Lostprophets Singer Charged With Child Sex Offenses For Planning To Rape..


Señor Member
Jan 24, 2011

What in the flying fuck..

Lostprophets' Ian Watkins sentenced to 35 years over child sex offences

What the fuck!?
"It was also revealed that the frontman had made a phone call from prison after entering his guilty plea (November 26) in which he claimed he wanted to release a statement when he was sentenced saying: "It was megalolz, I don't know what everyone is getting so freaked out about."

The court also heard that in another phone call, he told a friend that "there was no medical evidence" and "nobody was harmed", adding: "I'm not a paedophile, I'm not. You know I plead[ed] guilty just to avoid a trial, not realising 'Hang on, that makes me look a bit guilty' but I would never harm anybody." Asked whether he still thought the case was "megalolz", meanwhile, he replied: "No, it's just lols now.""

Here is the document from the judge/court: http://www.judiciary.gov.uk/Resources/JCO/Documents/Judgments/r-v-watkins-and-others.pdf
WARNING: It's sickening, don't read if you don't want to feel ill.
Surprised this is the first you guys have heard of this. It was all over Facebook a few weeks ago. Mind was blown when I heard, although their output has been poor as of late they're one of the bands I grew up with. Never thought I'd be hearing about something like this.
Who knew that when he wrote "Start Something" he was referring to his forthcoming maximum security prison sentence.
But yeah, this news is nearly as old as the kiddie he was trying to fiddle.
Öwen;10515229 said:
But yeah, this news is nearly as old as the kiddie he was trying to fiddle.


"...some of which included animals..."

right... :err:
morality aside, what kind of little-dicked motherfucker do you have to be to even think you can bone a baby?
Nope, was arrested ad charged early December, case trial is in march I think. He's been kept in custody... There's a few folk over here jumping to his defence with the whole "he's been set up" and innocent until proven guilty, but there's been minimal response from his defence/PR team and his band haven't leapt to his defence at all...
i wonder though why those 20- and 24-year-old females were in on that. that's almost even more sick. what could they have possibly gained from all this?
i wonder though why those 20- and 24-year-old females were in on that. that's almost even more sick. what could they have possibly gained from all this?

Money bro, they were probably child minders or nursery workers.
I seem to recall another case like this a couple of years ago in the UK, obviously minus the celebrity.
As far as I heard it was sycophancy, the idea that he was a "rockstar" - albeit a not very famous one and these rumors have been circulating on the internet for the last year, along with various others; he is HIV positive etc etc. As far as I heard he's been reported to the police on more than one occasion and also by one of the girls that is now being charged; afaik it is one of the two womens children.
Money bro, they were probably child minders or nursery workers.
I seem to recall another case like this a couple of years ago in the UK, obviously minus the celebrity.

that's probably it, it's just... if a guy goes "hey if i'll pay you money, will you help me rape kids?" and actually gets help, then frankly i'm more shocked by the fact that there are actually people who'd go along with that than what almost happened to the baby.
Fucking sick.

I had a buddy. Knew the dude about 10 years. At one point, we were like best buds. We were in a band together, etc.

Bout 3 years ago, dude decides to bang a 12 year old girl. (Dude is 30 at the time)........

Gets girl pregnant.

Girl performs self-abortion. With a pencil.

Girl throws baby in a plastic shopping bag outside for dude to "take care of it".

Dude walks down the street with dead fetus in shopping bag. Buries it in woods, even supposedly made a cute little headstone for it.

Dude gets 21-41 years in prison.

Dude is not my friend anymore.

But...... a 1 year old?!?!?!!?!?!!?! 0.o