"Showcase" Announcement


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I am specifically the reason there has been a delay on any Showcase news this year. The Showcase for this year is canceled. Instead, I will make a special announcement tomorrow regarding what I have planned for this year only.

I want to personally & publicly take a moment to give a standing ovation to the Showcase promoter, Shane Dubose. Shane has worked his ass off over the past few years to bring his show to an elite level to match the main festival. He is not only one of my crew members and a business colleague, but a damn good friend. This is a bittersweet announcement as I know how this will effect him. I also know there is a trickle down effect in regards to other relationships he has made over his show. I want everyone to know that this is 100% my decision and out of Shane's hands. However, this is something that he totally understands that I need & want to do. He supports my decision even though I know deep down the disappointment he feels. That is pure class. Shane is one hell of a guy and I want everyone to know that the Showcase will be back next year with Shane in charge.

Also, Shane will be running things behind the scene on Thursday night this year just like Chris Roy does on Friday & Saturday. Therefore, all bitching & complaints should be directed at him after the fact. Right bro!

I will see you all here tomorrow with the announcement. I do not have a specific time in mind so please do not ask.

Above all else, please remember that there is a method to my madness. You have to trust me.
