Hipster Metal

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Necro Joe said:
There is nothing generic or retro about Isis, Mastodon or Sunn O))).

Horseshit, there's absolutely nothing any of those bands do that hasn't already been done (and better) by dozens of other artists.

"Hey guys, let's play shit speed metal, but to be different, we'll sing about WHALES!"
Demilich said:
HAHAH oh man did that guy just call Sunn O))) "speed metal"?

It should be pretty fucking obvious from context which band is being referenced here, but in case it's too cryptic, try looking for the album with a goddamn WHALE on the cover.

And I don't mean the Mamas and the Papas.
Yeah you made a comment about Mastodon, but earlier in the same post you were talking about all 3 bands, and never clearly made any distinction.

To anyone who didn't know what "Leviathan" was about, the post would take on a completely different meaning.

Also, sometimes it is fun to assume people are stupid. Way to get worked up over it though, really, good show :loco:
Here you are writing a post to explain why you're too fucking dense to parse basic English, and I'm the one getting worked up? How droll.
Hey, I'm not the one here who got all bent out of shape over an insincere one-line post and resorted to pathetic mudslinging to make myself look superior. Maybe you should head back to The Philosopher where your uptight kind seem to be more appreciated.
Why are you so "worked up" about something as silly as your own tenuous literacy? Surely you've encountered that deficiency before, so it's not like I was telling you something you didn't already know.
You know, it is becoming obvious that you're either trolling or... just difficult, so I'm going to take the high road provide an alternative response to your original post. Feel free to take stabs at my literacy at your leisure, it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

As to that original post, I may have responded something like this:
"To dismiss Sunn O))) as treading no new ground with their music is understandable to a degree, but completely open to interpretation." followed by an argument for Sunn's innovative qualities which i'm way too lazy to think through right now
Spectacular Views said:
I found the point that ironic appreciation = actual appreciation interesting, and there is probably some truth to it. However, despite the fact that many metalheads despise the "ironic" element of the indie scene, I'm not sure if the metal scene is any more free of this behavior as a whole. How many metalheads claim to enjoy some power metal, black metal, etc. but not really take it seriously? As soon as any genre of music becomes a "scene" there is going to be an emergence of concern for image among a number (perhaps even the majority) of members, and metal is no less guilty of this than other scenes.

Wrong. Not burning churches does not mean not taking Black metal seriously. You don't have to believe in dragons to take Power metal seriously. Most metal fans listen to the music without their tongues in their respective cheeks - which is more than I can say for a significant amount of irritating pseud 6th form indie fans.

The scarf wearing, NHS specs abusing cunts.
Cythraul said:
I hate the way you act as if we only have two choices here. I can name a ton of bands off the top of my head who 1. make respectable music, 2. don't fall into genre clichés, and 3. don't fall under some sort of "hipster metal" category (whatever that means). As far as I'm concerned, the cheesy lyrical content and imagery is not only extraneous to the actual music but to the very spirit of the genre to begin with, but somebody having a cursory look at the genre is certainly not going to accept what I'm saying here.

Anyway, satanic imagery and lyrics is probably the single most annoying aspect of the genre for me. It's just such a comical aesthetic. I don't know how anybody doing this kind of stuff can take themself seriously. Deathspell Omega is probably the only satanist band that doesn't make me laugh (although they'd do well to just drop the satan stuff anyway).

True. :lol: But it's entertaining... sometimes.
Carcassian said:
Wrong. Not burning churches does not mean not taking Black metal seriously. You don't have to believe in dragons to take Power metal seriously. Most metal fans listen to the music without their tongues in their respective cheeks - which is more than I can say for a significant amount of irritating pseud 6th form indie fans.

The scarf wearing, NHS specs abusing cunts.
Carcassian said:
Wrong. Not burning churches does not mean not taking Black metal seriously. You don't have to believe in dragons to take Power metal seriously. Most metal fans listen to the music without their tongues in their respective cheeks - which is more than I can say for a significant amount of irritating pseud 6th form indie fans.

The scarf wearing, NHS specs abusing cunts.

agreed x1000000000000
Blue_Jay said:
Dragons are only cool if you fight them in video games. Anything else Dragons = lame

I dispute that. Dragonheart was a great movie. Second one was disappointing, though. And I've read some good fantasy novels that actually make good use of the presence of dragons. *gasp*

And if you think fighting them in video games is cool, then you should play Shadow of the Colossus. Entire game is focused on overthrowing 16 enormous monsters. Story's nearly non-existent, but it's a wonderful game. :kickass:
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