The Official PPUSA VII Regrets thread


Tigron of Immanion
Feb 12, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Anyone else have any regrets? I've got a few....

1. Leaving the pre-pre-party for just a few minutes to go outside and scope out the lot where a concerned llorenth had parked his car ('safe for overnight?') In the meantime, Glenn was doing "Margaritaville" and Urban was doing "Holy Diver" and "Aces High." Hence, no video of those. :cry:

2. Making the left turn and heading up to the Residence instead of wandering straight to the Granada on Saturday night, thus missing the parties that were a lot of fun last year, even for a non-drinker. :saint:
In my defense, I had hungry people around me, there was no place to walk to for food this year, and Taco Cabana (open 24 hours, and 4 minutes away at that late hour) beckoned.

2a. (related to #2) Not hanging out as much with Andrew/Dargor this year. We thought of you when we were heading to Taco Cabana since you liked it a lot last year.

3. Not getting serious about buying the nametags and Sharpies for Forum users until, basically, Friday afternoon. Maybe next year...if folks are actually interested in wearing 'em. There were quite a few who weren't.

4. Missing nearly all of Vision Divine's set, due to Mercenary's autographing. What I saw looked and sounded great. Ditto for Thunderstone.

5. Missing part of CIIC's set at the pre-party, due to the weird schedule-times. It sounded really splendid, though, great mix!

6. Missing the "balls of steel" award presentation...when was that done, anyway?

7. Missing the crew-call and sponsors' acknowledgement (if any). I'm guessing the crew-call and the award presentation might have been at the same time....

8. Never having the time to really peruse Laser's Edge's offerings...seemed like it was always crowded around there, and I never had a chance to say hi to Ken G. As it was, this was the lightest year ever for me and vendor purchases.

9. Not meeting a lot of folks who it'd have been cool to meet, dangit!
Pellaz said:
Anyone else have any regrets? I've got a few....

1. Leaving the pre-pre-party for just a few minutes to go outside and scope out the lot where a concerned llorenth had parked his car ('safe for overnight?') In the meantime, Glenn was doing "Margaritaville" and Urban was doing "Holy Diver" and "Aces High." Hence, no video of those. :cry:

2. Making the left turn and heading up to the Residence instead of wandering straight to the Granada on Saturday night, thus missing the parties that were a lot of fun last year, even for a non-drinker. :saint:
In my defense, I had hungry people around me, there was no place to walk to for food this year, and Taco Cabana (open 24 hours, and 4 minutes away at that late hour) beckoned.

2a. (related to #2) Not hanging out as much with Andrew/Dargor this year. We thought of you when we were heading to Taco Cabana since you liked it a lot last year.

3. Not getting serious about buying the nametags and Sharpies for Forum users until, basically, Friday afternoon. Maybe next year...if folks are actually interested in wearing 'em. There were quite a few who weren't.

4. Missing nearly all of Vision Divine's set, due to Mercenary's autographing. What I saw looked and sounded great. Ditto for Thunderstone.

5. Missing part of CIIC's set at the pre-party, due to the weird schedule-times. It sounded really splendid, though, great mix!

6. Missing the "balls of steel" award presentation...when was that done, anyway?

7. Missing the crew-call and sponsors' acknowledgement (if any). I'm guessing the crew-call and the award presentation might have been at the same time....

8. Never having the time to really peruse Laser's Edge's offerings...seemed like it was always crowded around there, and I never had a chance to say hi to Ken G. As it was, this was the lightest year ever for me and vendor purchases.

9. Not meeting a lot of folks who it'd have been cool to meet, dangit!

So what exactly did you see?
thedelicateflower said:
...not introducing myself to some peeps i recognized from here...

Yeah, me too, but I'm just not that aggressive with walking up to people and saying hey, here I am! :lol: Oh well, maybe next year.

I regret not picking up a few more discs at the vendor's tables, but that's normal.

Otherwise, I have none.
1. Watching Zero Hour's set even for 3 minutes.
2. My wife getting hit in the head by the boom camera stand by someone sneaking under the camera.
3. Not getting enough sleep.
4. Not seeing more board members I knew
Theandromedastrain said:
2.Hearing Jorn do absolutely NO Ark songs or Masterplan:puke:

Apparently then you missed part of Jorn's set.

My regrets were:
-not bringing enough money with me.
-not staying at a good hotel
-not partying more than I could've
rockyracoon said:
So what exactly did you see?

