Who else is flying solo?


Mike the Cop
Aug 4, 2002
Hey guys. Just got the official word that my cousin isnt gonna make it to the show with me, so where are all the kool kids going to hang out down there? Anyone else flying from Boston on Wed?
Anyways, see you guys all there! Cant wait. And if you see the lonely kid, come and say hi damn you, cause it might be me!!! haha, or I'll be very Angra at you all.
Originally posted by guardian26
And if you see the lonely kid, come and say hi damn you, cause it might be me!!! haha, or I'll be very Angra at you all.

:lol: great play on words :)
Im going by myself but splitting a room with someone. My friend couldnt get tix in time but hey I think itll be pretty cool going solo though and dude I doubt youll be alone for an extended period of time. Everyone on the board seems cool and I expect alot of "hey whats up man, Im ______ from UM" so I think therell be some "bonding" esp in the 4-5 hour wait for doors to open.

I'm flying down alone from Rochester. A friend was supposed to be going with me, but his parents wouldn't let him go when they realized it's right in the middle of finals week (huzzah for no finals!). Lame, huh? Anyway, he sold his ticket, and I'll be rooming with a couple of his friends that I've never met. If they like this kind of music, they're cool in my book. I should be pretty easy to pick out of the crowd...I'm tall, lanky, and my hair has a moderate to heavy poofiness factor.
cool, im driving up from new orleans.

Im meeting up with a ton of peeps from the mike portnoy board, and the megadeth board as well....

Im going up with mom, her best friend live sin atlanta, which translates into free food and board,which is worth the 8 hours in the car with my mom each way
Hey, I feel your pain. I'm flying out solo on Thursday (my buddy got laid off and can't make it). I've got one friend in the area, but I'll be pretty much on my own from mid-Friday on.


Originally i'm from vicksburg but i've been at school in starkville for 3 years. right now i'm doing a work semester in booneville (notice the pattern of towns with shitty names?). So, that's where i'll be leaving from since i'll be taking off work to do the show!
how do you plan on getting there? i'm flying out of memphis...
Originally posted by High Speed Kurt
cool, im driving up from new orleans.

Im meeting up with a ton of peeps from the mike portnoy board, and the megadeth board as well....

Im going up with mom, her best friend live sin atlanta, which translates into free food and board,which is worth the 8 hours in the car with my mom each way

hey Kurt.."angra1" here we should fig out a time to meet up dude with all the mp.com'ers....

I'm coming in on Thursday evening from Columbus Ohio, by myself, and I'm staying at the Fairfield.

Hope to meet some persons from the board...
