray fly to Atlanta to see them? That is happening more and more.

*If I would have named Nevermore instead of Sanctuary, would it have made a difference? Perhaps to the casual fan that doesn't really follow Nevermore, but would recognize the name. Otherwise, I would argue no. Nevermore fans are Sanctuary fans. Hell, Sanctuary is now basically Nevermore (Loomis is indeed coming). Fans are going to come out now that something special is in the air. Sanctuary may play two other shows next year besides mine in the States, but no more. They are not touring regardless of their new album in 2011.

* I have seen comments asking if Dream Evil are big enough to warrant that spot. I have seen them called third tier. That's total bullshit folks. Dream Evil has sold more records here in the States than Nocturnal Rites and Tarot combined. In fact, they have sold a fuck load more than any power metal band that has not done a headline tour here.

*Arcturus will help sell this festival out. I don't think folks here on the forum truly understand their impact on the roster. Hell, even the Blabbermouth idiots are saying nice things for the first time in a decade. I dare say that I would have a good shot just with the immediate Atlanta crowd in terms of selling tickets just based on them. 'Nuff said.

*Some asked where the new "buzz" band was like in year's past. I would ask the same thing not just of the roster, but both prog & power genres. I mean show me the buzz instead of thinking it is more than it truly just because you and 5 of your friends have talked about them.

Anyhow, I think that's enough for now...

Thanks everyone.

Glenn, i am coming next year simply for SANCTUARY and ARCTURUS. thank you! we didn't get to chat since mike had me running ragged all weekend. i had a blast even if my vinyl section work area was on the dividing line of hot/cold in the merch area. haha.

but serious props for thinking outside the box and grasping what bands like Arcturus did for not only black metal but for progressive metal as well. all the naysayers need to zip it.
Hello, Everyone.

* I have seen comments asking if Dream Evil are big enough to warrant that spot. I have seen them called third tier. That's total bullshit folks. Dream Evil has sold more records here in the States than Nocturnal Rites and Tarot combined. In fact, they have sold a fuck load more than any power metal band that has not done a headline tour here.

I don't think you need to explain shit, Glenn. The lineup fucking rocks and my ninth year in a row will be just as great as the previous eight. Third year gold badge for me coming up next year and it's worth every fucking penny. When I tell you "thank you" in person, you say to me "thank you" for supporting the festival. But, without what you do, there would be no festival to support. Enjoy your sabbatical, Sensei. Thank you as always and see you next year. Yes, I'm a Glenn fanboy and I wear that distinction proudly.

IT'S GOOD!!!!!!!!!
*Perhaps the headliners aren't exactly what some were expecting. However, how did I ignore the basic formula otherwise? Take away the top 3 bands and you have a list that would fit any other year easily. Melodic prog, heavy prog, speedy power, heavy power, melodic power, a bit of thrash... it's all there.

Regarding the "not knowing =/= sucks" statement(s):

I agree in principle, there's no reason why just because you don't already know a band means they can't be good. And in any given year, the lineup announcement of this festival usually leads to me getting heavily into at least one new band.

However, I think many people overlook the fact that this is basically a "destination" festival, the majority of attendees are expected to travel from all over the country, which can lead to hefty expenses. Even with the cheapest hotel possible plus gas/airfare, show tickets, and food for the trip, you can't really do this for under $700-ish. It's a lot to ask of people to go that far and spend that much money to see a lineup where they might only genuinely like 1 or 2 of the bands prior to hearing the announcement. Sure, there's a year ahead of us, but in order to pull this trip off you have to commit fairly early. Even if I listen to every band on this bill I haven't heard (which is only 2 or 3) and like them all, it still won't change the fact that there's only one band on the whole bill I actually am truly dying to see. There's others I like sure, but not even the one I love is even close to making a top 25 or 30 favorite bands list. Bottom line is that unless you're swimming in disposable income, it's not really fair to expect people to love the lineups and not give a second thought towards the investment when they only really care about 2 or 3 of the bands when the announcement is made.
I said it to you Friday night and I'll say it again, ARCTURUS on the roster blows my mind. I already know one person who has never been to PP before but is coming all the way from the Twin Cities just because of that band. Stroke of f'king genius! I hope more people realize it in the coming months.

Thanks for all the clarifying points. It's always an interesting read. Glad to see some of the consensus concerns were also on your mind (smoke, heat, etc). As always, your crew is amazing! I must have missed their stage call, but I'll cheer for them here! :headbang:

Happy semi-exile!
Hello, Everyone.

I just wanted to say thank you once again for a great year. I'm headed into semi-exile for a few months. I'll post from time to time, but not on a regular basis.

A few comments to leave you with...

1. My crew is awesome. They were dealt bad hands twice that were beyond their control and dealt with it professionally. In fact, all of the bands rave about how awesome the crew is compared to anywhere else in the world.

Indeed they are! I am glad to be excellent personal friends with several of the members of the crew (admittedly, that is how I learned some of the inside dirt as to just what happened with some of the issues). Yeah, the delays and the technical issues that did rear their ugly heads can be frustrating. But with that many bands and that much equipment, it truly is amazing just what they pull off. And yes, issues are going to happen. That is just the nature of the beast when putting on a live event of this caliber. How those issues are dealt with is one place where a good crew will truly shine. I personally found the overall experience to be quite good.

2. I'm just as ill about all the fucking smoke on stage as anyone. That will be dealt with harshly next year. I can't control the lighting tech for individual bands, but will let them know up front to ease off the gas pedal.

That stage smoke was pretty damn thick. You know it is bad when the professional photographers were starting to bitch about it. No wonder I was sneezing most of the night as well as my eyes starting to burn a bit. Glad you will get it straightened out for next year.

3. The heat on Saturday night sucked. It's a constant battle based on numerous factors. This is one of those things I can prepare for 100% in advance and it still not go as planned.

Yeah. That heat was just brutal all weekend, and not just in the venue. Awesome that there were the large water jugs available like that out in the lobby. There was one point that I was seriously considering "putting on" my "Tyr T-shirt" :lol:

4. We had the most FOH engineers this year than ever before. In fact, my guy only did 4 bands all weekend.

That is what I heard as well from chatting with the crew. I knew Kamelot as well as HammerFall and Nocturnal Rites had their own sound engineers as well.

5. I think most of you now fully understand how people just don't give a shit what you ask in terms of shooting video. I appreciate all the efforts in keeping it down though. I will once again evaluate the camera policy next year. I was hoping it would be easy, but *sigh*...

Seems like regardless of what you do, there are going to be those few dickheads that ends up ruining it for everybody else.

As for next year's discussion, I'll leave a few comments for the armchair quarterbacks to chew on....

*I booked the roster with the full intention of it being the most diverse yet. However, I have to simply grin at some of your comments. Since when does not knowing a band equate to them sucking? The festival is a full year away. How about taking a few months and exploring those bands before you make a rash judgment?

Tell me about it! Had me shaking my head at some of the comments I saw in that thread. At least I was in a position to have recognized all of the bands except one, While Heaven Wept, and that was quickly remedied. The one album that I was able to get a copy of really did sound awesome.

*Perhaps the headliners aren't exactly what some were expecting. However, how did I ignore the basic formula otherwise? Take away the top 3 bands and you have a list that would fit any other year easily. Melodic prog, heavy prog, speedy power, heavy power, melodic power, a bit of thrash... it's all there.

I am just stoked that you managed to pull off Therion! I'll have to go back and dig out my old Sanctuary albums and give them a listen again. I love this line-up. Fucking VOYAGER!!! Jesus Christ I did not see that one coming from a mile away! And of course - fucking ELDRITCH!!!

*I have to call total bullshit on those that say 90% of the crowd is made up of regulars. Those days are loooonnnnggggg gone. You really are living in a bubble if you think the same people who attended PP USA IV-X have been constant. The "regular" base has been drying up over the past few years considerably. I have ticket audits to prove that, and that's just as big a reason for shows not selling out as the economy.

Bummer about much of the core base drying up. I did see quite a few folks post on here saying things along the lines of "I'd like to go, but <insert some excuse here>". Seems many of the excuses were job/financial related. I hope some of these guys do decide to return.

*This year sold-out because I reached a new, younger audience with Kamelot. Local advertising in Atlanta at the end made a HUGE difference as well. It was not the regulars coming back because I booked a traditional prog/power lineup.

Wonder how the whole issue with Roy ended up affecting the potential Kamelot turn-out. Sucked to have that curve ball thrown at you at the last minute.

*I have no doubt that I will lose a few regulars next year because I didn't book the band they wanted to see. However, I am confident that I will replace them with a new segment that will help spread the name further. That will allow me to pull from new audiences for the years to come once they experience the festival.

Well, all I can say to those folks is "Don't let the door hit you in the fanny on the way out". There was one year (I think it was 9) that I was not to keen on the line-up but still went. However, at least for me, it seems that every year there is at least a couple of bands that I really wanted to see. And as other have mentioned, part of the fun of this whole thing is discovering bands that I may not have ever got a chance to hear, let alone actually see perform in person.

*If I keep going to the same well, it's going to slowly dry up. That has been happening over the past few years. I have booked damn near every big name already. And those same names are now touring on a semi-regular basis over here. For those that believe the economy is a stronger factor, then I also ask you this: Why would the guy in Chicago that can drive 30 minutes to see Gamma Ray fly to Atlanta to see them? That is happening more and more.

