A band that needs some buzz...

cool been listening to their myspace page...might have to pick this one up...are the songs on here a good representation of the CD?

It's a must have dude if you're into power metal! To answer your question, yes their myspace songs are a good representation of the album. I first discovered them from a PP sampler and was hooked from then on. :kickass:

As of today, the wait time to get a visa at a US consulate in Brazil is as follows:

141 working days to get the appointment for the Visa Interview (Working days are only the days the Consulate is actually open)

41 working days to process.

that is a total of 181 working days, or a total of 36 weeks(if there are no holidays or days the consulate is closed).

So you see not only is it money issue it is a time, and paperwork hassle.

Hence the reason that Angra did not play Bar Fest I :zombie:
