Tarja 2009 USA Tour

Savage Pumpkin

AKA Mr. Future World
Sep 6, 2008
Skokie, IL

Posted on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 04:10:10 EST

Former NIGHTWISH vocalist Tarja Turunen has announced a handful of live dates for Canada and the US. Online ticket pre-sales start today (October 28th). Confirmed shows are as follows:

29 - Fillmore (Irving Plaza) - New York, NY

1 - Le Medley - Montreal, QC
2 - Opera House - Toronto, ON
4 - House Of Blues - Chicago, IL
7 - Regency Center - San Francisco, CA
8 - House Of Blues - Los Angeles, CA
Not sure if it's on purpose or not but playing in NYC 4 days before Nightwish? And on a Tuesday? Even if I wasn't going to forgo her show for NW as I'm not about to travel there twice within a week, there's simply no way I'd take the time off.
Not sure if it's on purpose or not but playing in NYC 4 days before Nightwish? And on a Tuesday? Even if I wasn't going to forgo her show for NW as I'm not about to travel there twice within a week, there's simply no way I'd take the time off.
Yea, I'm far more likely to go to the NW show at the Nokia Friday, though I'd really like to see Tarja's solo show at least once. Anyone have an idea of what her setlist might be?

I also found it interesting she's playing the rather seedy Opera House in Toronto again - that was the setting for the beginning of the end with NW and I heard it was one of the venues she truly disliked. I'd have to say, it's a rather lofty name for a small, rundown theater.
I also found it interesting she's playing the rather seedy Opera House in Toronto again - that was the setting for the beginning of the end with NW and I heard it was one of the venues she truly disliked. I'd have to say, it's a rather lofty name for a small, rundown theater.

Eh...I love that place. To each their own.

Most of the other venues draw trendoid hipster assholes exclusively. (Koolhaus, anyone?)
Has she performed solo yet?
If so, does she perform Nightwish material?
Sorry, these might be stupid questions.
I am not too familiar with all things NW.
Anyone have an idea of what her setlist might be?

From an August show in Brazil:

Boy and The Ghost
Lost Northern Star
Passion and the Opera
Sing For Me
Our Great Divide
My Little Phoenix
I Walk Alone
Phantom Of The Opera (Featuring Angra's Edu Falaschi)
Band Solo
Ciaran's Well
Die Alive
Calling Grace
Dead Gardens
Symphony of Destruction (Cover)
A Wednesday in NYC. Damn it all, Tarja. I'd definitely like to see her atleast once. Maybe. Have to see how this one pans out, especially with Nightwish in CT a few days later.
I didn't really pay attention to the NYC venue earlier so have to add this.
I don't know if anyone else caught Within Temptation at the Fillmore but I have to say the sound system there sucks for higher vocals based on that experience. After about 10 minutes 15 or so feet back from the speakers I had to go to the back of the venue because all of her higher notes were destroying my eardrums. I had seen WT a few months before that in Montreal when they were supporting Lacuna Coil and didn't have that issue then so I have to fault the venue for this. I just can't imagine that sound system doing Tarja's voice any justice.
Checked over her site but the last band lineup I was able to find was from last April.
Bass & BV: Doug Wimbish (Living Colour, Annie Lennox, Madonna, Jeff Beck)
Guitars: Alex Scholpp (ex-Farmer Boys)
Drums: Mike Terrana (Masterplan, Savage Circus, ex Rage)
Keys & BV: Maria Ilmoniemi
Cello: Max Lilja (Hevein, ex Apocalyptica)
Lead & BV, guitars, and electronic drums: Toni Turunen.

Can anyone find an update?

That setlist is pretty interesting. I like most of the choices from her solo work and she's chosen some of her best from the NW days. Could do w/o "Wishmaster", simply because I've seen it played live far too often. Ready to move on. Not sure about covering "Symphony of Destruction." Anyone hear of a review of how she did with that? Well, I'm sure there will be some changes, but all in all, looks worth checking out, just don't know how many days in one week I can travel to a show.
Since Tarja insists on butchering, er, covering such classic metal tunes, Orbweaver and I have compiled a new "all-covers" setlist. Imagine the most recognized voice in soprano metal singing to your favorites:

Big Balls by AC/DC!
Caught In A Mosh by Anthrax!
Three Little Pigs by Green Jelly!
Welcome Home by King Diamond!
So What? by Metallica!
Ace Of Spades by Motorhead!
Cowboys From Hell by Pantera!
Angel Of Death by Slayer!

Of course, no concert is complete without an encore. Thus, we'll have Tarja wrap it up with some absolute classics:

Fucked With A Knife by Cannibal Corpse and
Balls To The Wall by Accept!

Now tell me you wouldn't pay good money to see that!

Stay metal. Never rust.
You mean Tarja is actually lowering herself to play the States? You mean she is going to play in a country that she accused of starving her and making her do her business in back alleys? What the hell is Live Nation guaranteeing her? A share of the Federal bailout? Glenn's budget from ProgPowers 4-9 combined? I mean we are talking about the woman who believed (At least according to her interview in Berlin) that anything other than arenas were beneath her.

What's worse is that my own mother, yes folks, MY OWN MOTHER, wants me to get her VIP tix for Tarja (Ma is on the Tarja site often)! Now, I have one of two choices: A) Get the tix and keep my mouth shut, or B) Disown my mother.

Decisions, decisions.