AMORPHIS - What would YOU like to know?


Just a Kid at Heart
Hey y'all,

Tomorrow afternoon, I have an interview with Amorphis co-founder/guitarist Esa Holopainen.

I've been immersed in this band's music for weeks now. I gotta say, Amorphis is one of the most multi-dimensional and compelling bands I've heard in a long time. The reinvent themselves with every album! Booking them for PPUSA IX was a masterstroke on Glenn's part.

A thought occurred to me as I am preparing for my interview: If you could ask Amorphis one question about their nearly 20 years in the business -- anything at all -- what would it be?

If I get a handful of really great questions, I may pose them to Esa tomorrow.


My question is something I'd like to ask every band:

what compels you (and how do you find time) to continue creating and releasing music in such a low profit return market?
I'd like to know if the band has any plans to do a DVD in the near future. It seems that Amorphis' popularity has undergone a resurgence in recent years, and the timing might be right to properly capture an Amorphis performance on DVD.

I'd like to know if the band has any plans to do a DVD in the near future. It seems that Amorphis' popularity has undergone a resurgence in recent years, and the timing might be right to properly capture an Amorphis performance on DVD.


And let's see, where could they do a multi-camera HD shoot in front of a great crowd...
+2 !

I confess I'm curious to know if they'll be in Atlanta on Thursday or Wednesday before their show on Friday (i.e., will they be hangin' around), but that might not be a great question for the interview. :)
I confess I'm curious to know if they'll be in Atlanta on Thursday or Wednesday before their show on Friday (i.e., will they be hangin' around), but that might not be a great question for the interview. :)

+1 These guys have been one of my favorite bands since I first discovered metal. I'd love to know if there's more time to bump into them and say thank you.

Now... be warned... this is one of the very, very few bands for which I will act like a rabid fan. I'm just going to throw out some questions, and I won't be offended if you think they suck because I'm a rabid fan rambling away :)

As for various questions; I'd like to know how much they worry about representing Finland in such an international genre. I mean, they play the kantele and sing about the Kalevala. I'm just curious if that comes naturally or if they try to do it just to show their heritage. And either way, do they worry that people of other nationalities will have trouble relating to those folklore-specific songs. That's probably not the best wording for a question and might be too awkward... but... just something I've thought about.

In a rather unrelated note, both Amorphis and Sentenced are routinely credited for leading the way in Finnish metal. How do they feel about such a lofty title, especially now that Sentenced has ended their career? Being the last active band credited for an entire nation's success sounds like something hard to live up to.

Amorphis is constantly changing musical directions. Do they worry about alienating fans from one disc to another? When playing live shows, is it hard to please everyone? It just seems like fans of Tales from the Thousand Lakes might not enjoy songs off Eclipse. How do they maintain the balance?

And finally another ProgPower-specific question, ProgPower is often rife with controversy over bands with growled vocals. As a headliner, are they considering changing their normal set, or will they play as usual, no compromises? Again, probably not the best wording, but something I'm worried about.
+1 These guys have been one of my favorite bands since I first discovered metal. I'd love to know if there's more time to bump into them and say thank you.

Now... be warned... this is one of the very, very few bands for which I will act like a rabid fan. I'm just going to throw out some questions, and I won't be offended if you think they suck because I'm a rabid fan rambling away :)

As for various questions; I'd like to know how much they worry about representing Finland in such an international genre. I mean, they play the kantele and sing about the Kalevala. I'm just curious if that comes naturally or if they try to do it just to show their heritage. And either way, do they worry that people of other nationalities will have trouble relating to those folklore-specific songs. That's probably not the best wording for a question and might be too awkward... but... just something I've thought about.

In a rather unrelated note, both Amorphis and Sentenced are routinely credited for leading the way in Finnish metal. How do they feel about such a lofty title, especially now that Sentenced has ended their career? Being the last active band credited for an entire nation's success sounds like something hard to live up to.

Amorphis is constantly changing musical directions. Do they worry about alienating fans from one disc to another? When playing live shows, is it hard to please everyone? It just seems like fans of Tales from the Thousand Lakes might not enjoy songs off Eclipse. How do they maintain the balance?

And finally another ProgPower-specific question, ProgPower is often rife with controversy over bands with growled vocals. As a headliner, are they considering changing their normal set, or will they play as usual, no compromises? Again, probably not the best wording, but something I'm worried about.

Well-considered questions! Many thanks for taking the time to type them up. I'll be chatting with Esa at 3pm (EST) today. I spent a week digging deep, listening to everything they've released at least four times, and searching online for previous interviews.

I think the questions PPUSA Forum readers have provided are some of the best I've read.

Thank you!