Some cool tunes from 2010

Just look at that abomination known as VAMPIRES EVERYWHERE, or whatever.
You mean to SERIOUSLY tell me they would have gotten signed if TWILIGHT was not around?

Sad thing is about that band is a Philly band called INK & DAGGER did it better in mid to late 90's. They were way ahead of the game. ;)


"In 1999, Ink & Dagger formally announced that they were disbanding. Shortly after recording what was to be the band's final album, singer Sean Patrick McCabe was found dead in a motel room in Indiana in 2000. He was 27."
Well...that really does not work.
Virtually everything in life can be resold once, books, furniture, cars, the house you live in....and so on.
Once purchased = compensated for that item.

I'm not saying whether used-CD-buying is right/wrong or legal/illegal. I'm just saying that if an artist or manager expects to receive compensation every time someone gains access to their music, then buying a used CD is effectively the same as an unauthorized download. In both cases, the consumer gets to listen to the music, while the music creator sees no compensation.

The difference is that home builders have no expectation of being compensated by every owner who lives in the house over its lifetime, while some in the music industry *do* expect to be compensated by everyone who has access. Maybe that's an unreasonable expectation, but that's the expectation that was expressed at the beginning of this thread.

Used video game sales is currently a big issue. It has changed how AAA titles are done. More online play and paying for add-ons so they can get income from people buying them used.

One argument is that if you knew you couldn't sell your used CDs, then the amount you'd be willing to pay for a CD would go down; same with movies, games, and cars.
So in your world, only 4 bands exist?

No, of course not, but you were wistfully making the implication that back in the good ol' days, music was better because bands spent more time paying their dues. By showing that some of the most highly-respected and loved bands in this community did very little dues-paying, I was pointing out that #1, the good 'ol days are actually no different than today, and, #2, there is no connection between the quality of a band and the amount of dues they paid.

Yes, there were plenty of bands in the 70s and 80s who were together for years before releasing their first album. But the same is true today. We just aren't aware of all the unsigned bands today because, well, they're still unsigned! But a quick random browse through metal-archives shows plenty of active bands formed in the last 5-10 years who still don't have albums/labels.

Similarly, labels have always signed trendy flash-in-the-pan crap too, so Vampires Everywhere isn't a sign of some new apocalypse. It's just a sign that Century Media is no longer the "underground metal" label that some of us still think of it as.

you can't fight the progression of technology nor the inherent greed of humans.

i think its best to just try to use it to your advantage to promote. people dont and won't make much money off of selling music anymore unless your lil wayne; just the way it is.

the money is the business seems to be coming from merchandise and shows, so it would be wise for band's to notice this and use the digital world to their advantage so they gain enough notoriety and popularity to have merchandise and go on tour.

i was against downloading for a while, and still don't think it's right as an overall method of obtaining music. i think its terrible wrong to download some metallica or maiden? not really...they rake in the cash.

i think bands that arent at that level dont deserve nothing for their music, but again...its going to happen. need to choose your battles, and i think the best direction would be to embrace it.

on a side note...having been in band and experienced the monstrous loss of money or lack of profit it entails, i have a different view on it. i mean, i play and write music because i love it, among other reasons.

sure its nice that it has become an industry that i have a chance to actually make a living off of...but i dont expect to. and to be honest, the idea of selling music to me is all well and good, but i feel like its almost on the level of professional athlete's complaining they are only getting $8mil/year instead of $12mil/year.

just my take when it comes to my own bands/music.
Similarly, labels have always signed trendy flash-in-the-pan crap too, so Vampires Everywhere isn't a sign of some new apocalypse. It's just a sign that Century Media is no longer the "underground metal" label that some of us still think of it as.

Yes, sad but true.....

It just saddens me when there are many hard working bands who have been around for decades keeping their bands afloat on their own dime living in a world where garbage bands who have barely played 10 shows getting signed based on a trendy name or promo photo.

