Edge Of A Circle - s/t EP

J-Dubya 777

It NEVER ends
Nov 7, 2004
Cheeseland USA
A couple weeks ago, my friend Linus from Sweden sent me a copy of his band's first EP, and after giving it a few spins, I couldn't help but think some of the PPUSA folks might really dig this. I do, and since I don't :Spam: for bands here too often, I figured I'd bring them up here. Linus is the current bass player in Andromeda, and is one helluva guitar player as well. Edge Of A Circle is a melodic, proggy, metal band, that he plays guitar with. As I mentioned already, some you might really dig them. Below is a link to their EP teaser, I'd be interested what y'all think..... Thanks!

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They've got a bit much of that annoyingly omnipresent (seemingly these days) electronic influence. That being said, it sounds pretty freakin good.
Pretty darn cool. They are thisclose to being very good. I don't mind electronica in modern prog. It's the way the industry has shifted and, if well done, becomes an enhancement. That said, they need to back off the atmosphere and punch up the guitar parts. They are too far back in the mix based on my speakers. If they can get a fat, nasty sound up front on this it changes everything. As is, I like it, though.