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  1. Anomander Rake

    New Operation:Mindcrime Song, better than expected

    I like it. Not mindblowing, but better than Tate has put out in a very long time to my ears. Not sure I"d buy the disk, but I'm open to hearing more.
  2. Anomander Rake

    Someone please explain Jake E Lee to me, please!

    What is the deal with the horrible singers only to fire them and get another horrible singer? I know there are quality guys out there. Chas West seemed like a good fit, the one really good singer he's had. What's the deal?
  3. Anomander Rake

    In Honor of the majestic Christopher Lee RIP

    Granted he was 93, but still a tragedy in my book
  4. Anomander Rake

    Sybreed... impressive

    A band I have missed on. Has a bit of melodeth feel but has a fresh take on it, crunchy, progressive, good stuff. Very good clean/heavy vox from one guy, like Speed can do.
  5. Anomander Rake

    Anacrusis New Song!!!

    Love this band, and sounds like a great return IN the making. SOUND THE ALARM!!
  6. Anomander Rake

    WOW new T&N (Dokken) sounds amazing

    Sounds better than 95% of newer metal bands. Ripper, Pinnik and Bach all sound great
  7. Anomander Rake

    Vektor- Outer Isolation

    Quite the mix of sounds, progressive, blackened thrash, melody, but it works well to my ears
  8. Anomander Rake

    WOW, Before the Dawn

    How have I missed this band? Brillant imo! Reminds me of older Amorphis.
  9. Anomander Rake

    Dragonsclaw- for fans of Jag Panzer, etc.

    Really good vocals, songs could be catchier, but not bad
  10. Anomander Rake

    Todd La Torre

    Firstly, I'm a big fan of Todd's. When I first heard him with Crismon Glory I thought he was spot on for Midnight. But after hearing the Halfway Jam with Queensryche and now Rockstad with Crimson Glory I really fear Todd has messed up his voice. He is really struggling. I hope it is a blimp...
  11. Anomander Rake

    Sacred Mother Tongue

    Didn't like stuff I heard before but this sounds pretty tasty
  12. Anomander Rake

    KING DIAMOND on next season of That Metal Show

    Great to see the King getting some pub. Geoff Tate will also be on next season which in light of recent events could be interesting, sure Eddie and the boys will throw him soft balls though. Steve Harris is scheduled as well.
  13. Anomander Rake

    Queensryche- Michael Wilton's Side of the Story

    QUEENSRŸCHE Guitarist: GEOFF TATE Spat In My Face, Punched Me And Called Me A 'Pussy'
  14. Anomander Rake

    NEW Testament Song WOW!

    Why can't all the older bands still put out material this great
  15. Anomander Rake

    The King is Back!!

    King Diamond returns to the stage at Hellfest 2012, LOVE LIVE THE KING!
  16. Anomander Rake

    Could be Interesting- Queensryche with Todd La Torre

    Todd sounds amazing!!!
  17. Anomander Rake

    Power Metal in the NBA?

    So I'm a big NBA fan and I was watching the Celtics v. Sixers tonight. Just before the Celtics are introduced to the home crowd they played a piece of song, KG gives a big scream at the end of it on the overhead screen. Very cool riffs and lead work, but it doesn't go to the vocals starting...
  18. Anomander Rake

    Sonata Arctica- Entire New Album Streaming

    Sounds good, best thing since pre- Unia
  19. Anomander Rake

    How Cool is this? Desperadoz

  20. Anomander Rake

    Chris Cornell sings I Will Always Love You for Whitney

    Awesome, imho