BW&BK hacked?

it's been doing that crap all week. Maybe my large number of posts have finally corrupted the site.
No problems, but thanks for the concern in getting your fill of metal news (not *ahem* gossip). We are in the process of making some internal (server) changes and WE are the ones taking the site down periodically, during the week (generally less travelled time, as opposed to nights). As many of you PP attendees know, our site is "blocked" by many commercially available filters (couldn't access at Courtyard), so kids at schools can't access at these less critical times. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sidebar about PP. While many other metal sites were accessible from the computers in the lobby of Courtyard, was tagged as "graphic content" and thus blocked. I attempted to contact the IT people in charge. General Manager left some voice message about "protecting children", which I agree is somewhat important, although parents watching their children in a major city hotel is probably the fundamental responsibility. However, I brought to the manager's attention that I could access pages on abortion, birth control, muslim extremist (at first I was convinced it was a religious right screening procedure), but also bomb making plans, Soldier Of Fortune (mercenaries, for pete's sake!) magazine and Source (biggest rap mag, a segment of whose music also glorifies violence, drug abuse and mysogyny). None too surprisingly, the manager didn't see the parallel between "Graphic content" and these other sites, actually fishing for info about other sites (metal and non-metal) which should be "banned." Needless to say, I'd rather have a free exchange of information, even at the expense of our competitors have an age, than shutting news out.

FYI, as some know, I also write for Metal Maniacs. Expect a PP recap, with photos in an upcoming issue.