The one band that you would go for...


Sep 19, 2004
Okay, this year was my 3rd PP... and as much as I love it and am already looking forward to next years, I'd be dishonest if I didn't admit that each year I've liked it a bit less than the previous.
It's the bands. My first year, with Savatage,k Kamelot, Edguy was an awesome experience, adn I came away loving a couple of bands from it. This year... not so much. Loved the experience, but while I was *familiar* with some bands, none really jumped out and got me out of my head excited.

So, I'll be going down next year, but I was thinking...
What's the ONE BAND that IF they came to PP I would absolutely go, no matter how weak (in my eyes) the rest of the lineup was?

For me: Demonlord. A hungarian metal band. Heavy. straight-ahead. awesome.
I think I'm getting burned out on all the friggin' bands and their keyboards, 'cuz I've been listening to a lot of just *metal* recently.

So, what's that "one band" for you?
TheWhisper said:
What he said. I barely watched any bands this year and had a blast, so I'm there regardless.

...and what he said. :kickass:

however, if Glenn could bring Therion back, I would be forever grateful.

...or Iced Earth - with or without Barlow - doing a special set from the SWTWC II album(s).

...or anything with Jon Oliva, preferably another Savatage tribute show. That was a dream come true.

...or an ACCEPT reunion would be nice too. That's not asking for too much, is it? :oops:
I'll be there regardless, but anyting with Toni Iommi, especially a reunion show with Dio. Iommi is the only musician I haven't seen play live that is left on my "life list" of spotted birds (oops, I mean, musicians).
Add me to the "it ALMOST doesn't matter..." crowd.
The first couple were all about seeing every band in the lineup. Became friends with so many people as this dysfunctional family evolved, that it would take one hell of a shitty line up to make me NOT go. Had Freak Kitchen been the only band I cared to see this year, the entire weekend would have been worth it. It's now 80% about seeing the people, and 20% the band roster....

Fates Warning...with or without John Arch.I've seen FW 3 times and they've never played more than 80-90 minutes.A headlining 2+ hour set would be sweet,reaching back into their catalogue for Guardian,Fata Morgana,Pirates of the Underground,Silent Cries etc...
Without considering bands that have already been to PP (because many are some of my all time favorite bands, and of course I would go just for one of them):

Sonata Arctica
Anathema or Sonata Arctica

PS I think every year I've been (4 years now) each had multiple bands I could really get into
This year Epica, Mercenary and Zero Hour. And I was pretty excited to see Evergrey and Freak Kitchen too.