Cover Songs


Dec 18, 2004
I know there have been threads on cover songs before but I could not find one so I will start a new one in the hopes to share killer new cover tunes. I love a good pop tune turned metal or a good metal tune covered by other metal bands. Here is one I found tonight I have never seen before. Please post your favorite cover tunes...............

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My Favorites:


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Taken from the soundtrack CD of a Finnish TV-show called Kuorosota (Clash of choirs). Marco was one of the choir leaders who recorded on this CD the songs they did with their choirs in the show.
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Robert Lowe does a damn good version of Shame on the Night...but the dude can sing the phone book in my opinion!

Solitude makes Ozzy's No More Tears a tad bit more doomy!

I think Tad Morose does justice to this Savatage classic!

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Xentrix - Ghostbusters

Anacrusis - I Love the World

Morgana Lefay - Voulez-Vous (the lineup in the pic is not the same lineup that recorded this song, LOL)

Enertia - Cowboys From Hell

Iced Earth - Shooting Star
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I know there have been threads on cover songs before but I could not find one so I will start a new one in the hopes to share killer new cover tunes. I love a good pop tune turned metal or a good metal tune covered by other metal bands. Here is one I found tonight I have never seen before. Please post your favorite cover tunes...............

Loved this, great voice! I believe Ive seen/heard him in a band online, but can't remember. Thank you for posting it.

As I said in the NB thread, no I don't think they're "metal" nor am I a fan of the band per se, but I always thought this cover is 100 x better than how Metallica actually plays it nowadays. Wish this is how Nickelback actually sounded.

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