
I was one of the 1st if not the 1st to discuss this with Glenn soon after he made his initial comments on the issue. As for bringing it up again.....I don't live on this or any other message board so as far as I'm concerned its a current issue. As for Glenn, he has ALL of my support emotionally and financially every single year and if I don't agree with him ( and I'd guess he would agree with this) I am free to voice my opinion. I don't expect him to change his mind but I'm sorry I still think its a bit much. a serious question. ( and I do not advocate illegal recording) what really is the problem if someone were to shot a shitty quality 30 sec clip of a performance ?.

peace and music to all

Patrick M
Patrick M said:
I was one of the 1st if not the 1st to discuss this with Glenn soon after he made his initial comments on the issue. As for bringing it up again.....I don't live on this or any other message board so as far as I'm concerned its a current issue. As for Glenn, he has ALL of my support emotionally and financially every single year and if I don't agree with him ( and I'd guess he would agree with this) I am free to voice my opinion. I don't expect him to change his mind but I'm sorry I still think its a bit much. a serious question. ( and I do not advocate illegal recording) what really is the problem if someone were to shot a shitty quality 30 sec clip of a performance ?.

peace and music to all

Patrick M

I will take that question! Because if you have a camera that can shoot 30 seconds of video, that camera has the CAPACITY to shoot an hour's worth of video if you have the right memory chip inside!

My camera is a great example: I have an Olympus C7070 camera and it kicks serious ass. If you check the specs on this camera it says that you can get about 30 seconds of video on the cheapass 16 meg mxd memory card provided with the camera. Thing is, I can put a 2 GIGABYTE memory module in this camera, and nobody would be able to tell the difference! do the math...that is 62 minutes of video shot with a digicam that is "supposed" to only shoot 30 seconds!

Frankly, I would urge Glenn to vastly expand his camera list; I have no doubt that any digital camera less than 5 years old will be able to record all the video the person could want because of the capacity of today's memory cards.

As for me... I will bring my EOS Rebel and eat the cost of the film and developing. Going to PP is NOT about saving is about having fun SPENDING money.
I've got a Canon EOS Rebel...(SLR) these cameras do not have video capabilities. With the obvious design difference than the pocket cameras, I hope I can bypass the individual inspections with just the mere sight of my bulky camera and lense options. What rules apply to zooms, flash etc.?
ThXinc said:
I've got a Canon EOS Rebel...(SLR) these cameras do not have video capabilities. With the obvious design difference than the pocket cameras, I hope I can bypass the individual inspections with just the mere sight of my bulky camera and lense options. What rules apply to zooms, flash etc.?

As far as I know the rule only applies to video, (Don't film it, don't even think about it, don't even utter the word video, and I support Glenn's stance on this 100%).

Having said that I'd probably leave the 500-1000x zoom that needs a monopod, and flood lights at home. there's not a helluva lotta room for a ton of still camera equipment
scooterSST said:
As far as I know the rule only applies to video, (Don't film it, don't even think about it, don't even utter the word video, and I support Glenn's stance on this 100%).

Having said that I'd probably leave the 500-1000x zoom that needs a monopod, and flood lights at home. there's not a helluva lotta room for a ton of still camera equipment

If I get VERY lucky (by picking up 15 extra hours of consulting work) before the show, I will have a digital rebel as well. I can use the lenses from my film EOS. I will also be able to take 300 pictures without having to develop all that film. I plan on sitting a little this year, and will take some pictures from the seats with a monopod, but most of the shots will be from near the stage and in the signing lines...both situations that require a ton of clicks for a few good pics.
[ Going to PP is NOT about saving is about having fun SPENDING money.[/quote]

Thanks for the info but no one is in the position to judge how others spend their money. I live day to day and save every nickel all year long to attend so I am not in the position to but a 35 mm just for PP. Thats neither here nor there and I aint lookin for sympathy I was only expressing my frustration with Glenns decision. and like i said in my original post I respect and support everything Glenn does and I get tweeked when I sense everyone feels the need to suck his ass and defend his every move. Its OK to disagree and thats all I was doing:headbang:
Greykiller said:
If I get VERY lucky (by picking up 15 extra hours of consulting work) before the show, I will have a digital rebel as well. I can use the lenses from my film EOS. I will also be able to take 300 pictures without having to develop all that film. I plan on sitting a little this year, and will take some pictures from the seats with a monopod, but most of the shots will be from near the stage and in the signing lines...both situations that require a ton of clicks for a few good pics.

The Digital Rebel has an autowind function, I think it'll shoot three frames a second..

There's a 2gb memory chip that'll fit the Rebel, you;ll run out of battery life before you'll run out of memory
Patrick M said:
Thanks for the info but no one is in the position to judge how others spend their money. I live day to day and save every nickel all year long to attend so I am not in the position to but a 35 mm just for PP. Thats neither here nor there and I aint lookin for sympathy I was only expressing my frustration with Glenns decision. and like i said in my original post I respect and support everything Glenn does and I get tweeked when I sense everyone feels the need to suck his ass and defend his every move. Its OK to disagree and thats all I was doing:headbang:

So, if we agree with him, even if we don't like his camera ruling, we're still sucking his ass? All I said was don't blame Glenn, blame the assholes that forced his hand on this subject. You really need to get that through your skull... Now, if that's not the case, then you can disregard everything I typed here...and I agree with you on the spending thing. I too have to do a lot of saving to make this possible, and DO have to watch my $'s once I get down there....

