What's the wildest, craziest band you have seen live?

I cut "fuck sid" into my chest last show we played, and sometime in the next few shows i intend on imitating the death of dimebag, complete with camo shorts, firecrackers in shirt, and fake gun/fan....thank you....goodnight.
Andrew, you might wanna put on a little more weight before undergoing such extensive craziness. And eat a lot of green veggies!
I cut "fuck sid" into my chest last show we played, and sometime in the next few shows i intend on imitating the death of dimebag, complete with camo shorts, firecrackers in shirt, and fake gun/fan....thank you....goodnight.

I'm not a Dimebag fan, and I'll be the first to call him extremely overrated, but that's just ridiculous. That being said, anyone that cuts ANY part of their body on stage is just plain retarded. One thing is, nobody knows who you are, so why would they care if you did that? If someone like me witnessed it, they'd hope you finished off the job.
Since my band, when it plays live, will be dressed up as zombies and such, we'll be made up to look like whatever celebrity just died. That might be "distasteful", but nowhere near as offensive as a stunt like that. Doing THAT at a metal show will certainly guarantee that you're going to be jumped afterwards.
Well yeah, dressing up like a dead celebrity is a lot different than reenacting a death itself. Especially a violent death.


Kvarforth disappeared in July 2006 and a rumor was spread he was presumed to have committed suicide. On August 23, 2006 the band posted a statement on their website declaring Kvarforth had disappeared. The band was said to continue with a new singer named "Ghoul", as one of the wishes from Kvarforth.

At the concert that took place on February 3, 2007 at Diezel in Halmstad, Sweden, "Ghoul" was revealed to be Kvarforth. The concert was violent in nature, sparking controversy in the Swedish media, with Kvarforth occasionally fighting the audience and the guest vocalists (Attila Csihar, Maniac and Nattefrost). Razorblades were handed to members of the audience, and one person was kicked in the chest after grabbing Kvarforth's genitals; who was in turn exposed to numerous physical assaults by Maniac.

One member of the audience recalls the kicking: "A couple of songs are finished and Kvarforth is standing with zipped up leather pants and some drunk Swede touches his crotch. Kvarforth looks shocked and shouts 'Don't touch me,' before he kicks the fan in the chest."