Oh well, the bands that are in it for the right reasons will be around in 10 years. Let's see where the tredy fuggerz are in 10 years.
again, you may have never heard a record that is obvious recorded on pro-tools by a novice person/band vs someone who knows what they are doing. i, unfortunately, hear them all the time in demo packets i get. some of these "start up" dudes don't edit drums, record to a click track, sound replace, etc. ALL things that are standard and norm in the industry at this point. so instead of $100,000 to record a solid album in the 80's it still costs $15,000-$20,000 to work with a good producer.
Cool... thanks for the insights.

i am not sure how much Sneap costs, but i am sure it's more than that.
Yeah... I'm guessing it's not cheap.

naturally. for labels unlike mine who choose to go that route. i will always do physical releases because to me an all digital world sucks.
Couldn't agree more.
Are they? I've bought quite a few brand-spankin' new CDs for $7.99 recently.

Let's see... I know I got We Are The Fallen, Slash, Scorpions and Ratt for $7.99. The new Ozzy is on pre-order for that $7.88, and the new Orianthi is on the same order for $10. I also picked up Jimi Jamison's latest, Goodbye Thrill, Bombay Black and the new Giant for $10 each.

My splurge was $27 for the new 2-disc Avantasia set. Of course, I had downloaded this one already and loved it so much that I absolutely had to own the best edition.

It seems to me like CD prices are finally coming down to a reasonable level. I'm sure I could've paid more for all of these if I'd wanted, but I pay attention to sales and take advantage of free shipping promotions when I can.

With the exception of maybe Ratt, I'm guessing those are releases that were anticipated to be high sellers. They are more mainstream. Not saying they're bad, but with releases that are anticipated to be high sellers, usually the price is much, much cheaper.

In terms of MOST of the music we talk about on this forum though, prices a lot of times are more than that...usually in the $12-$16 range.

^Youtube. I don't download illegally, but my collection is still growing exponentially, with new bands. Some word of mouth, some youtube. Yes, it does require actual effort, but, to me, the hunt makes the feeling when you find a really good band all the better! (I remember when I found Epica...haha....and then when I found their Divine Conspiracy for only 5.99, unused.)

This. I don't see how downloading honestly is any less time consuming than searching on youtube, myspace, etc. Also, places like this forum, magazines for example, etc. help as well. I know I have a pretty diverse collection of metal and a good percentage of what I have, I wouldn't if it wasn't for those such things.
This. I don't see how downloading honestly is any less time consuming than searching on youtube, myspace, etc. Also, places like this forum, magazines for example, etc. help as well. I know I have a pretty diverse collection of metal and a good percentage of what I have, I wouldn't if it wasn't for those such things.

It's a LOT less time consuming if you have access to the right sites :)

also, one of the largest private music file-sharing sites has the best recommendation system I've ever seen -- for both legal and illegal download sites. Can't screenshot it right now because I'm at work, but it rules so hard.
I was going to say a lot at first and then I thought I better just a put a sock in it so I've been biding my time. Ok so finally I want to say a few words. Firstly after 6 pages of posts can i say that not one single word has been said abut the actual MUSIC on this compilation. Not a single one that I can see and I've looked hard. This is not a download versus anti download thread though it turned in to one almost from the word go. It's my fault I should have realised that this board is way way anti downloading although many have admitted they do it. Anyway I must get back to what I said above. There is not a single word been said about the music be it utter crap or brilliant. Maybe that's just my ego but it rankles a bit. Also me and Claus have history on another forum. He hates my guts and his off my xmas card list big time. I just don't give a fuck though cause I've got a hell of a lot of front. The guy is so anti-downloading that he has a coronary every time someone posts a link for a download on any forum or discussed music they've heard from an illegal download before release date.

Ok another point. Of the 16 songs that I posted I have bought 8 of the corresponding albums.

