Tolkki (Stratovarius) mentions ProgPowerUSA


Jun 24, 2002
Marietta, GA

It's a audio interview he did. If you want to hear what he says about playing in the states, check out the 2nd file (There's 2 parts). He's talk about it right at the start...I'll just write what he said.

DM: "Do you have plans to come to the states and what sort of held you back up till now?"

Tolkki: "There was mainly the circumstances. We were talking about these things, and there were some offers...was it ProgPower or something, in Atlanta. It was mainly financial reasons, the offer wasn't that good actually, and we have a very big cost to fly in all the road crew and stuff."


I can't see how Glenn could get Gamma Ray and Blind Guardian on the same ticket, yet give a 'bad offer' to Stratovarius. Part of me think's Tolkki is a little money hungry...and he needs to realize that this is the states. It's not like we have a concert like Wacken... Sometimes I wish Tolkki would just do something for the fans ONCE without thinking about the bigger picture...
Honestly... After all this shit with him and the band I wouldn't really even want to see them do a ProgPower.

And what little I've heard of their music wasn't very good anyways. I picked up the Visions in Europe album just to check them out... It didn't do anything for me.
In Timo's defense (god I can't believe I said that), the interview was before PP IV. I had Nightwish booked in the main headline slot (with the main financial offer) prior to approaching Stratovarius. The secondary headliner has to be willing to accept less money. Stratovarius was simply looking for primary money. I could not really bump up my offer because my budget was at its limit. I can understand it because if they want to bring a full crew, then my offer will not cover it. That is why I provide a crew and the majority of the bands use them.

That said my offer "that wasn't that good" has been the best they have ever gotten from a U.S. promoter. So he can stick that in his schizo pipe and smoke it.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
In Timo's defense (god I can't believe I said that), the interview was before PP IV. I had Nightwish booked in the main headline slot (with the main financial offer) prior to approaching Stratovarius. The secondary headliner has to be willing to accept less money. Stratovarius was simply looking for primary money. I could not really bump up my offer because my budget was at its limit. I can understand it because if they want to bring a full crew, then my offer will not cover it. That is why I provide a crew and the majority of the bands use them.

That said my offer "that wasn't that good" has been the best they have ever gotten from a U.S. promoter. So he can stick that in his schizo pipe and smoke it.

Glenn H.

It shouldn't be the schizo pipe he is smoking, it should be the schizo treadmill he is running, overweight, greedy, money grubbing blob. I happen to personally think that anything they ever do from this date on, with the exception of a reunion, will fail horribly. If Popkiller winds up being good, and i have to eat my words, then i will gladly do so, but as for now, i just can't forsee Tolkki being involved in one more good album, be it Stratovarius or not.

Harvester said:
In Timo's defense (god I can't believe I said that), the interview was before PP IV.
Um, that interview was just done, cause he talks about Miss K, the breakup, the gig's coming up, rehearsal's next week etc...

Unless I misread your post Glenn...:)
Nightmare1z said:
Um, that interview was just done, cause he talks about Miss K, the breakup, the gig's coming up, rehearsal's next week etc...

Unless I misread your post Glenn...:)

Just an error, I think...the interview was just recently done, but the "offer" that TT was referring to was when Glenn approached them for PPIV.....

Hehe...Glenn was probably just trying to forestall any hype, be it positive or negative...before it started spreading that they were a contender for PPV...

That's probably it...
Here I was trying to be the nice guy, but I'm not going to sit back and let him mislead people. What I said about IV was the truth. However, I neglected to talk about this year. I approached Stratovarius back in November about headlining this year. I made an offer on par with what Nightwish and Blind Guardian had received in the past. While I obviously cannot offer Wacken style money, no one else is going to come close to what I offered for a single show (not counting Canada or Mexico). While nothing was ever signed, I had a 95% verbal agreement with their management. In fact, they were simply waiting on Timo to sign the thing and get it back to me. I'm fairly certain that the money I was offering was going to allow them to do a mini-tour as well. Of course, then the Strato split came and he abruptly pulled out of all negotiations for shows in 2004 that they had not already signed for.

Of course, then he spiraled into madness and you know the rest.

I honestly think the man has no fucking clue about the North American market in his sheltered life. Let him explore his other options here if he thinks my offer isn't good enough.

Glenn H
All I can say is, I'm glad I had a chance to see them live before all this bs happened, because I sure as heck wouldn't pay to see them now. Not because of this thread, but the whole downward spiral and Timo's behavior in general. He's just one big psychotic brat.
Damn. I know exact financial amounts are pretty much none of our business, but I'm wondering what the hell was Timo expecting? Like a hundred thousand bucks, plus crew and equp expenses and then a 50$ a day per diem so he could lounge in Hooters all day? Damn. If I were these bands, who had been around for fucking years and NEVER EVER played the US, Id be grateful if someone offered me a headlining slot no matter what the costs were, hell I'd come down and play eve nif I didnt make shit for money, as long as everything was covered. I dont get the primadonna attitudes of some "stars"

I think it's obvious that TT's problems are really severe and that he's heading into further manic depression. The man needs help, having already mentioned previously that he's on some kind of medication. It obviously doesn't help with his alcoholism.

Since Elements pt 1 & 2 were complete disasters, and Hymn to Life was a joke, there is no way that the new album could be any better. Of course, I speculate, but it's doubtful. If anything, the next album will be worse and since he is no longer held in any high regard, another pitfall could push him *completely* over the edge.

I don't mean this in an ill-mannered way whatsoever, but I wouldn't be surprised if TT eventually (a) becomes a hermit, never to be seen again, or (b) blows his brains out by year-end. If he's currently in therapy, it 'aint working.
I dont know about all of you ppl but I am damn glad he didnt accept the offer bc I KNOW who Glen got HAS to be better than Stratovarius and that asshole and I would LOVE for Koltipelto to show up and out do his fat friend Tolkki! and then Glen NEVER OFFER THAT ASSHOLE A DIME TO PLAY HERE AGAIN! He's fucking Clown Shoes...
Hope Glenn never brings Stratovarius to any Prog Power any other band would deserve the slot more than them. Tolkki is just mad that all the fans have gone against him, hope their next album sells nothing.
The man is an alcoholic. And in classic form, he is in complete denial. It's "other people's problem". Promoters. His publicist. Magazine reviewers. MP3 downloaders. His band members. His friends. His family.

Of course, it can't be HIM! :ill:

Sadly, the man is a great talent going down the drain. Pathetic.
Harvester said:
Here I was trying to be the nice guy, but I'm not going to sit back and let him mislead people. What I said about IV was the truth. However, I neglected to talk about this year. I approached Stratovarius back in November about headlining this year. I made an offer on par with what Nightwish and Blind Guardian had received in the past. While I obviously cannot offer Wacken style money, no one else is going to come close to what I offered for a single show (not counting Canada or Mexico). While nothing was ever signed, I had a 95% verbal agreement with their management. In fact, they were simply waiting on Timo to sign the thing and get it back to me. I'm fairly certain that the money I was offering was going to allow them to do a mini-tour as well. Of course, then the Strato split came and he abruptly pulled out of all negotiations for shows in 2004 that they had not already signed for.

Of course, then he spiraled into madness and you know the rest.

I honestly think the man has no fucking clue about the North American market in his sheltered life. Let him explore his other options here if he thinks my offer isn't good enough.

Glenn H
Well...what an awesome response.

Certainly didn't mean for you to drag the skeletons out, Glenn, but what a way to set the record straight.

Basically, you still rebounded for the current year and made him an offer that was fair, lucrative, etc. Granted, everything in the band went to hell, but if the guy doesn't know a good offer when he sees it, then fuck him. Strato's opinion (true or not) of the North American market has been well documented in several different interviews. just gotta love it when you call it like you see it...good for you, Glenn!
fuct him and his band is honest and screw them.....who cares what his bottom line is...cya ahole

Ok, I'm going to defend Tolkki here *Not on the ProgPower issue*

But before you all keep bashing him, I suggest you all really listen to the interview.

It's 45 minutes, and he asks Tolkki about everything. Tolkki never loses temper, and is sober, and he talks about a lot. He doesn't dodge questions either...

And I do *crowd gasps* agree with him on the Stratovarius fans. How people do need to realize this is a BAND, and not some political regime or something.

He talks how no matter what they release, you can't please the fans. You change your sound...people are going to get pissed off. You keep your sound....people want change.

He also addresses the issue with the Anders and his he said "I fired him" and that it was a joke, but people misread it. How the album PopKiller...the whole reason behind the title...and how people misread that. Tolkki gained a lot back in my book from this interview.

He also addresses how he has a temper problem, his posts on the forum *How some find them offensive*, how he feels Kotipelto is still one of the best metal singers out there, etc. Props up to Tolkki for not dodging...*Damn, I sound like Bill O'Reilley*

While I'm skeptical about this new album, and I think Tolkki has a drinking problem, I'm not ashamed to say I'm still a Stratovarius fan. To me, it's about their music. Yeah I liked Kotipelto, yeah I'm sad it's over, but hey...they were a BAND and I can still listen to their old albums, I can still enjoy them for what they were then. Nothing lasts forever...