Michael to be con-Vick-ted


OSA Triumvir
Oct 21, 2005
Any thoughts on the soon to be guilty plea of one Michael Vick? I just wonder why he is letting his career go to the dogs by doing stupid things with them in the first place? Well, as a cat lover, I can say I hope that Mr. Vick gets put in a cage with the biggest MF'er in the Big House. And, I hope that guy makes VICK wear a collar.

Ray C.
Any thoughts on the soon to be guilty plea of one Michael Vick? I just wonder why he is letting his career go to the dogs by doing stupid things with them in the first place? Well, as a cat lover, I can say I hope that Mr. Vick gets put in a cage with the biggest MF'er in the Big House. And, I hope that guy makes VICK wear a collar.

Ray C.

Cue up AC/DC's "Given the dog a bone....."
Vick is a low class thug..............money doesn't change that. Around here you may here some people say about others around here that "you can take a man out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the man". I mean no harm to anyone here who lives in a trailer but I think the message is clear. Money does not a class act make. He's a no class thung punk and should go to jail. Period.
I personally think the best form of justice for this disgusting excuse of a man would be to be treated exactly the way he treated the dogs. Let's see... starvation, beatings, bee stingers in his gums, one on ones against some of his dogs and toss in a few episodes of almost drownings and hangings so he can experience the life he helped procure for his animals. Yeah, that would suffice.

It sickens me that there are these types of people, much less these types of people given millions of dollars and celebrity status. grrrrr
It sickens me that there are these types of people, much less these types of people given millions of dollars and celebrity status. grrrrr

well it wasnt just given to him, he was given celebrity status cause he was a great football player, he may be a piece of crap, but he earned his celebrity status with his playing no doubt. but vick is now widely hated by much of the nation, so imagine instead of millions liking you, you now have millions hating you.

as for the dogs, mike vick hopefully is in for a worthy amount of jail time, some how though i think hes going to get a small sentence for it. big named people always seem to get out of shit. OJ, michael jackson would be good examples.

i highly doubt vick will get what he deserves.
As someone who cares more for animals than most people, I hope he gets a harsh sentence, but because he's rich, & a celeb, he'll get out doing no more than a year in a Fed "Country Club" prison. Hell, I'd throw him in gen-pop just to set an example for all the other celeberthugs out there.

Judge Dub :heh:
well it wasnt just given to him, he was given celebrity status cause he was a great football player, he may be a piece of crap, but he earned his celebrity status with his playing no doubt. but vick is now widely hated by much of the nation, so imagine instead of millions liking you, you now have millions hating you.

as for the dogs, mike vick hopefully is in for a worthy amount of jail time, some how though i think hes going to get a small sentence for it. big named people always seem to get out of shit. OJ, michael jackson would be good examples.

i highly doubt vick will get what he deserves.

No arguments here. He did earn the contract with his talent for the sport. The salaries of pro-sports celebrities is an entirely other topic, though. Not to take away from the talent and dedication it takes to get to that level, but the salaries are just freaking obscene.

As for the lack of justice in most celebrity criminal proceedings... just goes to show how corrupt our judicial system and our society overall has become. Thugs and criminals, self-righteous brats with no understanding of respect (self or otherwise), liars and cheaters and sociopaths... these have become the 21st Century Gods. And we call ancient civilizations uncivilized. sheesh
I was watching the clips during the bears/colts game last night and I had to laugh a bit at the fact that so many people in the media are more worried about his status with the falcons/NFL. His football career should be the last thing on the fucker's mind right now. I'd be absolutely sickened of the NFL lets him back. Not because being a piece of shit scumbag has anything to do with his football abilities, but because he's obviously in severe violation of the personal conduct code and not someone that deserves for the NFL to grant him any positive portrayal in the public eye. The piece of shit should serve the maximum penalty and I'm hoping this doesn't turn into another case of an inhumane criminal getting off easy because he's a ceebrity.
Eventhough, I think Vick should receive a harsh penalty for what he's done, there are people walking the streets right now that abuse children both physically and sexually due to an incompetent justice system and judges! In other words, there are judges right now serving on benches across America that let these bastards walk the streets. It pisses me off to see people get so worked up about dog fighting and then overlook the light sentences that are handed out to child abuse! Just something to think about.

I am a dog lover and it makes me sick to hear and see some of the things that he has done to his dogs. If anyone ever harmed one of my pugs( black Jack and Prissy) I would...........................!!!! It just makes me sick. I agree that the last thing on his mind should be his career, as far as I am concerned it is over. Well, i am sure prison will need a newbie to clean the toilets. I hope he spends a lot of time in prison and does not see the light of day for a long time. I hope that the NFL will not even consider bringing him back, much less anything that will get him attention. I hope he loses everything and everyone he has loved. He needs a lot of time to think about what he has done.
Eventhough, I think Vick should receive a harsh penalty for what he's done, there are people walking the streets right now that abuse children both physically and sexually due to an incompetent justice system and judges! In other words, there are judges right now serving on benches across America that let these bastards walk the streets. It pisses me off to see people get so worked up about dog fighting and then overlook the light sentences that are handed out to child abuse! Just something to think about.


Certainly child abusers(both sexual and physical) should be dealt with severely. However, the light sentences handed out to said offenders does not diminish the severity of what Vick did. In the case of the dogfighting, the public seems to have gotten it right this time by trying to make an enormous example of Vick. In the case of the child abusers, we've got some serious work to do.
Here's what the NAACP says about Vick:

"As a society, we should aid in his rehabilitation and welcome a new Michael Vick back into the community without a permanent loss of his career in football," said R.L. White, president of the NAACP's Atlanta chapter. "We further ask the NFL, Falcons, and the sponsors not to permanently ban Mr. Vick from his ability to bring hours of enjoyment to fans all over this country."

