What band could be bigger than Strato?

ReaLM said:
Oh how I wish Virgin Steele was bigger than Strat.!
I went to New York just to see them perform 2 years ago, and I think there were as many people there to see the KISS cover band as there were to see them!

They SHOULD be bigger than Stratovarius, but no...

I really do hope Glen can get them to play PP some year. They were awesome!

Actually, if memory serves me correctly, there were more people there for the Kiss cover band. The place cleared out before Virgin Steele took the stage!

That being said, Virgin Steele is one of the best live bands I've ever seen (three times now). I'd love to see them grace the Progpower stage.

I believe they were asked in the past but the band never got back to Glenn on the offer? Something like that.
So when I hear you guys saying a possibility of a "No Repeat" lineup, I'd take that as having a lineup that has never played PP?

I'm not sure I'd be too keen on that personally (but what say do I have in it anyways...? :erk: ) I'm still hoping for Evergrey for 90 minutes and Conception for at least 60 minutes to keep my interest high.

If this were 6 years ago and I were told that Stratovarius were playing 90+ minutes at a U.S. show, I probably would have busted a nut. But now after all this soap opera shit going on between the Timo's, and the quality of the Elements discs, I really am just sort of indifferent about them now. If I go there because of another band, then I will be happy to watch them play. But they no longer have any drawing power in MY eyes and they are not enough of an incentive for me to go.

Still hoping though.
Daybreaker said:
Actually the unconfirmed band is the only incarnation of Interloper ever... performing THE POOPER!!

I think only three people will get that reference and if you do Ill give you a cookie.

I get it!!!! The Pooper is your version of The Trooper!!! I remember your story about how bad you sucked!!!!! Don't worry, I probably couldn't do any better. Where is my cookie!!

I will probably attend the festival this year because of STRATOVARIUS appearance..I don't really care in what band is bigger than STRATOVARIUS!! It would be nice though to see HELLOWEEN or MASTERPLAN at the festival!!...I believe that probably RHAPSODY and DRAGONFORCE have a good chance in this thing...
Let's all hope!!!!
Again I have only attended PROGPOWER III because of the great lineup..we may see similar bands this year....


VENOM4188 said:
Ok I was not going to PP at the time, what happened with Gamma Ray and Glenn before???

Not really that big a deal, and I'd better nip this in the bud right now since I'm the idiot who brought it up. Gamma Ray just overextended their set forcing Glenn to cut it short. It's simple, he has a show to run and has to do what he has to do. As Glenn pointed out, they immediately settled things and watched Angra together. All is well, and I certainly didn't mean to get any mega "oh my God what happened??" rumors started.
Maybe we are thinking about this all wrong.

Perhaps it's not a band that is bigger than Stratovarius in terms of fame and record sales, but maybe something HUGE in that it's a big surprise. A reunion, perhaps, or a band we love but never expected to see live.

Not sure if Shadow Gallery fits that bill, but it would certainly work for me.

Perhaps a Michael Kiske/Kai Hansen show, in the vein of last year's Savatage show.
i think glenn would save shadow gallery for saturday. then pee his pants throughout the night. i'm thinking more of a masterplan / angra / rhapsody / fates warning kind of thing. i will hope for accept or fucking virgin steele, but i know it won't happen. saxon would make me pee my pants though. but i wouldn't be the only one
Shadow Gallery wouldn't play. That would be like watching 3 guys and 5 computers with midi sequences. Point being, that music is too contrived and orchestrated to be able to realistically translate it into a live performance. Not to mention, those guys don't practice to play live, they just write albums. When I talked to Russell Allen from Symphony X, he told me how after the band records a CD they have to essentially go back to square one and revamp the songs so they can be carried out live. They weren't even ready with The Odyssey when they first came to the states with Blind Guardian. Not only does Shadow Gallery not spend the time to re-orchestrate their material for live performance, but they have more midi stuff going on than Symphony X ever does. X stays pretty true to the format of the one guitar track, and the keyboards being able to handle most of the other stuff. SG writes in that style that they just throw into a song whatever they think will make the album track sound better, not taking the live translation into account in the writing process. Bottom line: they are a recording band, not a performing band, and I'll be eating some pretty big words if they were to play, but I'm confident that they won't
Dark One said:
Not really that big a deal, and I'd better nip this in the bud right now since I'm the idiot who brought it up. Gamma Ray just overextended their set forcing Glenn to cut it short. It's simple, he has a show to run and has to do what he has to do. As Glenn pointed out, they immediately settled things and watched Angra together. All is well, and I certainly didn't mean to get any mega "oh my God what happened??" rumors started.

ok thanks for clearing that up
This might just be a crazy idea, but I didn't see anyone else mention it so I will...

What about Opeth? Too well known? Might not fit in?

From the bands you guys have been saying, my pick is Rhapsody.
I would be really surprised if it was Opeth. They seem too far removed from the prog/power stuff to even be an oddball. They just don't seem like they would fit in.
Barking Pumpkin said:
I would be really surprised if it was Opeth. They seem too far removed from the prog/power stuff to even be an oddball. They just don't seem like they would fit in.

They apparently were considered for one of the ProgPowers (II or III?) but wanted too much money, if the rumor mill is correct. Objectively, they are too big a name now to play the festival (they tour the US as headliners fairly regularly) and personally, I'd be heading for the door early if they did. They are not the type of live band I want closing out a full day of music... zzzzzz...

I like most of Opeth's music quite a bit, but I can see how they wouldn't really make sense to be part of Progpower. Interesting that they've been considered before though.
DementiaGuitar said:
I like most of Opeth's music quite a bit, but I can see how they wouldn't really make sense to be part of Progpower. Interesting that they've been considered before though.

Yep, in fact, Glenn had okayed it, and Jim Raggi and I were inline to co-sponsor them. Then the deal fell through (not the band's fault, as I recall, but their management's), and we co-sponsored Devin Townsend instead.

I offered to sponsor them the following year, but I think by that time they had finally toured the States for the first time (opening for -- and, at least here, outdrawing -- Nevermore), and so the 'neetness' factor was reduced.

I'd still love to see them play a show at Earthlink someday. (Of course, there are innumerable bands I can say that about, everyone from Celldweller to Cradle of Filth to Ozric Tentacles. :tickled: )
Se7enChurches said:
They apparently were considered for one of the ProgPowers (II or III?) but wanted too much money, if the rumor mill is correct. Objectively, they are too big a name now to play the festival (they tour the US as headliners fairly regularly) and personally, I'd be heading for the door early if they did. They are not the type of live band I want closing out a full day of music... zzzzzz...


Yeah, I guess that's what I was thinking about them not fitting. I like their music, but I don't know how it would be do have a bunch of power bands play and then have Opeth headline and pull out the long, slow, depressing songs.