Floor Jansen wants only men in her band

Especially since if it had said she was only looking for female musicians this conversation wouldn't exist at all

That's because we'd know she was just starting a chick band and that's the gimmick she was looking for. Which is fine.

Likewise, a band like Manowar for reasons of image might not want girls, as it would take away from their kings of metal image and all that.
How about additional travel expenses? Considering Floor's status (and that is is her band), she would get a private hotel room (and maybe even dressing room). The guys can all share rooms, etc. Bring in another female and another room would be required for privacy.

Ahhhhh. Well, that's something. Better than the earlier explanations which were rather disturbing.
...I'm not trying to make a legal issue of it, just trying to figure out why Floor wouldn't want women in her band...

So why not ask her? Anything else on this thread is pure speculation. Why blow a gasket about pure speculation? Starting to sound like CNN here, with half a dozen "experts" telling us the real meaning behind something they probably don't know the real answer to.

When we say "Maybe she..." we, like you, are just guessing. It shows nothing of our true worth/feelings. It's just a stretch... guessing. K?
Maybe she...

... is doing it for medical reasons? Perhaps she doesn't want to be stuck in a tour bus with other women, and start cycling with them. :)
This whole issue is really just a molehill that certain folks apparently feel the need to turn into a mountain.

99% of the threads on this board are molehills. If something about this thread bothers you, then it is you who have given it extra significance, not me.

Perhaps you think I'm some outraged fan, but really I attach as much significance to this as to Edguy going hard rock or Masterplan getting Jorn back. I posted about it because it is interesting, puzzling, and possibly says something about Jansen's character.

If the album's good, I'll buy it whether she has all men or all whites or all gays or whatever floats her boat. I'll even buy it if she fires herself and hires Rick Altzi to take her place.

It's threadworthy, IMO, because it's just not something you see in the help wanted part of a major act's website unless the reasons are obvious, such as Nightwish needing a female singer because they have a certain sound. But in EVERY single case I've seen of bands wanting an instrumental player, the sex is not specified unless it's on craigslist or something. You won't see major bands doing that. So it was something that caught my eye.
All I know is that if Floor wants all guys in her band or if she wanted all girls in her band, I wouldn't give a fuck because it's her fucking band, so she can fucking do as she fucking pleases...Who gives a shit what the fucking reason is, nor does she need to give a fucking reason........fuck!
All I know is that if Floor wants all guys in her band or if she wanted all girls in her band, I wouldn't give a fuck because it's her fucking band, so she can fucking do as she fucking pleases...Who gives a shit what the fucking reason is, nor does she need to give a fucking reason........fuck!

And again, that begs the question of why "her fucking band" is different from any other business. Are bands special, so that discrimination is okay?

If you believe that anyone who owns a business can do whatever they want because it's their business, that's a perfectly defensible position. If you believe this concept only applies to bands, then defend that position logically.

If I run a pizza place and I want only men working in it, legal issues aside, is that morally okay with you because it's "My f'n business", or does that different somehow?
And again, that begs the question of why "her fucking band" is different from any other business. Are bands special, so that discrimination is okay?

Well, even though I can't provide specific examples to you right now, I have seen plenty of ads out there for "all girl band wanted" or "looking for girl basist".....Do you have a problem with that?

I just don't get with the big deal is, especially since it's a just a rock and roll band.It's not a pizza joint...If a woman is bothered by that, then I'd say, then just start your own band and then you can do what you want....Why should Floor cater to her gender wishes?.....Just so you don't think I'm discriminating, I have absolutely zero problem with women looking for all girl bands...I'm' sure you have a problem with a women looking for all girl bands otherwise you wouldn't have a problem with all guy bands, or mixed sexes in the bands....

Here's another example adaher, I'm met a few women in past(and even a couple of friends of minenow) that mostly have male friends. It's more of a chemistry issue than anything else....Perhaps that's what Floor is dealing with. Is that such a bad thing if she happens to be one of countless women that work better with the opposite sex??? Perhaps she doesn't want to be the one to kick them out if she went with other women in her band and it didn't work out?? That would probably make her look worse!
I have seen plenty of ads out there for "all girl band wanted" or "looking for girl basist"

Again, that's for the purposes of getting a particular image or gimmick and you don't see it among established bands unless it's a vocalist and the sound of the vocalist defines the band. Such as the Nightwish example. If an established band is looking for a guitarist, they are looking for a guitarist. Period.

I just don't get with the big deal is, especially since it's a just a rock and roll band.It's not a pizza joint

It's just a rock n'roll band if it's me and three guys jamming in a garage. Revamp is a business and it's intended to be a big moneymaker. Someone gave Floor an opportunity in a very unfavorable market for female performers. So I think it's fair to ask why she isn't paying it forward. Yes, it's her band, and of course we'll all buy the album if it's good. No one's boycotting Floor.