Axel Rudi Pell - 01 - Too Late - Bought the album.
Grand Illusion - 02 - 157th Breakdown. Love the album. Will buy but it's not barely released yet I think.
Dream Evil - 03 -See The Light. Bought the special edition.
Rage - 04 - The Beggar's Last Dime. Bought the special edition.
Shining Line - 05 - Highway Of Love. Love this particular song but don't love the album and won't buy it. Sorry but I am not buying a full album of songs which I don't love.
Poets of the Fall - 06 - Dreaming Wide Awake. This album is impossible to find in the UK. I am not buying it from Finland. I don't have the fucking money.
Inner Wish - 07 - Minas Tirith. Love the album but it's too expensive at the moment.
Reckless Love - 08 - Wild Touch. Bought the album.
Sedona - 09 - California Ballad. Can't find it for sale at the moment at a reasonable price. I am so so on the album but love this song. Probably won't buy it.
Human Temple - 10 - Ghost Of You. It's on my list as I mostly adore this album but haven't seen it for sale at a reasonable price.
Astral Doors - 11 - Anthem of the Dark. Bought the album.
Sabaton - 12 - White Death. Bought the album.
Asia - 13 - Holy War. Not sure about the album as a whole. I think I'll get it sometime soon.
FM - 14 - Unbreakable. Love the song but won't buy the album as I don't like about half the songs. Might get if I see it as a bargain sometime after release.
H.E.A.T - 15 - Nobody Loves You (Like I Do) - Bought the special edition double cd.
Treat - 16 - Roar. Bought the album.

So that's 8 buys. 4 buys at a later date and 4 albums that I won't be buying at the moment unless I can get them dirt cheap. I think that pretty much shows I am not just a downloader and it's not a bad ratio and eventually I might get close to having all these albums. I buy the very very best albums that I like. Sometimes I'll download an album that I like half of but these are not that albums I buy at least not straight away anyway. Some bands I buy straight away. Sabaton, Astral Doors, Dream Evil. I love any crap these bands put out, it all fucking rules every single song so it's a buy. Other bands may have one or two cracking songs which are killing me but the rest of the album passes me by without fanfare. I'm really sorry but these albums are on the unessential "no buy" list unless they get real dirt cheap on ebay or something.

Ok another point. Here is where I am a rare breed. I don't buy CDs because I feel any kind of duty to repay the artist for their work. I don't take music that fucking seriously man. I just don't. I buy music cause sometimes I like to have the cd in my hand put it in my hi-fi and blast it and that's it. I don't burn a lot of cd-rs of mp3s in the main only once in a blue moon. I also don't give a shit if record companies don't get their money. Sure this is come across being a first rate arsehole but that's the way it is. I really really don't worry about it. There's 1000s of album still being released despite all this downloading. If one company dies the bands will probably release it themselves.

Another point. If I download an album and like it and the band comes to town I will try and go to the gig. This might earn me some brownie points with the anti-download brigade. I love live shows. I try to go as many as possible and sometimes from bands whose albums I've downloaded. I prefer to support the band this way. I do actually see this as a better way to support the band. I don't however normally buy merchandise. I'm a fat cunt and they don't have my fucking size you see and plus I don't really like metal shirts. I have only one metal shirt and that's a prized Death Human shirt which I sometimes wear to death metal gigs.

So yes I am fucking downloader. maybe I am a bit too blatant and in your face about it. I can't apologise too much for it but I guess I won't be posting any rapidshare links any time soon if I value my ass If I'm not banned that is!

Last thing. 20 people have so far downloaded from that link. I can't say for certain about those downloaders buying habits, but there are 16 songs on that link and it might even generate a few more sales and if you hate the songs then your which albums to fucking avoid then don't you! :)
Huh? How do you find out *now* about new bands to download?

If you'd made an argument that unauthorized downloading allows for more-effective sampling (it's more complete, better quality, and more portable), then I'd be right there with you. But the "downloading helps the music discovery process" just doesn't make any sense.

Sorry, I should've elaborated a little on that point. File sharing is my main source of discovering new music because I have a very small circle of friends that I share music with. There are only 5 of us and we are from 3 different countries, but when one of us finds a new band or a new CD from an existing band he shares it with the rest. I never use torrents or any other file-sharing app, none of us ever upload to the file-sharing community (leech would be the appropriate term) and we all buy what we like. While I am working on other things I can simply look in my shared folder, grab an artist that one of my friends thought I would like, and play the entire CD. That is why, to me, downloading is my main source of discovery.

