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    BAR Fest Soundtrack??

    Hey...this goes out to anyone who knows this: What songs were in the soundtrack that was played in between bands? There were a few i really enjoyed but had no idea who it is. Any help would be appreciated
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    Echoes of Eternity for the Showcase

    Browsing around the internet i came across this band, and OMG they are fucking amazing!!!!! I was blown away upon hearing their music They have their first cd: The Forgotten Goddess coming out Feb. 2. Some samples can be heard here... I think that they would be a...
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    Anyone into Essence of Sorrow?

    First off, i must say i love this band...Their new cd is going to be in cd player constatnly when it comes out in December. I don't don't think i've been this excited for a cd to come out (besides for the new CIIC and Mercenary). Anyways, new band from Jani Stefanovic of Divinefire and...
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    What's your opinion of 91 Suite?

    Just curious if anyone has ever heard of this band, and if so what is your opinion of them. A very upbeat AOR/melodic rock band from Spain with some very catchy tunes...I enjoy it. Does anyone else? here's a link to their myspace page for those of you who haven't heard these guys...
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    Possible Fifth Angel Reunion???

    A short story about this great band was posted at here's the link: The full story can be found at
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    Pre Party Age Limit

    I know there are other threads out there about this, but i've read them and i'm still confused on the age limit. I know the tickets still say 21 and over, but I've heard talk of lowering it to 18 and up. Which is it? I'm 20 and have a ticket, but it would be a waste if I can't go. Can someone...
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    What new bands do you want to see for PP VIII?

    Since there is a poll for returning bands, I figured i'd start a thread for bands that have never played progpower before. So, pick 4 bands you really want to see next year and reply to this. My picks: Magnitude 9, Labyrinth, Cloudscape, Sonata Arctica