New Album, News songs - opinions, reviews etc.

As much as I like to help but that article's definitely too long to translate, I simply don't really have the time to do this.
I'm pretty sure there will be similar reports available in English soon too......until then you can still try babelfish or a similar prog.........I know the results are often more than funny (or not understandable even) - especially with the language used in that article - but it might give you an idea.
If i had the time now, i would translate it, but theres party going on in a few minutes, so sorry about that, maybe on Friday evening (CET-1) or saturday morning i get the time to do so :)

Ok- Thanx for all suggestions !
I'll be waiting for your translation even to Friday or Saturday :)
Do you know, that the Band will put some samples from new album on site?
I cant wait, to hear some new sounds.

And please, do me a favor: if someone will found something about new album or single (same to link, that I've gave few hours ago: but please- in english :) ), let give a sign on this topic :)

Greetings :)
wow that would be a lot to translate;)
it all sounds great though! lots of heavy songs, midtempo as well as uptempo, a few slower moments too, sounds very diverse!

but I haven't heard anything yet :(
and I don't know about samples either.. usually we only put the song online that Metal Blade decides to share.
Marlies said:
wow that would be a lot to translate;)

Yeah! But when i have an hour of time i think ill get it :headbang:

just wait until saturday :p

it all sounds great though! lots of heavy songs, midtempo as well as uptempo, a few slower moments too, sounds very diverse!
Can you tell me what about keybords on new album?
is there a lots of this intrument like on Soul Temptation or less like on Unholy or Ambiguity (my favourite Brainstorm CD's)? And what about "headbangers moments": I mean songs like To The Head from Soul Temptations :)
Well guys, it took me nearly an full hour to translate this from german to english :) so don´t treat me for any grammatical or vocabulary mistake, i just could get the pleasure of learning english for 8 years now :hotjump:

I hope you can understand this more easy than the crap that babelfish and some other translating tools spit out. Excuse the linewraps, conTEXT did so, and i don´t mind them :loco:. Suggestions and corrections of my "bad" english are welcome, just do so via pm or another reply in this thread.

Thanks to for providing an easy, free, small and cool tool to translate english to german and vice versa

So have fun reading the article!


Brainstorm Listening Session

And the price for the most originally location for a listening sessions goes to:
Metal Blade! Specially for the press-presentation of the new BRAINSTORM "longiron"
"liquid monster" the label rented the "deep tunnel" near Aalen, an old,
inoperative mine, thats just open for tourist sightseeing today and special
events, to give the successor of the very successful "Soul Temptation" a worthly
context. The guessings about the reasions for the choice of this "mine" as the
place of the event started at "there is a quite mighty sound" up to "dont let
the neighbours complain like last time". As soon as the international staff
were complete and everyone had a helmet, they went approx 400 meters into the
hill where a rugged catering awaited the crowd. But before the eating there was
another teaser "liquid monster", the meanwhile sixth full length album of the
Swabian-fiver BRAINSTORM waited in the speakers to teach the journalists ears a
lesson in POWER METAL. Just read yourself if the monster has claws!

Worlds are comin' through
At least it is as heavy as a ton, because the opener comes as a real machine and
planed in its extremely heavy midtempo heavy weight all down, what is in the way.
Less varations and celebrated minimalism make this song a beat of the drum.

Inside the Monster

The titletrack increases the speed and developes in the upper midtempo range to
a "bang-compatible" 'mosher' that will make chiropractors have more work. The monster comes to run

Like to remember the beginning of the album, BRAINSTORM take out the big hammer
and smash all things down with a great uptempo monster.

invisible Enemy
a bit slower, but not less heavy, it comes to business in "invisible enemy".
Meanwhile the chorus the tempo gets a bit less, so you think the monster focuses
its strenght just to get full to work right after it. ''pimped''/''tarted up'' with a cool
guitar solo the song decides the first half of the disc before...

... a ballad builds an island of the silence within a rough sea.
Athmosphererically keys and acustic guitars let this song be an beautiful "ear
candy" that stands in a total contrast to the previous songs and proves the universility
of the band and andys voice once more.

Enough with the softness! With "painside" maybe the official successor of "The
leading" of the "soul temptation" album stands in the house that comes as a melodic
midtempo song with a extended solo. Up to now probably the most traditional song.

Shades and Shadows
with a drifting doublebass massage the program goes on! This uptempo track
punishes many of the so called "power metal combos" by showing what "power"
really means! After "Heavenly" and "painside" again a harder song.

Even higher
The name is program: the song presents a high tempo and shoots heavily through
the wet cave walls. Like a few songs in the first half of the disc, "even
higher" is one of the harder calibre of the new material

Burns my soul
Probably the last regular song seems to summarize the album, by putting together
different trademarks of the disc: heavy like the opener, with a
athmosperical break like in the slower songs and a fine twin guitar solo,
decides "Burns my soul" an album that really needs the word "Monster" in the

Before the dawn
First presented bonustrack (?: premium song) was a cover of the JUDAS PRIEST song "Before the dawn",
that the Band as declared Priest fans performed with glamorous acoustic guitars.
A good choice for a bonustrack because the song stands with the "meekness" in
contrast to the heaviness of the album

Despair to Drown
The second "Too-Much-Song" was the fastest song of the day, and with that my
favourite! Drifting doublebass and hard sound culminate in a melodic chorus, so
that "Despair to drown" could be a regular track on the album as well. An
absolutley highworthly B-Side shall be in outlook.

