PP USA VIII: Camera Policy (Update 9/17)

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The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I hope that my actions this year and in the past have proven that the fan's are my #1 concern. I want everyone happy. As a promoter, I have hard decisions to make and I cannot worry about ruffling a few feathers for the overall good of the show (just ask Kai Hansen :heh: ).

You have no idea how hard it has been to deal with bootleggers behind the scenes over the past few years. That is not something I discuss because all it does is add fuel to the fire and encourage some to "catch me if you can." The demand for this year is now on par with any show in the past (including III). Given the already exclusive nature of the event combined with the once in a lifetime set, I expect bootlegging to go back up.

Last year was very difficult for my staff. The recent advances in technology & my limited resources would make it even more difficult this year. Memory cards, smaller cameras, etc. make it damn near impossible to tell the difference at times between waiting for that perfect shot and recording, especially by an amateur in the dark. I looked out last year and there were a sea of LCD screens. There was no way for me to check what was what.

I have come to the decision that only film photography will be allowed from now on. The only exceptions to the rule are press and sponsors and even they will have to carry a special badge after Todd personally inspects their cameras.

I know some of you are going to be upset and I'm truly sorry. I know your feelings and rationales as I did go back and re-read the threads from last year. You are welcome to email and tell me your feelings on it. I will attempt to reply to each one in a prompt fashion. However, I will not change my mind regardless.

This is a closed thread. I will also delete any new threads or posts on the subject as well. It is not open to discussion or debate on this forum as I do not want a repeat of the flame wars from last time.

Just wanted to follow up and say thank you for the well written emails. I have had tons of support along with a few complaints. What surprises me is that there are a few that have come right out and said that they will not attend this year or in the future without being able to take photos with their digital camera.

I can appreciate the devotion and love of photography, but I always thought the focus of coming to this show was the music and friends.



P.S. I have asked those that said they would not attend based on the new rule to sell their ticket to those that have posted in the "tickets" thread.
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