Ugh... How are you going to survive PP...

AngraRULES, I know we agree to disagree on MANOWAR, but I'm still glad you're able to make the show and I hope Greg can still make it, too. When something means so much to you, like Progpower, it would be devastating to miss it. Especially after being so close to the date and looking forward to it so badly. Here's to ya...!
I have a feeling that this year is going to make me feel how I am going to fee twenty years from now, but it is all going to be worth it!!! I really hope that you can make it man. Besides year three, I think that this is going to be the best year that Glenn has put together so far. Good luck man. !!!

Stay Metal!

Thank you so much bro. I'll make it afterall. Look forward to meet you there and have a good time with everyone!!! Cheers!
AngraRULES, I know we agree to disagree on MANOWAR, but I'm still glad you're able to make the show and I hope Greg can still make it, too. When something means so much to you, like Progpower, it would be devastating to miss it. Especially after being so close to the date and looking forward to it so badly. Here's to ya...!

Hey man!! Thank you so much for the wishing well. I will most definitely be there, and don't worry, regardless of Manowar disagreements I look forward to meeting you there finally and having a blast!! I'd say first round is on me, but we'll wait and see if I'm not broke by then! LOL

J-Dubya 777 said:
I'm NOT touching this one, AT ALL! :heh:
Regardless, I'm happy Milton will be there...:kickass:

Good thing you won't be touching me. LOL
See you in a few weeks, dickface!! :lol:
Awwwww come give Uncle Dubby a hug! :saint:
You got it, @ssclown! See you there! :lol:
(to be continued...:heh:)
:lol: This should be good. I'm keeping my eye on this side-show. Sure glad you can make it Milton. Some of the attendees at PP provide almost as much entertainment as the bands. :p
I'm sorry guys, but I won't be wrestling J Dub... It wouldn't be fair... for him.

Man, I'm even glad I get to see JDub... This is how happy I am to be able to go there.. lol
Aw Milton, I'm so glad that everything worked and you're coming. It wouldn't be the same without you!

Thanks Katie!! I'll be there early on wednesday, this year we'll have plenty of time to hang out! =)

*Cocky Mode On*

And yeah, I know it wouldn't be the same without me... :lol:

*Cocky Mode Off*
I'm sorry guys, but I won't be wrestling J Dub... It wouldn't be fair... for him.

Man, I'm even glad I get to see JDub... This is how happy I am to be able to go there.. lol

You must have West Nile or something! :)
Seriously, I came close to having to miss a couple of PP's a few years back, and it's cool to have friends to help you out. Stuff like that I NEVER forget!:headbang:
Milton, nice man, glad you will make it. I, unfortunately, will be missing this year as I am going to check out PPSCAN instead. But I'll be back next year.
You must have West Nile or something! :)
Seriously, I came close to having to miss a couple of PP's a few years back, and it's cool to have friends to help you out. Stuff like that I NEVER forget!:headbang:

hell yeah! That's what makes progpower so special.. I mean, Milton this year, Aki a couple years back... Fucking awesome! It's really cool that people do that...

This will be the first prog power I will not attend and I already feel bad for not going.. But there;s nothing I can do.. It will be impossible for me to go... I am glad Milt is representing the AngraFags.. ahahha

hell yeah! That's what makes progpower so special.. I mean, Milton this year, Aki a couple years back... Fucking awesome! It's really cool that people do that...

This will be the first prog power I will not attend and I already feel bad for not going.. But there;s nothing I can do.. It will be impossible for me to go... I am glad Milt is representing the AngraFags.. ahahha

Yeah Angra_Rocks or whatever it was is doing a bad job of representing. LOL
I look forward to represent the Angras (although not for long *hint hint*)... Anyhow, Rick, how about a rendition of 6:00 at the Karaoke night this year huh? hahaha
...with a possibility of me not being there this year??? :(

Yeah, I am quite sure this is not even the right part of the forum to post this, but I am starting to think about the possibility of not making to ProgPower anymore. Thanks to a ridiculous amount of unexpected financial situations that arrived, I may have to skip it this year, and it sucks given that we're less than a month away from it and I was really looking forward to it. Fuck, I haven't been able to book my flight ticket yet and it's not like I can't find good deals!! Frustrating, to say the least!!! That being said, if I don't somehow get my neck out of the ropes, I may have a gold badge available for sale as well as spot in hotel room(s). I'll be asking face value for it if I indeed don't make it to ATL, so keep it in mind. =)
I hope you can be there after all. If not, we all will sure miss ya! You're one of the familiar faces I look for at PPUSA each year. It won't be the same without ya, but I understand completely.
Fuck, I never thought I'd say it but I'll miss you guys if I don't make it!! Hah
Say it ain't so, dude!:erk: Hope you can still make the show. I'll be lookinng for you there anyway.
I look forward to represent the Angras (although not for long *hint hint*)... Anyhow, Rick, how about a rendition of 6:00 at the Karaoke night this year huh? hahaha
I'd love to hear you do it. I'll play air guitar. ;)

I just got the nerve up to sing at karaoke for the first time like 2 weeks ago. Perhaps there will be a repeat performance on Wednesday night after the King! It WON'T be 6:00 though. :lol: