Pelican is the cat's ass


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
I've never heard a more beautiful instrumental band. 5ive does not even compare. Some of the Satriani stuff I've heard is pretty good.

But Such a HUGE sound.

This stuff evokes such feeling and emotion. One minute I'll feel despair, then hopeful. I love it so much. March into the Sea rules me and fucks me.

Fans of Isis, or the stoner type sound, and yes, even the abhorrent post rock bullshit would love this.

I am not an emotional person, but Pelican brings it all out.
Yeah, the Pelican CD-R that doomcifer sent me was excellent. Love that artwork too. I will buy that album one day, whatever the heck it's called.
Australasia. I'm ashamed that kinda ignored that album at first. THen I put it on one day and it bent me over and pounded away. I've loved it since. Every moment. The ending is so perfect.
J. said:
Yeah, but this is good NADmusic. :loco:
Arf arf arf arf... :loco:

I have a gift certificate coming soon, I'll look into these dudes. What should I start with, Australasia?
I think the new EP (March Into the Sea) is their best work, but I'm listening to the new album now (!!!) and it sounds even richer. Unruly.
Pelican rule, but you are all overreacting about these "i have never heard a more beautiful instrumental band" , or "definetally the best instrumental band i ever heard". Have you forgot about GYBE, or Ozric Tentacles? And check Darkstar's "Marching Into Oblivion" (best instrumental album ever - project of Dan Rock - ex . Psychotic Waltz)
J. said:
Fuck off the pretentious post rock.
I dunno, doesn't make much sense since you love Neurosis so much that you don't like the other stuff, or at least some of it.

I just ordered March Into the Sea btw.
I never know until someone says "dude I sent you a CD-R of that 24x085Q5249er months ago!"
I did :lol:*54651321

And I'm on the verge to get the NEW PELCIAN ALBUM , how UNRULY is that? (yeah it has indeed leaked..thanks to ****** ***** :D )
You gotta know that "March Into the Sea" is on the new album as "March to the Sea" ; it is a shortened version (ends right after the explosion around the 11' minute mark).That's kind of gay for I thought it would be EP-exclusive but whatever..