The first two songs from the photo pit, for most of the bands (exceptions noted above), all of Mercenary from the pit, and then different vantages for much of the rest, especially on Friday. I watched a lot of Evergrey's set from the doorway of the video editing suite...we discovered it was one of the best seats in the house! (48, maybe 50" plasma monitor)

When the crowd started chanting "String quartet! String quartet!" the musicians were visible to us through the stage-left doorway....couldn't see their faces since they were up the incline, but you could tell from the way their feet shifted around that they were looking at eachother and exchanging glances.....whether of dread, anticipation, fright or anxiety we'll never know. :) We also noticed that their sound sounded great in the monitor mix, so I hope some of that makes it to the DVD. It'd be a shame if it didn't.
I was going to say something about a regret that I thought I had but screw it. I have no regrets, it was an awesome weekend!!!

Pellaz said:
Anyone else have any regrets? I've got a few....

1. Leaving the pre-pre-party for just a few minutes to go outside and scope out the lot where a concerned llorenth had parked his car ('safe for overnight?') In the meantime, Glenn was doing "Margaritaville" and Urban was doing "Holy Diver" and "Aces High." Hence, no video of those. :cry:

2. Making the left turn and heading up to the Residence instead of wandering straight to the Granada on Saturday night, thus missing the parties that were a lot of fun last year, even for a non-drinker. :saint:
In my defense, I had hungry people around me, there was no place to walk to for food this year, and Taco Cabana (open 24 hours, and 4 minutes away at that late hour) beckoned.

2a. (related to #2) Not hanging out as much with Andrew/Dargor this year. We thought of you when we were heading to Taco Cabana since you liked it a lot last year.

3. Not getting serious about buying the nametags and Sharpies for Forum users until, basically, Friday afternoon. Maybe next year...if folks are actually interested in wearing 'em. There were quite a few who weren't.

4. Missing nearly all of Vision Divine's set, due to Mercenary's autographing. What I saw looked and sounded great. Ditto for Thunderstone.

5. Missing part of CIIC's set at the pre-party, due to the weird schedule-times. It sounded really splendid, though, great mix!

6. Missing the "balls of steel" award presentation...when was that done, anyway?

7. Missing the crew-call and sponsors' acknowledgement (if any). I'm guessing the crew-call and the award presentation might have been at the same time....

8. Never having the time to really peruse Laser's Edge's offerings...seemed like it was always crowded around there, and I never had a chance to say hi to Ken G. As it was, this was the lightest year ever for me and vendor purchases.

9. Not meeting a lot of folks who it'd have been cool to meet, dangit!

I have one... not knowing that there was a Taco Cabana even close by..
1) Not bringing enough money.
2) Not coming a day earlier to make the Pre-Pre-Party
3) Missing the Balls of Steel Award
4) Not being more friendly and social and introducing myself to all of the people I recognized.
5) Not bringing my booklet from The 1st Chapter to get signed and not asking Mike Eriksen the questions I've really been wondering about at any of the opportunities I had to chat.
1) Missing Evergrey because I rocked out too hard to Mercenary and had to go to the hotel to sleep.
2) Leaving Progpower with $6.63 left in my debit account..only to find out when I got home that I have $15 in ebay expenses to pay. It would have been cool if I had $6.66 left in my bank account.
3) Not being old enough to attend pre-party, and thus missing Circus Maximus for the second year in a row (missed them last year for autographs)
4) Standing in the midst of a couple dickheads during Jorn. However, I was surrounded by proportionally cool people on the other side of me, so I suppose it balanced out.
5) Staying at the one hotel where nobody else stayed at.
5b) Using MARTA damn near 15 separate gets expensive!
6) My signed Epica picture getting folded and mangled on the flight home. :mad:
7) Not being at the front for Freak Kitchen.
- Not meeting the guys from Freak Kitchen
- Not socializing more (but this is really hard to do as I really don't want to miss any performances)
- Having a car, and still not venturing out of the two block radius the entire weekend
- Not attending any parties (3 AM is far beyond our bedtimes!)

Overall, though, it was another awesome weekend. PP is the best festival ever.

I'm sure anyone who said "I'll be at the vendors during Freak Kitchen's set" has at least one regret:lol:

I honestly can't think of anything I regret at the least not concerning progpower anyway. I regret not wearing earplugs to the Tool show on Monday night, that's for damn sure.
Theandromedastrain said:
1.Hearing Zero Hour live:yuk:

2.Hearing Jorn do absolutely NO Ark songs or Masterplan:puke:

3.Having the damned, fucking white stage lights in our faces the whole entire time.

They did part of an ARK tune within one of the other songs they were playing (I forget which one now doh!). It was awesome!