Thank you and good night

From a 4-timer here!!Great music,great beer,great friends!!Too bad it went by so dang fast this year tho:(
Keep on rockin' & the Gotthard vid will be in the mail on Monday bro!!
P.S.Next year I'll buy a pony keg of Sam Adams Cherry Wheat with my name on it that no one can drink except for me;)
Well, I thought I had posted in this forum, but since I apparently didn't, I want to thank you as well, Glenn. A great time and a lot of great people. I'll be back next year.
Prog gets better every year! All the hard work that goes into this show is definitely appreciated.

It's refreshing to go to a show where the audience appreciates the music. And it's always cool to talk with everyone and find out where they're from.

Rock on!
Thanks Glenn! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to buy those tickets from you long after the show was sold out. I will not make the same mistake next year, and will make sure to buy the tickets on the day they go on sale.

One question about the Most Pit issue.....How do we identify your staff? Just event security?

One comment: Talk to the restaruant about changing the way they take orders and serve, and see if maybe they can get some temp cooks to help handle the load. We totally missed Mercenary because it took so long to get the food.

That said, you run an awesome show man! I can't wait until next year.

Hey Glenn,,
Thanx man, prog was AWESOME!!!!
It was my 1st year, and I'll never forget it. I am planning to return next year w/a Gold badge again. That seems to be the way to go, heehee. I meet so many new friends b-cuz of you, so,,, Thanx again
(can't wait till next year.)
Thanks, Glenn, for the coolest show on the planet. I'm so there next year! Wonderful people, a great venue, amazing memories and of course, some fabulous music. I've emailed you regarding a Gold Badge for next year, and a t-shirt for this year's show (idiot boy here forgot to bring enough cash).

Thanks again, man! You rule!