

Porno kitty
Feb 13, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Okay, so I've been doing this job since late June, but effective this week, I am officially "Reporting Operations Manager." Now, if you think that sounds cool, what's even better is my approx. 44% raise that came along with it--it was a long time coming but definitely worth waiting for.

I've bragged privately to a few people, but just thought I'd toot my horn a little more publicly. :D No money worries about making ProgPower next year, that's for sure! Hell, I might even feel a band sponsorship coming on eventually. :D

WOW!! that's huge!! Congrats!! Toot away! lol...

Ya know, a band sponsorship is great, but you know what ELSE would be great?! A poor college student sponsorship :heh:

ooooh! i've got the PERFECT candidate!! :lol:
44% raise? Holy crap, that's awesome. And I thought the 10% I got in 2001 was worth a happy dance. Good for you!
Okay, so I've been doing this job since late June, but effective this week, I am officially "Reporting Operations Manager." Now, if you think that sounds cool, what's even better is my approx. 44% raise that came along with it--it was a long time coming but definitely worth waiting for.

I've bragged privately to a few people, but just thought I'd toot my horn a little more publicly. :D No money worries about making ProgPower next year, that's for sure! Hell, I might even feel a band sponsorship coming on eventually. :D


Careful, I've found that tooting your horn in public is usually frowned upon...go figure.:loco:

Seriously, congrats...:kickass:
Congratulations!!!!!!! I wish I could get a 44% raise if I did then i would be making $2.25 and hour hehehehehehehe seriously you desserve it. My last raise, and this was when i got promoted to Jr VP was only 7.2% go figure.
Okay, so I've been doing this job since late June, but effective this week, I am officially "Reporting Operations Manager." Now, if you think that sounds cool, what's even better is my approx. 44% raise that came along with it--it was a long time coming but definitely worth waiting for.

I've bragged privately to a few people, but just thought I'd toot my horn a little more publicly. :D No money worries about making ProgPower next year, that's for sure! Hell, I might even feel a band sponsorship coming on eventually. :D


So the bar tab at PP is on you right? :)

Congratulations lil' Sis !! It is always good when someone gets promoted on their merits and knowledge. I know you well enough to say you are a very intelligent and hard working gal and you deserve it. Now go buy me something nice for Christmas. I need a laptop.

Ha ha ha... the last bit was of course a joke, but I am extremely happy for you. You make me proud !! Roll Tide !!


Okay, so I've been doing this job since late June, but effective this week, I am officially "Reporting Operations Manager." Now, if you think that sounds cool, what's even better is my approx. 44% raise that came along with it--it was a long time coming but definitely worth waiting for.

I've bragged privately to a few people, but just thought I'd toot my horn a little more publicly. :D No money worries about making ProgPower next year, that's for sure! Hell, I might even feel a band sponsorship coming on eventually. :D