Agree. In this day and age, you need to try to keep things fresh and be willing to try new things. Of course, there is risk. Stray to far from the tried and true and you alienate much of your regular fan base, but if you don't at lest try something new and different, than you won't every reach to the new audiences.

*If I would have named Nevermore instead of Sanctuary, would it have made a difference? Perhaps to the casual fan that doesn't really follow Nevermore, but would recognize the name. Otherwise, I would argue no. Nevermore fans are Sanctuary fans. Hell, Sanctuary is now basically Nevermore (Loomis is indeed coming). Fans are going to come out now that something special is in the air. Nevermore may play two other shows next year besides mine in the States, but no more. They are not touring regardless of their new album in 2011.

I do see that Nevermore is playing at Jaxx sometime next month. In light of this, I may have to go up there and check that show out. Also, I'll admit that I am pretty excited to get to see Sanctuary. i only knew of them back in the day and only fairly recently within the past couple of years that I finally listen to some of their material. As was mentioned, seemed those guys pretty much got lost in the noise of the whole Grunge movement that cropped up around the time these guys came out.

* I have seen comments asking if Dream Evil are big enough to warrant that spot. I have seen them called third tier. That's total bullshit folks. Dream Evil has sold more records here in the States than Nocturnal Rites and Tarot combined. In fact, they have sold a fuck load more than any power metal band that has not done a headline tour here.

No shit! Fucking DREAM EVIL!! The funny thing was that I was listening to Book of Heavy Metal on the way home from work last week thinking how awesome it would be to see these guys at PP. I damn near shitted brick when I saw the announcement!

*Arcturus will help sell this festival out. I don't think folks here on the forum truly understand their impact on the roster. Hell, even the Blabbermouth idiots are saying nice things for the first time in a decade. I dare say that I would have a good shot just with the immediate Atlanta crowd in terms of selling tickets just based on them. 'Nuff said.

Arcturus was another one that I did not see coming from a mile away! I've listened to their material (even have two of their albums) and the first time around it just did not grab me. However, I'll have to dig that out again and re-listen to it. With that said, I am actually looking forward to seeing the live performance. It seems these really technical types of bands put on some of the most incredible live performances purely from a musical stand point.

*Some asked where the new "buzz" band was like in year's past. I would ask the same thing not just of the roster, but both prog & power genres. I mean show me the buzz instead of thinking it is more than it truly just because you and 5 of your friends have talked about them.

I think this whole "buzz band" thing is a bunch of bullshit anyway. There are plenty of really good bands within the prog/power genres and I am discovering new ones all the time. As I mentioned above, much of the fun of coming to this show and also sponsoring is getting the chance to see and hear some new bands that I may have never heard of before.

Anyhow, I think that's enough for now...

Thanks everyone.


And thank you for putting this thing on for us year after year. It was truly an honor and a pleasure to have gotten to sponsor DGM this year. If you only knew of the reaction and the royal treatment these guys afforded both me and Dave. I've honostly did not expect that kind of reception from the band, figuring it was going to be the usual "Cool thanks for sponsoring us. Glad to be here and hope you enjoy the show". These guys basically mobbed me with hugs, hand-shakes, "I'm Not Worthy" bows and so forth! Still could not believe they just flat out gave me and Dave each a copy of their DVD and T-shirt. I've never seen a more excited group of musicians to get to play PP. It truly was a dream of theirs to have come true for them. I really wish these guys much success in the future. In this one case, I am glad and really honored that we both, together, (you as promoter, me and Dave as co-sponsors), to have made this band's dream come true. Right there was worth it all to me and will continue to sponsor and support this thing as long as feasible.

Really, from the bottom my heart, I thank you for the awesome experience you provided me this past weekend. This will be something I'll remember for the rest of my life.
Hello, Everyone.
*I booked the roster with the full intention of it being the most diverse yet. However, I have to simply grin at some of your comments. Since when does not knowing a band equate to them sucking? The festival is a full year away. How about taking a few months and exploring those bands before you make a rash judgment?


p.s. Thanks for choosing Eldritch, Red Circuit and Mob Rules! :headbang: :kickass:
As always, your crew is amazing! I must have missed their stage call, but I'll cheer for them here! :headbang:

Glenn made the tough decision to skip the crew recognition Saturday night due to the technical delays and also the temperature of the venue. :(

Before you go into your well deserved hibernation, is there any chance that those of us who could not be there see the PP XII announcement video?
5. I think most of you now fully understand how people just don't give a shit what you ask in terms of shooting video. I appreciate all the efforts in keeping it down though. I will once again evaluate the camera policy next year. I was hoping it would be easy, but *sigh*...