The point I was trying to make is that if finding new music becomes too much work I won't do it, and I think a lot of people feel the way I do. As long as it's easy I have no problem supporting the bands I like; I can't remember the last time I liked a band enough to listen to their CD more than once and I didn't buy it. Between my wife, kids, family, house, DVR, job and everything else going on in my life I don't have time to spend researching new music. It has to be as easy as turning on the radio.
I was going to say a lot at first and then I thought I better just a put a sock in it so I've been biding my time. Ok so finally I want to say a few words. Firstly after 6 pages of posts can i say that not one single word has been said abut the actual MUSIC on this compilation. Not a single one that I can see and I've looked hard. This is not a download versus anti download thread though it turned in to one almost from the word go. It's my fault I should have realised that this board is way way anti downloading although many have admitted they do it. Anyway I must get back to what I said above. There is not a single word been said about the music be it utter crap or brilliant. Maybe that's just my ego but it rankles a bit. Also me and Claus have history on another forum. He hates my guts and his off my xmas card list big time. I just don't give a fuck though cause I've got a hell of a lot of front. The guy is so anti-downloading that he has a coronary every time someone posts a link for a download on any forum or discussed music they've heard from an illegal download before release date.

Ok another point. Of the 16 songs that I posted I have bought 8 of the corresponding albums.

Axel Rudi Pell - 01 - Too Late - Bought the album.
Grand Illusion - 02 - 157th Breakdown. Love the album. Will buy but it's not barely released yet I think.
Dream Evil - 03 -See The Light. Bought the special edition.
Rage - 04 - The Beggar's Last Dime. Bought the special edition.
Shining Line - 05 - Highway Of Love. Love this particular song but don't love the album and won't buy it. Sorry but I am not buying a full album of songs which I don't love.
Poets of the Fall - 06 - Dreaming Wide Awake. This album is impossible to find in the UK. I am not buying it from Finland. I don't have the fucking money.
Inner Wish - 07 - Minas Tirith. Love the album but it's too expensive at the moment.
Reckless Love - 08 - Wild Touch. Bought the album.
Sedona - 09 - California Ballad. Can't find it for sale at the moment at a reasonable price. I am so so on the album but love this song. Probably won't buy it.
Human Temple - 10 - Ghost Of You. It's on my list as I mostly adore this album but haven't seen it for sale at a reasonable price.
Astral Doors - 11 - Anthem of the Dark. Bought the album.
Sabaton - 12 - White Death. Bought the album.
Asia - 13 - Holy War. Not sure about the album as a whole. I think I'll get it sometime soon.
FM - 14 - Unbreakable. Love the song but won't buy the album as I don't like about half the songs. Might get if I see it as a bargain sometime after release.
H.E.A.T - 15 - Nobody Loves You (Like I Do) - Bought the special edition double cd.
Treat - 16 - Roar. Bought the album.

So that's 8 buys. 4 buys at a later date and 4 albums that I won't be buying at the moment unless I can get them dirt cheap. I think that pretty much shows I am not just a downloader and it's not a bad ratio and eventually I might get close to having all these albums. I buy the very very best albums that I like. Sometimes I'll download an album that I like half of but these are not that albums I buy at least not straight away anyway. Some bands I buy straight away. Sabaton, Astral Doors, Dream Evil. I love any crap these bands put out, it all fucking rules every single song so it's a buy. Other bands may have one or two cracking songs which are killing me but the rest of the album passes me by without fanfare. I'm really sorry but these albums are on the unessential "no buy" list unless they get real dirt cheap on ebay or something.

Ok another point. Here is where I am a rare breed. I don't buy CDs because I feel any kind of duty to repay the artist for their work. I don't take music that fucking seriously man. I just don't. I buy music cause sometimes I like to have the cd in my hand put it in my hi-fi and blast it and that's it. I don't burn a lot of cd-rs of mp3s in the main only once in a blue moon. I also don't give a shit if record companies don't get their money. Sure this is come across being a first rate arsehole but that's the way it is. I really really don't worry about it. There's 1000s of album still being released despite all this downloading. If one company dies the bands will probably release it themselves.

Another point. If I download an album and like it and the band comes to town I will try and go to the gig. This might earn me some brownie points with the anti-download brigade. I love live shows. I try to go as many as possible and sometimes from bands whose albums I've downloaded. I prefer to support the band this way. I do actually see this as a better way to support the band. I don't however normally buy merchandise. I'm a fat cunt and they don't have my fucking size you see and plus I don't really like metal shirts. I have only one metal shirt and that's a prized Death Human shirt which I sometimes wear to death metal gigs.

So yes I am fucking downloader. maybe I am a bit too blatant and in your face about it. I can't apologise too much for it but I guess I won't be posting any rapidshare links any time soon if I value my ass If I'm not banned that is!

Last thing. 20 people have so far downloaded from that link. I can't say for certain about those downloaders buying habits, but there are 16 songs on that link and it might even generate a few more sales and if you hate the songs then your which albums to fucking avoid then don't you! :)

Was wondering when you'd show up. While I don't like the fact that you don't care if musicians and record companies do well, I do like the fact that you download to see if you like it and then usually if you do, you buy it. No gripes there, dude. It is pretty crazy though how this thread turned into an anti-download thread. I only really joined in because it is an intriguing topic for me. I didn't take a look when I heard it was downloads, because I just don't like downloading anything. Whether it's music, programs, etc. My computer has been to hell and back in terms of viruses when I used to do that...though to clarify when I did it was programs.
Fire breath -
You SERIOUSLY are questioning why no one has discussed the music? Who the hell is going to click on a link to non-authorized music posted on a forum? Who the hell knows what really might pop up. Maybe you are posting a virus.

Furthermore, if you wanted to discuss the music, discuss the music. Post a YouTube or My Space link for people to check it out.
Fire breath -
You SERIOUSLY are questioning why no one has discussed the music? Who the hell is going to click on a link to non-authorized music posted on a forum? Who the hell knows what really might pop up. Maybe you are posting a virus.

Furthermore, if you wanted to discuss the music, discuss the music. Post a YouTube or My Space link for people to check it out.

Agreed. I think if Fire Breath wanted a discussion about those songs, he should've posted the song titles here instead of posting a link for an illegal download.
also, one of the largest private music file-sharing sites has the best recommendation system I've ever seen -- for both legal and illegal download sites. Can't screenshot it right now because I'm at work, but it rules so hard.

Damn, guess I've been out of the loop too long!

Sorry, I should've elaborated a little on that point. File sharing is my main source of discovering new music because I have a very small circle of friends that I share music with. There are only 5 of us

Gotcha. That makes sense now, your discovery and sampling methods just happen to be nicely integrated. You're quite lucky that your group is only 5 though...if it grows, you would then need an external discovery tool to help you filter out the good stuff from all the crap that your friends share. :)

You SERIOUSLY are questioning why no one has discussed the music? Who the hell is going to click on a link to non-authorized music posted on a forum? Who the hell knows what really might pop up. Maybe you are posting a virus.

Wow, I didn't realize people were that computer-paranoid. It's a .rar Rapidshare link from a guy with a history of posting about music. That's pretty much been the standard way to post mp3s-for-download for years now. And anyway, the files *had* to be legit, otherwise we wouldn't have had to have this whole discussion! :lol:

Agreed. I think if Fire Breath wanted a discussion about those songs, he should've posted the song titles here instead of posting a link for an illegal download.

Yeah, it was a little weird that he didn't post the titles here, but when he first posted about this at the PM:X2 board, he did, and he provided a bit more background and discussion. I'm assuming that he figured since he went to the trouble of making the original pack-o-files, he might as well just quickly share it with another community that would be interested. It was also intentionally CD-R sized, presumably with the idea of making it much more simple and accessible (you can download and throw on your iPod, listen in your car, etc.) than watching 16 separate YouTube videos. Rezz nicely illustrated the value of such a thing over YouTube/Myspace links.

Anyhow, in general he makes posts promoting new bands and releases more than just about anyone else I know on the Internet these days, which is what made this whole thread especially ironic. Many record labels would pay him good money to do what he does for free (or, for a serious tongue-lashing, as the case may be!)

Fire breath -
You SERIOUSLY are questioning why no one has discussed the music? Who the hell is going to click on a link to non-authorized music posted on a forum? Who the hell knows what really might pop up. Maybe you are posting a virus.

Furthermore, if you wanted to discuss the music, discuss the music. Post a YouTube or My Space link for people to check it out.

Who the hell? Well 20 people have already downloaded it. And why would I post a virus? I am not a complete wanker believe it or not. To be honest I made this mix cd for myself but I harmlessly tried to spread the love in my over enthusiasm which I now realise was a huge mistake as It's not my intention to cause conflict or trouble and I guess I was totally naive. As for posting youtube and myspace links well I've already done a ton of that, I'm sure you've noticed. and yeah I am seriously questioning why no one has discussed the music. This is a discussion forum for MUSIC. There wasn't even one fucking word. So here are a few words just cause I have to feed my massive ego.