Here's another example adaher, I'm met a few women in past(and even a couple of friends of minenow) that mostly have male friends. It's more of a chemistry issue than anything else..

I realize there are some women who can't co-exist with other women. If that was her reasoning, I'd think a little less of her. Most women do just fine working with other women unless they have prima donna issues and absolutely must be the center of attention wherever they go. I would hope Floor isn't one of those types.

Maybe we should laud her for being willing to say out loud what most bands would handle on the downlow. I'm sure a lot of bands wouldn't hire a black guitar player, or a female drummer, or a homosexual bass player, but they generally don't come out and say it. So maybe Floor is more of an adult for coming out and saying she won't consider females.
Why would you think less of a women just because she gets along better with men? I wouldn't judge you or expect anyone else to judge you if you had a better chemistry working with women? For me to think less of you for that would be arrogant and selfish on my part...I have no right to judge you for that.....

I can almost guarantee you MANY metal all male bands that you LOVE only purposely hire and want men in their band!! Sorry to say it, but it's the truth. One would have to be naive to think otherwise...So if you are going to think less of a person for that, get ready to think less of many of your favorite all-metal male bands,....Floor just speaks her mind and doesn't have any problem saying it.....
Maybe. I get along equally well with women and men and I have no particular preferences in my hiring or in who I become friends with.

The reason I was put off was because a) Revamp is a profit-making enterprise, not just a lark, and b) someone gave her a chance.

For better or worse, the rock and metal world is still dominated by men, and any women that get big got big because they fronted a band consisting of males who gave them a shot. So naturally I'd expect a woman to pay it forward and give some other women a shot.

You look at a girl like Orianthi, an amazing guitar player, but if Michael Jackson hadn't given her a shot, would she be where she is now? We know that Floor would never have considered Orianthi if she sent in an audition tape. Which sounds downright stupid because Orianthi is almost certainly better than any guitarist Floor is likely to hire. And from everything I've read about Orianthi, she's a dream to work with and has no ego issues, so she wouldn't be a problem in a band with other females unless those females decided to make it an issue.

Maybe I'm just a dreamer, imagining a world where women can make it in metal without needing a man to make them famous. The pop and country genres are full of women who made it on their own merits, why can't metal be that way? And almost every one of these pop and country divas has female members in their backing band. So I just don't get why the metal genre is different.
It's just a rock n'roll band if it's me and three guys jamming in a garage. Revamp is a business and it's intended to be a big moneymaker. Someone gave Floor an opportunity in a very unfavorable market for female performers. So I think it's fair to ask why she isn't paying it forward. Yes, it's her band, and of course we'll all buy the album if it's good. No one's boycotting Floor.

:lol: I think you went a little too far there. Big moneymaker? Really? I mean she may go into it thinking that she'll be able to do just that but I doubt it. Most likely she'll still be doing a lot of guest spots. I mean don't get me wrong, After Forever was popular but by no means a major moneymaker.

As far as this whole issue goes though, I could care less. I do think though that she shouldn't have openly said that. I think in any creative area, especially a band, those rules go out the window. Certain bands want a certain look, they want to work with a bunch of musicians who are easy to work with and get along with, etc. Like some have said...you don't know, she could have bad experience in the past with working with women in which case I don't have any gripes with her not going with any female bandmates. It's her band remember.
you don't know, she could have bad experience in the past with working with women in which case I don't have any gripes with her not going with any female bandmates. It's her band remember.

Exactly, as the old saying says, "don't judge, unless you've walked a mile in their shoes".
Actually, I'm judging because I don't know that I've ever encountered a man who said, "I had trouble working with men in the past, so I don't hire men anymore."

Havent' encountered too many females with that attitude, although I have seen it. But it's a minority view, and frankly I have little respect for it. Failure to be able to get along with a person on the basis of their sex is equivalent to failure to get along with a person on the basis of their race, IMO. And if Floor had said, "Whites only", I think "It's her band" wouldn't have been said here by nearly as many people.

I guess sexism is just acceptable. Whatever. I'm a man, it's not going to affect me any. No one refuses to hire me because of my sex unless I want to work for Hooter's or something. If women want to hold each other down and not give each other opportunities, that's their business I guess.
so I guess next time my female friend says, "ya know I just have a hard time meshing with other women, I tend to hang out only with guys"...

I'll say, "you horrible horrible person!!! That is so unacceptable, that's as bad as you being racist!!" sigh.............
All right, maybe I was a little overwrought. But I would think less of any person who can't mesh with someone just because of their sex. You do realize how ridiculous that is, don't you?

It's one thing to have a tendency to hang out with certain people, we all do that. But I can't imagine feeling that I just couldn't get along with someone because of their sex, race, religion, or sexual orientation. So women that can't stand other women, I think there's just something damaged about them. I mean, they had a mother, didn't they?