It might be time to rethink on youtube has the potential to become a big money earner for bands. Video, banner ad, click through to website to buy the merch. Instead of seeing inferior video from amateurs, why not institute a policy of releasing select songs from festivals past? If you have sold all of the DVD's from 1,2, 3 years ago why not get those videos online so that the general youtube populace can see them? I am sure an adjustment of the video rights would be needed but one would think the bands are amenable to the extra exposure.
Not sure how much since this post will make since I just got in after having 4 wisdom teeth removed. And with these meds, I feel comfortably numb.

This year's festival was my favorite yet. I loved it. All of it. I did meet many first timers this year and even brought two along with me. I agree with Glenn, it seems the pool of regulars is diminishing somewhat but I'm hopeful that these first timers will now refill that pool of regulars. This was my fourth consecutive ProgPower so I don't know if that qualifies me as a regular or not. However it is my intention to come to this event until Glenn says it's over. Next year's line-up is something I'm looking forward to. Therion's announcement cost me what was left of my already strained voice. Add to that the fact that we will have Arcturus (if you don't know this band check them out.... this will be something special), Sanctuary, Mob Rules, Dream Evil... how can someone complain about that? Every year Glenn books bands I know little about and, in some cases, never heard about. Personally, I love that. What a great way to discover new music! And to share this event every year with so many of you great people -- hell yes, I'll keep coming back! For example, prior to Glenn's announcement last year about DGM, I had never even heard of them. When I checked them out prior to the festival I thought they were great, After seeing them live, they kicked so much ass that I'll be sitting in a bucket of ice for a week just to recover!

As for some of the complaints about this year, Glenn's addressed them already. Really I had only one... the fog. But if that's the worst thing I can come up with then I'd say this year was great. The heat, yeah... but then I live in Texas and when we have outdoor shows here in the Summer it's brutal. I'm at the front row, it's a metal show, yeah I'm going to sweat. So be it... I had a blast. Technical difficulties cannot be foreseen and the crew busted their asses to help bring us a good festival. Gotta roll with the punches... Interestingly, during some of the delays between bands I actually used that time to talk with and get to know some interesting and nice people that were up front around me. And that is one of the special things about this festival for me!

So as I reread what I've written so far it's really become more of a stream of consciousness that is meandering all over the place... my apologies.

In summary:

Glenn, you kick ass!

ProgPower kicks ass!

The people at ProgPower kick ass! You guys and gals are family!

There will always be detractors. So be it. Glenn, keep doing what you're doing. You've got a lot of people in your corner including me. Personally, I think these detractors are a vocal minority and the vast majority of us are behind you 100%.

I can't wait until September 2011!

And with those words I shall now let these meds take me away..... hahaha
It might be time to rethink on youtube has the potential to become a big money earner for bands. Video, banner ad, click through to website to buy the merch. Instead of seeing inferior video from amateurs, why not institute a policy of releasing select songs from festivals past? If you have sold all of the DVD's from 1,2, 3 years ago why not get those videos online so that the general youtube populace can see them? I am sure an adjustment of the video rights would be needed but one would think the bands are amenable to the extra exposure.

Bands don't like their performances being recorded without their permission. When the videos are attached to their performances at this fest it can threaten Glenn's ability to sign them on.

Some festivals can get away with it, like Wacken. I'm not sure what their policy is.
Instead of seeing inferior video from amateurs, why not institute a policy of releasing select songs from festivals past? If you have sold all of the DVD's from 1,2, 3 years ago why not get those videos online so that the general youtube populace can see them? I am sure an adjustment of the video rights would be needed but one would think the bands are amenable to the extra exposure.

I have been wondering about this also. Perhaps ProgPowerUSA could have a youtube channel with some selected clips and interviews from the past DVDs. This could serve as an additional way of spreading the word about the fest and the bands, and also giving us something to link to when chatting up possible future attendees ;-) Most likely this has already been thought of, but I'll still cast my vote in favor of an official ProgPowerUSA Youtube Channel. Jen does an amazing job with the other social media avenues like twitter and facebook, so I'm certain she'd hit it out of the park with the youtube channel as well. If she doesn't want to do it or it's too much, I will volunteer to create and maintain it. It's about time I do something other than post banners for the fest I love.
It might be time to rethink on youtube has the potential to become a big money earner for bands. Video, banner ad, click through to website to buy the merch. Instead of seeing inferior video from amateurs, why not institute a policy of releasing select songs from festivals past? If you have sold all of the DVD's from 1,2, 3 years ago why not get those videos online so that the general youtube populace can see them? I am sure an adjustment of the video rights would be needed but one would think the bands are amenable to the extra exposure.

If there is one single band from the festival that doesn't want their set recorded (and there were several this year!), Glenn has to institute the policy for all bands present at the festival. If one of the bands discovers these "amateur fan" videos from the festival, Glenn's company can be held liable and subject to prosecution. Like it or not, those are the rules, and they will remain as is... please trust Glenn's judgement. He's not just being a dick about the camera/video policy.