This is bs as far as I'm concerned. Society will have already fulfilled its obligation to Vick by prosecuting him and getting his ass behind bars where HE can aid in HIS rehabilitation. The idea that we, as a society, should have some vested interest in his $career$ or $sponsorships$ is just ridiculous.
Eventhough, I think Vick should receive a harsh penalty for what he's done, there are people walking the streets right now that abuse children both physically and sexually due to an incompetent justice system and judges! In other words, there are judges right now serving on benches across America that let these bastards walk the streets. It pisses me off to see people get so worked up about dog fighting and then overlook the light sentences that are handed out to child abuse! Just something to think about.


Think about it I have & l'll add some. Dog fighting is the least of our worries in our society...yet the media are all over it because of the fringe groups (PETA, Humane Society, etc.) that are pushing their liberal agendas on everybody. And as you can tell...zombies fall in line. What Vick and those affiliated with him have done is extremely wrong, but it's nothing that makes my blood boil. In the rural South, dog fighting & cock fighting is something you know happens. It's common knowledge where some of these take place...people from multiple states indulge in these things & hundreds of thousands of dollars float in them. Yet, these happen on a regular basis and are not hampered by law enforcement or radical groups. Why? I can answer that for the radical groups...because for them to show up at one these events to protest without proper escort from the law would spell disaster for them. Some of the rough element that are associated with the events would make them disappear...period. I can't answer for law enforcement though. But yet, they both go after... with vengeance... the high profle athlete that was alleged associated with this type of animal abuse at the time it was uncovered. Is the other element l described that do this not high profile enough? l would think it shouldn't matter...but apparently it does.

Anyway...when animals have taken importance over humans & the suffering that is being inflicted upon humans, it's just another sign that we are going into the toilet. l'll end this with some links that bother me. The incidents in them most aren't aware of...but have an association. Where's the media attention? This involves our fellow human beings being killed not animals...someone should be screaming from the rooftops.



While I do agree that priorities are messed up in this country, I still find Vick's actions unforgiveable. I am a former hunter, and while I choose not to hunt anymore, I still support a person's right to harvest as long as the animals are used for food. In my state, there is an overpopulation of whitetail deer, for example. There's also a problem with CWD in the deer population here. Hunt clubs and "trophy" hunting make me sick. At least with fishing, I'm releasing my catch alive 99% of the time. PETA doesn't like me, and I don't like them.

I guess what really irks me about the whole Vick situation is why a guy with that much money, & success needs to stoop to this kind of thing. I just don't get it. Does he need the money? Does it make him feel more like a man/tough guy because he fights dogs? Strictly MHFO, Vick's a piece of shit, & his penalty won't be nearly enough.
What I find ironic (and just a tad hypocritical) is that the other 50 dogs "rescued" from Michael Vick will be euthanized today if no one adopts them.

I guess animal control and PETA didn't think those dogs "tested well" either.:Smug:
He's a dirty ghetto hood rat, and nothing better. He can just afford fancier clothes, that's all.

I hope and pray, that UhmeriKuh isn't dumb enough to allow him to return to the NFL once he's done serving his incredibly lightweight sentence of 12-18 months. I hope his fortune vanishes on him, and his future gets permanently fucked.

Let him rot.
Here's what the NAACP says about Vick:

"As a society, we should aid in his rehabilitation and welcome a new Michael Vick back into the community without a permanent loss of his career in football," said R.L. White, president of the NAACP's Atlanta chapter. "We further ask the NFL, Falcons, and the sponsors not to permanently ban Mr. Vick from his ability to bring hours of enjoyment to fans all over this country."

This is bs as far as I'm concerned. Society will have already fulfilled its obligation to Vick by prosecuting him and getting his ass behind bars where HE can aid in HIS rehabilitation. The idea that we, as a society, should have some vested interest in his $career$ or $sponsorships$ is just ridiculous.

Of course this is the NAACP's stand on this and it wouldn't surprise me if the ACLU said something similar. This mindset from the NAACP (slap on the wrist punishments) is a small fraction of what's wrong with our justice system in America.

Vick is an overpaid, glorified thug, just like the majority of the gangster rappers out there. I'm not sure what people expect out of these guys. I 100% agree with what FatesFan says, millions of dollars won't automatically turn a thug into a class act.

While I do agree that priorities are messed up in this country, I still find Vick's actions unforgiveable. I am a former hunter, and while I choose not to hunt anymore, I still support a person's right to harvest as long as the animals are used for food. In my state, there is an overpopulation of whitetail deer, for example. There's also a problem with CWD in the deer population here. Hunt clubs and "trophy" hunting make me sick. At least with fishing, I'm releasing my catch alive 99% of the time. PETA doesn't like me, and I don't like them.

J-Dubya, I'm a former hunter myself. I use to go hunting with my stepdad when I was in high school during the early 90's. When I went off to college I just simply lost interest in it and didn't have the time. With that said, I have no problems with people hunting if it's done legally and the right way. I don't have a problem with hunting clubs either if you're referring to various associations, but I'm not sure if I'm following what you're calling a hunt club. What I do have a big problem with are these ranches that these "hunters" pay a fortune to go on to have a guide tell them where the game can be found, so that they have a clear shot at it. I find these places so silly, because to me it takes the whole sport out of the thing.
