Is Ensiferum fit for PP?


Dec 5, 2002
Carrboro, NC
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I am a huge Ensiferum fan and wanted to ask you guys what you though about them being part of a future PP?

They got the power metal influences, plenty of clean vocals that complement the harsh ones, great folk-y touches, and the music is catchy and epic as hell.

So, what do you guys think?
Short answer: Yes.

Long Answer: They wouldn't have been a good fit for the fest 5 years ago, but they would work now.

If they are a strong live band, with good energy onstage, I think their material would go over great with the ProgPower audience.
I would support them, or Falkenbach as an oddball, mixing the epic clean vocals with the devastating harsh vocals all pulled together in a folky, majestic way.

In short: YES.
Sumeet said:
If they are a strong live band, with good energy onstage, I think their material would go over great with the ProgPower audience.

I have their DVD and they sound awesome live. check em out on youtube but make sure you see something from the dvd(sound quality and all).

And Zod..

Yes, they do have plenty of clean vocals, almost every song has clean vocals. its like a chant-y viking thing, very cool, most songs have lead harsh vocals(kinda like children of bodom) but the choruses and some verses are sung by the guitarist and bassist, most of the time harmonizing.

I recommend you check out the song 'Tale of Revenge' for a taste of how good this band is.
TBJ said:
And Zod..

Yes, they do have plenty of clean vocals, almost every song has clean vocals. its like a chant-y viking thing, very cool, most songs have lead harsh vocals(kinda like children of bodom) but the choruses and some verses are sung by the guitarist and bassist, most of the time harmonizing.

I recommend you check out the song 'Tale of Revenge' for a taste of how good this band is.
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check them out.

Wintersun is also amazing but as far as Prog Power is concerned, i think Ensiferum fits more.

I'd love to see Wintersun in somthing like Gigantour or new England hardcore and metal festival
TBJ said:
Wintersun is also amazing but as far as Prog Power is concerned, i think Ensiferum fits more.

I'd love to see Wintersun in somthing like Gigantour or new England hardcore and metal festival

Actually, Ensiferum is less suitible for Prog Power I'd say than Wintersun who have both the cleans and the growls but also have epic songs both in length and scope, not to mention the virtuostic element you don't see in Ensiferum.

Ensiferum imo is more of a Heathen Crusade band.