The Now Drinking Thread

Patric said:
What, tonight? I'll see what I can do man. Otherwise, I might go to some gigs not this weekend but the next. Been to The Rock yet?
yeah, toniight, on stengade 30
yes, ive been on the rock 2 or 3 times....
once with cannibal corpse and spawn of possession, fucking great
and gorgoroth, and annother one i went with my friend that listenes to old school rock.

what about you? have u been there? ah, and i have my ticket now for motorhead and sepultura 275 kr... i payed 350 for slayer, so its ok.
Thrymfal said:
Just wanted to point out that this thread has been up for over a year now! gimme a present or somethin.

ND, a McDonalds Milkshake
only 15 here... so i'm lucky i live on an island named Curacao... you can get any alcohol at liek the age of 13.... so been getting a shitload of Amstel every saturday since my 14th birthday hehe... i stay with amstel, heineken and polar.. nothing special but trustworthy