Bit of fun for me and my mate

Jul 26, 2006
Middlesbrough, England
Well I decided to have a go at home recording.....a serious go that is.

And my and my mate managed to produce a cover of therpay's Screamager.

I used Guitartracks pro and Cakewalk Sonar 8. And there in lies where I started with my problems.

Firstly I had to use a midi track for the drums.....yeah I know ARGHHHH I aint a drummer and it was not easy using a program to come up with a reasonable drum track.

We recorded all the parts and it sounded fantastic.......until we added the vocals which I think are OK but could be better.

Then I doscovered that I had messed up and missed a section of drums out so theres a bit of the song missing after the first chorus (sorry guys)

I was just wondering if anyone can give me any tips for improving the quality of the vocals and or anything else.

I'd appreciate some thoughts on it too, even if you hate it, please tell me, I need to learn how to get these things done right.

Hey also remember that me and my mate are self taught guitarists. Oh and when I uplaoded to youtube it seemed to mess with the overall quality of the track, it sounds fine on MP3 but iffy on youtube.

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great recording!! i liked your mix and guitar tones tho i couldn't hear the bass - maybe that got lost on utube huh. sounds like a weird plug in on the vocals - maybe just too much fx on that track. i had to go to utube cuz i never heard the song b4 and i must say your midi snare is damn close!
great recording!! i liked your mix and guitar tones tho i couldn't hear the bass - maybe that got lost on utube huh. sounds like a weird plug in on the vocals - maybe just too much fx on that track. i had to go to utube cuz i never heard the song b4 and i must say your midi snare is damn close!

I think on the vocals I ended up with 2 different reverb settings and a chorus.
One lot applied through guitar pro and the other through Sonar 8.

Yeah the Bass is quiet, but is heard more in the MP3 version. However if I turn it up, because the bass Strings needed changing it just sounds.....flappy and messy....Does that make sense?

We are going to have to re-record it, and the bass guitar was re-strung last night. Plus I have a package called pro drum works that I can use to add .wav drum samples in. Drum line will change significantly but will sound better.

I also get chance to use my new baby:

nice ax! hey next time try the lexicon plug in that comes w/sonar - it's very musical. i've used it on lots of different tracks - vocals and guitar. oh and maybe you need to compress the bass more? the new strings will help too!
hey, thanks for the tips

heres one we .......well my mate, wrote.

Just a bit of fun again.....recorded in 4 takes One for each instrument inc vocals.

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