Are you christian and like Black Metal?

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anonymousnick2001 said:
You can't expect everyone to fall into either definition. To me, some music is entertainment, and some music is art. Usually, my favorite is art, and my casual listening is entertainment, with exceptions.

Black Metal falls under casual listening. But I am a fan. I do know my stuff.
I would've thought it was very difficult to change between mindsets. Once you've started analysing things as art, it's very difficult to appreciate anything that you don't consider 'artistically relevant'.
Dr Psyklonic said:
any religion which revolves around the worship of a deified being is the result of a mental delusion in which the victim craves displacement from whatever time of strife or anticipation of strife that they happen to be in.

Honestly, don't be so ridiculous. To say with any authority that there is no God or supernatural existence, you would have to be all-knowing. Since there is already plenty which humanity does not and cannot understand, that defeats the idea of having complete knowledge that there is no God. If anything, say you're agnostic so you don't look like a total retard. I have no problems with people saying they don't believe, but to arrogantly assume you know enough to be fully certain that God doesn't exist is just stupid. We're (the human race) learning new things every day.
TaylorC said:
We're (the human race) learning new things every day.
Wouldn't proving God's existance defeat Christianity and its reliance upon faith?

We aren't going to learn anything to back up Christian beliefs, whether there's a God or not.
Guardian of Darkness said:
The bottom line is:

Person 1: "I listen to music as art. This means that I consider all aspects of an album, right down to the cover art. Through the music I feel and experience the ideas that the creator is expressing. If the idea is directly contradicting my worldview, I obviously don't enjoy it, because it means nothing to me."

Person 2: "I listen to music as entertainment. I listen to the music that sounds best to my ears. I don't analyse it, or take it seriously, although it may still be very important to me. I can ignore the ideologies which directly contradict my worldview, because the music still sounds great and that's all I look for in music."

Take your pick and shut up.

You don't have to consider ideology a very important aspect of music to be able to analyse it and take it seriously.
Sorath and Erik said it for me.
One thing..
I think it's very dumb if you don't listen to the lyrics. You are missing one of the biggest part of BM (and I am not talking about stupid band lyrics). Yet, lets say that someone excludes lyrics (as some of you that think that whoever takes into account the lyrics are fucked up...*that's really silly*) and you say you like BM because of the music style, how it sounds, the speed, the rythm, the EXPRESSION, the, what I wonder is how is it possible a Christian (who should not feel ANGER, HATE, "darkness" and all those "bad" feelings) can listen to a music whose speed, brutallity and rythm etc expresses those kind of feelings? Unless there is somewhere written or said that anger and hate is a characteristic of christianity...and unless you are listening to specific songs that their music is not expressing any of these.

This is my question and not only. I could tell many many more only that Erik and Sorath have totally covered me.
I'm christian and like blac metal. Why? Becuse its good music, it expressed (for the most part) valid opinions abut the world and I belive everyone is entitled to thier own opinions about things. Me as a "Dumb narrowminded christian" am sick of being steryotped as someone who is a Jesus humper. So to try and correct this, I've tried listening to different religious views and I might not agree with all of it, but I do agree that the opinions have a right to be expressed, so I listen.

Wow, Tangent, anyway I don't really take religion into account when I choose music groups. Its all just malicious melodies to me....if that makes any sence...
Guardian Of Darkness said:
I would've thought it was very difficult to change between mindsets. Once you've started analysing things as art, it's very difficult to appreciate anything that you don't consider 'artistically relevant'.
My two favorite bands are Godsmack and U2. U2 is art. Godsmack is entertainment. I like both very much for very different reasons.

Further down, the line gets blurred somewhat. Some bands, I'm unsure of whether they are artistically relevant or entertainingly valuable. Sometimes it's both.

I tend to fall in the middle in most things.
Malicious Misery said:
I'm christian and like blac metal. Why? Becuse its good music, it expressed (for the most part) valid opinions abut the world

You're Christian, yet you feel black metal mostly expresses valid opinions about the world (the destruction of Christianity and Judeo-Christian values)?
You're Christian, yet you feel black metal mostly expresses valid opinions about the world (the destruction of Christianity and Judeo-Christian values)?

If that's the person's opinion (E.I. christianity/judiesm) is wrong then tis thier opinion. If te music is goodI'm for it, though I might not agree with the message. I'm not really sure if I'm conveying my message properly but I gennerally try to open minded to people's opinions and listen to what they have to say.
You said that black metal bands express (for the most part) valid opinions, which implies you agree with them (and therefore hate your own faith). I'll put it down to a misunderstanding in communication since English clearly isn't your first language.
Um, actually english IS my first language (though from about ages 1-3 all I spoke was italian, but I wont count that) No, what I mean by VALID is that they express opinions based on experiences they've had with the christian faith, not that I hate my own faith or even agree with what they're saying.

Secondly, its not very polite to assume that english isn't my first language just because YOU misunderstood me. Though I admit spelling and grammer have never been my strong points, I stated that I wans't quite sure how to word my opinion in a way that you would understand. What you just said was very condecending.

Ok, I'm going to try and explain this again: I belive that any music that is about LIFE EXPERIENCES be they anti christian or christian is good music. I don't have to agree with it to like it. You make it seem as if I as a christian am not allowed to have an open mind and listen to what others have to say, even if they are attacking me.
Int said:
I'll put it down to a misunderstanding in communication since English clearly isn't your first language.
Malicious Misery said:
Um, actually english IS my first language

Worm-Infested Intestinal Tract said:
Listening to other sides of stories is most often the way to fully understand them.
Good synopsis. That's pretty much true. Sometimes.
Malicious Misery said:
Um, actually english IS my first language (though from about ages 1-3 all I spoke was italian, but I wont count that) No, what I mean by VALID is that they express opinions based on experiences they've had with the christian faith, not that I hate my own faith or even agree with what they're saying.

Valid usually means 'based in truth'.

Secondly, its not very polite to assume that english isn't my first language just because YOU misunderstood me. Though I admit spelling and grammer have never been my strong points, I stated that I wans't quite sure how to word my opinion in a way that you would understand. What you just said was very condecending.

I assumed English wasn't your first langauge because of your lack of coherence. But, I apologise - I can see how I came off as arrogant.

Ok, I'm going to try and explain this again: I belive that any music that is about LIFE EXPERIENCES be they anti christian or christian is good music. I don't have to agree with it to like it. You make it seem as if I as a christian am not allowed to have an open mind and listen to what others have to say, even if they are attacking me.

I don't quite follow how any music that is made as a result of life expierences automatically qualifies as 'good'. I do see what you're saying about listening to what others have to say, though. Fine, but by supporting black metal bands you are effectively supporting anti-Christian views.
epicous said:
Maybe the energy and aesthetics of the music is the main attraction to the fans,
but is it morally correct to enjoy Black Metal if you are christian?
Is it ideological right?
For christian I refer to any denomination: catholic, protestant, orthodox, etc.
Any comments by believers, part-believers, non-believers and anti-religious metal comrades?

Why not? Your beliefs and your taste in music don't really have to coincide. For instance, I am a christian and I love Danzig and all that other type. It boils down to saying just bc the band said something doesn't mean you have to do it.
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