Three bands on the lackluster side...

Is to hang out with the peeps I only get to see once a year!!For me personally,this is a 9/10 lineup for me!Glenn always does a kickass job of putting this thing together & I already have 4 PP's worth of great memories to prove it!Lookin' forward to seein' everyone there & be prepared!!Glenn said I can debut a new Antithesis song or 2 at the festival!!With our new vocalist & bass player,we've taken Antithesis to the next level!!
P.S.AYYIIIEEEEE (You'll be hearin' a lot of those at PP 5.0):OMG:
warmwetos said:
I fucken love Adagio and not at all disapointed with the other bands on the bill!

I think it's a great lineup and for me it would be a treat watching these bands!

I don't like bashing bands, just because some music or bands are not to my liking to someone else it is.

holy lord none of us knew you liked adagio! where the fuck did that come from?! ;) a little bias though arent ya?(j/k) that would be like rush coming to birmingham on their upcoming tour. HAHAHA HAHAHA *sigh* :\ but aside from that, if you had a big part of getting adagio on the bill (im sure you did, i dont remember some things well), at least for me, you have my utmost thanks. im about 99.9% sure this opportunity wont come up again. that's one of the things i like most about progpower. you see bands that you would never have been able to see EVER, or that you get that ONE chance. alot of the complainers seem to list bands that they will definately be able to get a chance to see down the road. what's the point? progpower and bwbk is all we have in the US as far as power/prog goes. and i think everyone has the opportunity to see at least one. if youre unsatisfied go fly out to europe for one their monthly fests, but this is all we have which is what makes it so special. that being said, id kill to see pagan's mind again live. that was the best opening set ive ever seen at any show. only downside to seeing those rare live bands :(

lol if there's any stupidity or something in that blab i just took a xanax and ready to goto bed :)