Best Heathen Metal of 2006

Wow, it's really trendy to hate Agalloch suddenly. I guess they've gotten too popular.

Wolves in the Throne Room, Agalloch and Negura Bunget get my vote.
I'm wondering if I should just stay away from this entire genre. I like technical death. This heathen stuff is novel for a short while (like anything really) then the lack of substance really bores me. I listened to Pale Folklore the other day and it just seemed so gimmicky. Alas.
This whole post reeks of a bad joke :erk:
I fucking love the tits off the new Agalloch.

Everything else I haven't heard, honestly I'm still wrapping my head around the first two Drudkh albums, have been for some years now.
I have them all. Pale Folklore is the best me thinks. I thought the most recent one was tripe and I'm a musical genius so there you have it.
the funny thing is, it's not as if anyone associates dorian with listening to ANY metal anyway, whether it be heathen, pagan, technical death like opeth, or otherwise. :loco:
haha where'd this technical death and opeth thing come from?
and just for the record, I did listen to some metal today in the form of Dream Theater's Six Degrees on Inner Turbulence. PURE METAL