Rage, Astral Doors, Treat, ARP, Dream Evil and Sabaton are must buys and if you don't buy them you don't know what you are missing.
If you like melodic rock you need Human Temple, Reckless Love and Grand Illusion badly especially Grand Illusion cause it creams the opposition into dust. The others you can live without but if you like the songs then it's worth to investigate further. Out of that list my top 5 songs are:

5. Rage - The Beggar's Last Dime
4. Dream Evil - See the Light
3. Treat - Roar
2. Grand Illusion - 157th Breakdown - not in youtube but an unbelievably awesome tune.
1. Sabaton - White Death.

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Damn, guess I've been out of the loop too long!

Gotcha. That makes sense now, your discovery and sampling methods just happen to be nicely integrated. You're quite lucky that your group is only 5 though...if it grows, you would then need an external discovery tool to help you filter out the good stuff from all the crap that your friends share. :)

Wow, I didn't realize people were that computer-paranoid. It's a .rar Rapidshare link from a guy with a history of posting about music. That's pretty much been the standard way to post mp3s-for-download for years now. And anyway, the files *had* to be legit, otherwise we wouldn't have had to have this whole discussion! :lol:

Yeah, it was a little weird that he didn't post the titles here, but when he first posted about this at the PM:X2 board, he did, and he provided a bit more background and discussion. I'm assuming that he figured since he went to the trouble of making the original pack-o-files, he might as well just quickly share it with another community that would be interested. It was also intentionally CD-R sized, presumably with the idea of making it much more simple and accessible (you can download and throw on your iPod, listen in your car, etc.) than watching 16 separate YouTube videos. Rezz nicely illustrated the value of such a thing over YouTube/Myspace links.

Anyhow, in general he makes posts promoting new bands and releases more than just about anyone else I know on the Internet these days, which is what made this whole thread especially ironic. Many record labels would pay him good money to do what he does for free (or, for a serious tongue-lashing, as the case may be!)


Yeah I should have posted the titles but I guess I was just a little lazy and you have it spot on when you say that I thought I would just share it with another community just for the hell of it as this particular community was more likely to gain something from that kind of music anyway. In PMX2 I wrote a little more no doubt cause of what Frankster said about me. I know it's a losing battle over there Neil so I was just jesting a little. And yes it was intentionally cd-r sized in that I had to choose as many songs as possible to fill and 80 minute cd. The idea behind this was to get people to burn the songs on to one cd and see what they thought about it, cause i love that cd-r now. I can pump it out when I'm at a loss with what to play.
Yeah I should have posted the titles but I guess I was just a little lazy and you have it spot on when you say that I thought I would just share it with another community just for the hell of it as this particular community was more likely to gain something from that kind of music anyway. In PMX2 I wrote a little more no doubt cause of what Frankster said about me. I know it's a losing battle over there Neil so I was just jesting a little. And yes it was intentionally cd-r sized in that I had to choose as many songs as possible to fill and 80 minute cd. The idea behind this was to get people to burn the songs on to one cd and see what they thought about it, cause i love that cd-r now. I can pump it out when I'm at a loss with what to play.

Pirage - Sheesh, you are still reeling over me calling you a pussy? :D

Regarding this thread, I think you know there are plenty of folks (non-PPUSA-forum-crazies :D ) who appreciate your promotional efforts. I *buy* many CDs per year that were initially introduced to me by you. Of course, I download them before buying, so I am an evil fuckhead, yadda yadda yadda.

As long as I am contributing to this clusterfuck of a thread, I will also give a thankful shout out to Neil (Skyrefuge) and, to a lesser extent, Zod for trying to inject some rational discussion points and requests for logical thought and actual data.
Fire breath -
You SERIOUSLY are questioning why no one has discussed the music? Who the hell is going to click on a link to non-authorized music posted on a forum? Who the hell knows what really might pop up. Maybe you are posting a virus.

Furthermore, if you wanted to discuss the music, discuss the music. Post a YouTube or My Space link for people to check it out.

Couldn't agree more!!!!