Silly Americans... Haha watch this!

Then again, you have to think of it this way: It could have been a hell of a lot worse, "there for the grace of God" and all that" - it could have been China or The Soviet Union we are making fun of. Then we'd be in really deep shit.
Bates: You've been watching too much South Park, haven't you? "Blame Canada" is one of my fave songs still to this day. Being a Swedish-Canadian, I get to make fun of Norwegian-Americans.
Nah, I was making fun of Canada at least 2 years before South Park even came out, and since I lived in the woods then, I didn't actually see South Park for about 2 years after it was created (Lived too far out for cable and satellite was still uber-expensive then).
Ooooh, now them are fighting words, huh Bates? Maybe you and I can agree on just ONE person to make fun of after all? I am probably old enough to be the lad's mother, so if you're old, then I guess I'm ancient...and we can't blame Canada for Knarfi, now can we?
Just a note to the person who posted this thread-don't insult the all AMERICANS (from South and North America), by affiliating them with the retards in the US. I live in the United Staes and sadly, pretty much everyone here either an illegal or a moron who follows President Bush blindly. Not all Americans are that retarded though, most of the people from the US on this forum seem to know their stuff. But is it just me, or did everyone in that clip who supported our war of terror seem slightly Republican?
^Most of us are stupid, with the voter turnout how it is there really is no other explanation.

I frankly refuse to watch the clip as I don't want my current depression to get too far out of hand.

I'm sorry, it's just a cynical day for me :erk:
Well not all Americans are stupid ofcourse.. but those who support bush are for sure. After seeing that documentary made by Al Gore, i think he would make a slightly better president. At least he thinks about the enviroment and isnt fully focussed on war.
The only problem is that sometimes the two party system that's been the structure of our elections for so long has one big flaw. If both candidates suck then we're screwed. Because nobody ever votes for a 3rd party and thinks that they will win.

I remember in high school history class we took some really long test to figure out what our political orientation was. I got Green Party; and no, not because of the legalizing marijuana issue :p And look how far my views have brought the Green Party today . . .

Anyway the point is a lot of people feel the same way. Probably 1/3 of the voters vote a third party and they NEVER get the representation they want because the big two parties are too strong. Plus a lot of voters will just say, "Fuckit my dinkyass party isn't going to win I might as well vote for the lesser of two evils." That plus most voters are too fucking lazy to research the issues so they instead rely on campaigns and candidates to come DIRECTLY to their town and spew a bunch of shit at them that they'll believe instead of reading up on all the candidates. "Oh he must be good because I've seen him in person." It's stupid but that's how the parties with the most money to spend wrangle up those independant voters.
Well not all Americans are stupid ofcourse.. but those who support bush are for sure. After seeing that documentary made by Al Gore, i think he would make a slightly better president. At least he thinks about the enviroment and isnt fully focussed on war.
YES...Most of the dolts in California who love Bush are still convinced that global warming is a plot to bring down the WAR OF TERROR. How? I don't know. And Anglorfin I agree 100%...
Just another example of the stupidity of United Statians I guess..
YES...Most of the dolts in California who love Bush are still convinced that global warming is a plot to bring down the WAR OF TERROR. How? I don't know. And Anglorfin I agree 100%...
Just another example of the stupidity of United Statians I guess..

California is typically considered a blue state...but usually it does turn out to be 50/50.
Today i saw a documentary made by Al Gore about the heating of the earth. Its was pretty good except for the standard american product thing that the USA is the most important etc. I.e. the big hurricanes that get more common came up, he spoke like 2 minutes about 10 major huricanes in Japan in a year which were far stronger and destructive than Katrina, but since Katrina is American he just had to spend 30 minutes talking total emotionally about that 1 hurricane in the US. (Not saying that wasnt really fucked, but still the Japan hurricanes were worse). That's what i utterly hate about America

Fuck Gore....he is such an ass hat. most of the idiots IN America don't know what's going on with it, unfortunately. I love living here, you can't get any better than living at the foothills of 14,000ft mountains... but most of the people living here me are ruining it for me.. I really really can't stand it.
YES...Most of the dolts in California who love Bush are still convinced that global warming is a plot to bring down the WAR OF TERROR. How? I don't know. And Anglorfin I agree 100%...
Just another example of the stupidity of United Statians I guess..

lolll united statians... global warming is a plan to get popularity for the democratic party....the globe heats itself up and cools itself down accordingly..there is no such thing as global warming... stupid ass americans.
The only problem is that sometimes the two party system that's been the structure of our elections for so long has one big flaw. If both candidates suck then we're screwed. Because nobody ever votes for a 3rd party and thinks that they will win.

I remember in high school history class we took some really long test to figure out what our political orientation was. I got Green Party; and no, not because of the legalizing marijuana issue :p And look how far my views have brought the Green Party today . . .

Anyway the point is a lot of people feel the same way. Probably 1/3 of the voters vote a third party and they NEVER get the representation they want because the big two parties are too strong. Plus a lot of voters will just say, "Fuckit my dinkyass party isn't going to win I might as well vote for the lesser of two evils." That plus most voters are too fucking lazy to research the issues so they instead rely on campaigns and candidates to come DIRECTLY to their town and spew a bunch of shit at them that they'll believe instead of reading up on all the candidates. "Oh he must be good because I've seen him in person." It's stupid but that's how the parties with the most money to spend wrangle up those independant voters.

I hear that...nice nice!
Well not all Americans are stupid ofcourse.. but those who support bush are for sure. After seeing that documentary made by Al Gore, i think he would make a slightly better president. At least he thinks about the enviroment and isnt fully focussed on war.

....because Holland citizens understand Al Gore's intentions....Fuck bush but fuck Gore more. I guarantee next presidential election he's going to run for office at the last minute. Thats all this is. You gotta understand these whack jobs. Popularity. That's why Bush doesn't enforce the border patrol's duties... and why Schwartzennegger doesn't send more officials to the same place.. Why Al Gore is trying his hardest to get his face all over the media... its for votes, for power- sadly, its not about the people any more.
Last semester I actually took a class about environmentalism. I thought it was just going to be a boring filler class but it really opened my eyes to a lot of ecological issues that apparently nobody gives a shit about. I always sorta had an idea about how bad EVERYONE was at fucking up the planet with pollution due to fuel consumption blah blah, or how depleted our oceans are and all that crap. But seeing the graphs and charts and various studies about all those problems was really alarming. I think the whole world would benefit from having to take a class like that. Just idk fucking make it mandatory that all citizens everywhere need to participate in that class

As for all those who bitch about oil prices. One thing this class taught me is that it's not because the companies are greedy. That is part of it of course, but the bottom line is that our entire planet has already peaked on its maximum raw oil output. Oil wells worldwide will never be able to pump as much or as fast as they had in the past.