Sure "Liquid Monster" is no easy to digest hunk, that promises that bodes well
with heaviness and variability, however it requires to bother with the material
like "Soul Temptation". The Band doesnt tell in vain of the best BRAINSTORM
Album, that they recorded up to now. The first impression that "Liquid Monster"
left doesnt let this statement sound improbably! BRAINSTORM has created a very
nice mix of unbelievable brash songs and melodic ear-candys that won´t
disappoint any fan!

After the Press-Staff Could get an impression of the "wet" monster, they went up
to the daylight and then back into the heart of the cave to the presentation of
of the limited editions Bonus DVD (?: premium DVD). Because of the Soul
Temptation Premium DVD showed a complete concert we´ll get a nice insight of the
life on tour, where five sympathic swabians let out a few worldly wisdoms.
After that view into the backstage and a traditional swabian snack ("livercheese
and potato salad") they went on to the favourite pub of the band, where a few
more drinks "floated down the throats" and the day took an end in silence. The
album will be released on the 4th of April, the single "All those Words" is
released on the 7th of March.

Only left to say: Look out for "liquid Monster" and the headliner tour in Spring!
WOW!!! Thanx for translation!!!
It's going to be a very good album...I cant wait to hear some new sounds!!!
I hope that on the new album will be less keys than on Soul Temptation...
\m/Overkill\m/ said:
WOW!!! Thanx for translation!!!

youre welcome

\m/Overkill\m/ said:
It's going to be a very good album...I cant wait to hear some new sounds!!!

Yeah, i hope Marlies or someone else will feed us with teasers like preview mp3 files or something at the begin of march, just like last time in 2003 when Soul temptation came out. Indeed it was a really nice teaser giving out a quarter puzzle piece of the cover a few weeks before release :hotjump:

\m/Overkill\m/ said:
I hope that on the new album will be less keys than on Soul Temptation...

Actually I hope the album is going to be like a mixture of unholy and metus mortis, that would be damn cool :hotjump:

Yeah, i hope Marlies or someone else will feed us with teasers like preview mp3 files or something at the begin of march, just like last time in 2003 when Soul temptation came out
yes- this is a quite good conception :)
I hope that there will be a few new sounds in net before official day of "born". Of course I'll buy both: single and full album, so dont be afraid: I'm not a thief, just cant wait for this :)
Indeed it was a really nice teaser giving out a quarter puzzle piece of the cover a few weeks before release
Yes: that was a really good idea: a cover artwork of single is very good: propably the best cover that band ever had. I hope that a full album's cover will be as good as single cover :)
Actually I hope the album is going to be like a mixture of unholy and metus mortis, that would be damn cool
I've read this translated article, and this is more possible that new album will be a natural continuation of ST....more mid tempo less "headbangers moment": I hope that on new album will be less keys: I dont like keys in Brainstorm music: this is quite needless. (In my opinion).
I guess Metal Blade will provide us with a mp3 file before the release of the album although I'm a little curious about how everything around the cd single is gonna be handled. It doesn't happen every day that a metal band releases a single a couple of weeks before the album is out. I could clearly do without *shrugs*

As for keys....I'm not really bothered by them at all. It's not like they have terribly cheesy keyboard simply adds to the overall sound, it adds depth and density. But if you're a purist and insist on the "true" side of metal I can see your point.
Gaunerin said:
As for keys....I'm not really bothered by them at all. It's not like they have terribly cheesy keyboard simply adds to the overall sound, it adds depth and density. But if you're a purist and insist on the "true" side of metal I can see your point.

Yeah i could live without keys in BS songs too, but sometimes they sound very cool. For eg. It took me months and hundred times of listening until i noticed that there are in Weakness sows it seeds, (or is it just an illusion?) because they are "hidden" and not the mainpart of the song. I wasn´t bothered by them at all. Keys on SoulTemptation didn´t bother me as well. I think guitar and drums are more interesting to listen to :hotjump:

I love the pure energy spread by unholy and the melody of Metus Mortis. Maybe it would be also great if there where some influences of Hungry, as there is even more energy than on Unholy.

Oh My Fucking God...Is this Tarja from Nightwish next to Andy in this song??? Sound exacly like Tarja...
But back to the song...i hope that whole album will be a little bit more agressive and fast :)
Very good song for single and for album's promotion.
Yeah really sounds like Tarja! I think the song is great. Not that fast but really nice to listen to!

I am wondering how the rest of Liquid monster is going to be!

nice regards
I'm listening to the stream right now. This one sounds a bit different to what I would have expected from Brainstorm. I wonder how the rest of the album turns out.