Patrick M said:
[ Going to PP is NOT about saving is about having fun SPENDING money.

Thanks for the info but no one is in the position to judge how others spend their money. I live day to day and save every nickel all year long to attend so I am not in the position to but a 35 mm just for PP. Thats neither here nor there and I aint lookin for sympathy I was only expressing my frustration with Glenns decision. and like i said in my original post I respect and support everything Glenn does and I get tweeked when I sense everyone feels the need to suck his ass and defend his every move. Its OK to disagree and thats all I was doing:headbang:[/QUOTE]

Hey dood I was talking about myself there...for the longest time I bitched about the camera decision (the main reason I dropped 275 bucks on the olympus was for PP!) but I understand why this situation exists...and if I have to spend a hundred bucks on film and developing, then that is 100 less I spend on t shirts or t shirt drawer is full and so is my sony cd changer.

ANYway. Buy a disposable, take that to the venue, and leave your digital locked up for use at the hotel or other places...and think hard about getting over what you cannot change...
Frankly I feel screwed by the manufacturers of compact digitals. :heh: If I wanted video I'd buy a digital video cam. So I'll probably forego the camera altogether this year and hope that the DVD kicks ass!
My god, what a bunch of fucking whiners... Glenn has spoken, its a dead issue. My god if your going to make such a stink about it, get a new fucking camera that complies with the rules set by the promoter. If Glenn could allow cameras with video capabilities he would. Most of the time it is in the Bands rider(contact). Feel fortunate that you can take pics and post them...

**I appreciate the sentiments, but I had to remove the flame bait.
Strigoi said:
Frankly I feel screwed by the manufacturers of compact digitals. :heh: If I wanted video I'd buy a digital video cam. So I'll probably forego the camera altogether this year and hope that the DVD kicks ass!
Funny I appreciate them for the exact opposite reason. My Olympus takes far better video than the super8 I used to have, so I don't have to spend another 500 on a camcorder...and I can download my movies directly to the pc
Dutch said:
...the rules set by the promoter. If Glenn could allow cameras with video capabilities he would. Most of the time it is in the Bands rider(contact). Feel fortunate that you can take pics and post them...

I'm sure that Glenn only wants to play to be safe, but who actually set this camera rule? I won't swallow the bs that it's the (European) bands making these rules for you in the US. It must come from your own record labels.

I mean, there must be a special clause for the Americans in the bands' contracts, because these very same bands can be photographed with all possible compact digital cameras at all European festivals and gigs without any limitations. And before you ask, yes we do have strict copyright laws in the EU, too.

I also wonder why anyone here doesn't want to straighten the facts about compact digital cameras? You can just google and find out what can and can't be done with compact digital cameras and their movie mode.

Compactdigital cameras do not match even the lower end camcorders in shooting video footage. The movie mode of compact digital cameras is simply incapable to shoot decent footage for commercial bootlegs. Some models may provide adequate picture quality in bright light, but they all fail at dim concert lights inside dark venues due less sensitive sensors used in them.

Most important fact to keep in mind is that a bootleg needs more than decent audio tracks. Not a single model of any brand can record even half decent audio, not to speak about quality audio. Older models don't even have a mic to record audio in the movie mode. Ever heard of a silent bootleg?

There is currently only one compact digital camera model on the market which can record better than mono track in ½ or ¼ of CD quality, but like all models on the market it is also lacking a jack for external mic, which doesn't help much either.

Be assured that bootleggers won't waste their time and efforts these days on using amateur equipment. There are available pocket size pro DV camcoders with stereo hi-fi audio that can be attached to a lightfibre cord with micro lens at the end projecting unsuspiciously through a buttonhole of a shirt.

This is not to change anything at PP, promoters may set the rules as they wish, but maybe a few facts about compact digital cameras won't hurt anyone.

And how about these kind of... devices? Actually it's not a camcoder nor a digital camera, so which rules apply to these... devices?

Keep talking!
You are right. There is no way I can stop all of the professionals that want to boot a high copy. However, I will do what I can within my means to stop any recodings of my show. If it gets to the point where I cannot stop the leak in the damn with the assistance of my patrons, then I will simply ban all cameras.

As for the who sets the rule, that would be *me.* I chose to come down harsh because I saw specific performances being sold on ebay. I will not allow others to profit off of my work.
Harvester said:
You are right. There is no way I can stop the professionals that want to boot a high copy. However, I will do what I can within my means to stop any recodings of my show. If it gets to the point where I cannot stop the leak in the damn with the assistance of my patrons, then I will simply ban all cameras.
That would be a pity, because many people love to shoot stills at gigs as a hobby and they would think twice about attending if all cameras were banned. I know I will if that ever happens here, but I'm lucky we don't have this issue to bother us yet here in Europe.

I'm just curious, but why is bootlegging an issue in the US? I seems to me that overall putting up a festival over there is fighting the windmills and I really appreciate your work, even I have never attended PP. Maybe comes a day...:headbang:

In Europe it is simple, because there is no significant market for self-made video bootlegs, every clip goes to web in minutes and nobody makes money of it. Hence the bands accept the status quo and stay more concerned about the real problem: illegal up- and downloading and actual pirated hard copy CDs flooding from former east european countries, China and Russia. That really hurt the bands' income, but what can be done, there is no real means to enforce the russkies *sigh*