To any KAMELOT fans in the midwest


Sep 20, 2004
St. Paul, Minnesota
Hi all,

I've waited a while to post this but now it's time to unveil what will probably be the coolest show I ever promote.

For their fourth US appearance, I am proud to present the mighty KAMELOT at the legendary FIRST AVENUE nightclub! This is one of the premiere venues in Minnesota with a 1,200 person capacity, upper & lower levels, big stage and state-of-the-art pa.

I have never before presented a single touring package at this venue. To have one of my favorite bands of all time play at this venue is something I never dreamed I would be able to do.

Next to ProgPower of course, this will be an unbelievable way to experience this amazing band. First Avenue is known for the quality of its presentations. In fact, it was featured in the movie "Purple Rain" back in the 80's (although the street shots were filmed in LA).

If you were planning on traveling to see a Kamelot show - I can guarantee you a fantastic experience. I hope to see you there!