The most inconvenient times and places you've gotten hit with 'the runs'


Apr 24, 2012
Let's hear it. The worst time(s) you've been struck with diarrhea at the worst and most inappropriate moment. Maybe you ate a bad batch of oysters? Maybe you've just had the stomach flu, and are still recovering from it? Either way, I'm definitely sure there's been times where some of you have been in the middle of tracking or working with a client and the silent bastard sneaks up on you out of nowhere and a 20 minute bathroom break is in order.

The only times I can really relate to this, Is being college in the middle of class and, and of course, it's never something minute. it's always something you have to take notes on because the teacher will never repeat them and of course it's for the 'big test' that'll determine half or 1/3 your grade(Or some shit like that).
Yeah anyway, happened to me when that was going on and taking notes, then bam. 15 minutes flushing down the nasties I missed a good portion of the notes.
Luckily I haven't had any while mixing/tracking yet. Anyone got any bad ones> :rolleyes:

:puke: :yuk:
I was on a travel bus on the way back from a large gathering. I must have done something bad earlier in the night, but I ended up having the runs the whole damn ride, which was the whole night long. The bus had a bathroom in it, but it ran out of toilet paper LOOOOOONG before I ran out of shit. Things got really messy, let me tell you.
I was on a travel bus on the way back from a large gathering. I must have done something bad earlier in the night, but I ended up having the runs the whole damn ride, which was the whole night long. The bus had a bathroom in it, but it ran out of toilet paper LOOOOOONG before I ran out of shit. Things got really messy, let me tell you.

Oh my god, how did even wipe at that point?
Let me put it like this: Something on my person had to be thrown away by the time I got back. :lol: Not my proudest moment, let me tell you.

Haha, that's kind of common I'd say (although it hasn't happened to me yet)...I had a friend that went to the bathroom with the runs before realizing that there was not any toilet paper and he wiped himself with money:lol:. Fortunately, they were small bills.
Haha, that's kind of common I'd say (although it hasn't happened to me yet)...I had a friend that went to the bathroom with the runs before realizing that there was not any toilet paper and he wiped himself with money:lol:. Fortunately, they were small bills.

Haha, I know a guy who while we were camping, ran off to the lollies only to discover that there was no TP. We gave him some notebook paper to use, and after a hilarious time listening to him, he gained the nickname "Wide Rule".
it hit me 5 minutes after the plane started for a 5 hour flight...sitting between my girl and an old lady
that I had to ask to stand up so I could get to the toilet a few times during the flight and there was
that little boy who went to the toilet after me and came back with and looked like he has seen some
sick ass horror movies...I felt soooo sorry for the little guy.

Friend of mine had it pretty bad while we were in school, we went on a trip, walking around for a few
hours with the whole class, so 20 minutes after our last break he was like "damn, my bowels are moving"
and he asked the teacher if we could take a break (it was in the middle of nowhere, the next village was
almost 10 miles away) but the teacher didn't want to take a break because we were a bit late and had
to return the the hostel.
So, after walking with a pretty disgusted look on his face, another friend of mine asked him if everything
is fine "'s...ok" he started walking slower so that he was the last one in the group, we walked
near him and suddenly, he farted pretty loud. We were laughing pretty loud and thought that's it, walked
a bit faster, strange thing, now he looked even more disgusted and suddenly one of my friends asked:
"Does anyone else think that it smells like shit around here?"
-Yep, he shat his pants during a trip with the whole class and the teacher in the middle of nowhere and
still had to walk a few miles before getting to the hostel, not sure how, but he managed that we were
the only guys whol realized it but it was still pretty bad but sooo fucking funny at the same time :D
Earlier this year my wife and I were vacationing in Paris and we were on a tour bus driving through the city when it hit me. I thought I was going to explode. Well anyone whose spent any time in Paris knows that the traffic is absolutely horrendous, and in most cases its better to walk from point A to point B. But it was later in the day, and raining, so we decided to just kick back and take the bus back to the hotel. All of a sudden I had "the uncontrollable urge". My dilemma was, do I wait it out and try to make it back to the hotel, or jump off and try to find a cafe or something. Well at one point the bus stopped at a pickup point and seemed to sit there for ever. I decided to get off and go in search of a toilet. I ended up running frantically to the first restaurant type place I could find. As im running their bathroom they were yelling something at me in french (dont speak french), I ignored it and made my way to the bathroom. Unbeknownst to me, it was a unisex bathroom and there was a woman in there washing her hands. I held it in until she left and let loose. I had the most satisfying elimination I've ever had. Turns out that in that place (and most places in Paris) they expect you to pay to use the facilities and they were yelling at me that the bathroom was for customers only and I had to pay. I flipped them a quarter and went on my way.

Unfortunately this wasn't the last time this happened to me on that trip. There must've been something in the water because having to shit uncontrollably while in the Catacombs is quite an interesting experience.
I was sooo glad that it didn't hit me while I was in Paris earlier this year :D
Once I had to take a dump, we were in a pretty nice cafe, everything was fine until I visited
the bathroom, unisex with doors that couldn't be locked and just a toilet where you had to
stand (no clue why you find these things in France everywhere...) and to get there, you had
to go down the stairs into the basement, the damn stairs were so narrow low that I had to
bend down and walk sideways (I am 1,94m).
I think the girl that stood there and wanted to pee thought she's gonna get raped now...