

Apr 12, 2002
Newton Le Willows
I can't believe how stupid some of you people are. The first hint of Anthrax preparing an April fools joke was when that stupid timer on the website was counting down to April the 1st.
And even a blind idiot can see that photo is a bad edit.
The wrinting about the reunion is so far fetched, only a spastic would believe it.
If I am wrong then I will eat my words and wash them down with a pile of shit, but come on...
OK - I take on board what you say - but why can I get on to 3 seperate ticket selling websites here is Australia promoting the reunion concerts in May???

Answer that one for me if we are that stupid.
Look at the edited picture and look at the date.
Plus any true Anthrax fan knows that Joey is not welcome in the band after his big money stunt the last time. Scott said that Joey is dead to him now.
Danny Spitz says that playing metal hurts his soul.
If you wish to still believe it, carry on.
Again, if I am wrong I'll eat my words with some shit.
timmyc said:
OK - I take on board what you say - but why can I get on to 3 seperate ticket selling websites here is Australia promoting the reunion concerts in May???

Answer that one for me if we are that stupid.

I didn't mean offence by saying stupid by the way.

I did say that I could be wrong, but I don't think I am. I bet concert holders are gonna be pissed.
gazmetal said:
Look at the edited picture and look at the date.
Plus any true Anthrax fan knows that Joey is not welcome in the band after his big money stunt the last time. Scott said that Joey is dead to him now.
Danny Spitz says that playing metal hurts his soul.
If you wish to still believe it, carry on.
Again, if I am wrong I'll eat my words with some shit.

Yeah but answer my arguement re the ticket selling sites and then I'll side with you.
timmyc said:
Yeah but answer my arguement re the ticket selling sites and then I'll side with you.

I can't answer that, that's a good point you have, but I still think it's a fools day joke. Why wait till today to announce this? I'm not gonna say anything else, we'll see soon enough, and if I am right, I'm gonna post a massive told you so post and everyone will have to eat it. Haa.
gazmetal said:
Again, if I am wrong I'll eat my words with some shit.
I dare you to promise and swear on your mother's grave that you'll make a .mpeg of you eating shit!
When is the 'time up' for this April fools day joke?
How about, if the band doesn't say "APRIL FOOLS!" by May 1st, you'll post a link to gaz_eating_shit.mpg?
First you have to have someone take a dump, film the BM, and then keep the camera in the toilet as YOU reach in and get the piece of crap and take a bite...
gazmetal said:
Haaaa. I could do that but how would you know if I'm not eating chocolate instead?

Well I wont but if anyone can tell the difference I'll say they're seriously mentally ill people!!!!!
The reuninion wouldn't bother me at all, because I never got to see Anthrax live with Joey. I just smell a rat on this whole thing. The date, the picture, the wording of the statement is so far fetched.
I can smell that shit now you know, I'm gonna have to eat it. I should keep my big mouth shut.