How can a band like Eternity X be without a label?


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
Keith Sudano reformed Eternity X with new members and they've been looking for a decent label for a while now. Unfortunately their negotiations with Inside Out and Laser's Edge didn't come to fruition, so they're still on the lookout for a new home. If anyone knows of any people that may be interested, contact the band at their website:

I am sort of suprised Ken Golden wasn't interested in them. Eternity X would been a killer band on a roster with the likes of Zero Hour, Redemption, NovAct, and Pantommind.

Eternity X's The Edge is still the greatest prog metal disc ever released in my opinion. This band can't remain unsigned!
I was wondering about the same thing regarding Chris (Halcyon-F5) and myself, but then I realized it has something to do with his beef/cheesecake shots and my lack of interest in anything other than releasing all my future music on 8-track and beta.
Based on they hype they get on the internet it is a bit surprising..

I personally don't understand the hype.. After everyone telling me how great The Edge was I bought it last year.. Man, It was so bad I couldn't listen to the whole album at once... And I've never heard any negative comments about the disc... It must be me..
Angrafan said:
Based on they hype they get on the internet it is a bit surprising..

I personally don't understand the hype.. After everyone telling me how great The Edge was I bought it last year.. Man, It was so bad I couldn't listen to the whole album at once... And I've never heard any negative comments about the disc... It must be me..

It's not just you. I didn't care for it either.
Matt Crooks said:
It's not just you. I didn't care for it either.
So there's three of us, then. I actually still listen to it often because the keyboard compositions and playing are fantastic. But, everything else I just eh. The vocals are not good.

Maybe they aren't signed because Keith has an old internet reputation of being difficult to work with. Though I've met him face to face at Powermad with a drunken Glenn H at my side (note subtle name-dropping) and he seems like a perfectly cool guy, he does project a bit of a rock star ego in text which is probably a little undeserved. He's definitely passionate about his music, and that can be mistaken as ego without all the non-verbal cues.

Same goes for Scott Mosher - he is misperceived in text with an old internet reputation of being a blatant annoying spammer. I've met him face to face and conversed many times in different formats online, and he's a great guy. I've always considered his self-promotions to be totally sincere and friendly and relatively low-key. And still, he isn't signed anywhere. I absolutely love his music, but I don't see a big market for it. It's too light for metal heads and too heavy for ambient prog rock guys.

Though I can't for the life of me see any pattern of label single-mindedness at Sensory, it's out there with other labels mentioned in this thread who, judging by the homogeneity of their product lines, are looking for a specific marketable sound.

I think both artists would do fine on a third tier (distribution capability wise) vendor like ProgRock Records or something like that, but they could probably do as well on their own.
I dont get it either...I bought up everything I could find from Eternity X many moons ago,and was soooo dissapointed. Just another medicre band in my collection,right next to Devin Graves many mediocre cds
Eternity X was the shiznit in 1997.

Problem is, that was ten years ago, so naturally almost a decade later it doesn't hold up as well.

They're good, but they aren't Conception. They won't get a label deal based just on the fact that they had a great album back in 1997. I'm sure Ken Golden and other execs want to hear some new material first.

There were no negotiations with us. Last week I was contacted by a representative of the band to see if we had any interest in reissuing the Eternity X back catalog. A reissue series does not fit with the 2007 program for Sensory. I just visited the Eternity X website. According to the news it would appear that we were pretty far down on their list of labels they approached.

The last time I had any contact with Mr. Sudano was at Powermad many years ago. I too have heard stories about him being "difficult" but my own personal contact with him found Keith to be an extremely friendly individual. In other words...we got along just fine and had some good laughs (probably at Larry D's expense).

Just came back from seeing Circus Maximus at the ProgPower pre-show. They were even better than last year. New album coming in 2007.

Ken Golden
The Laser's Edge/Sensory
Hello all,

My name is Jeremy and I am with Eternity X and the one Mr. Golden spoke with on the phone recently. I wanted to take a moment to make things a little clear on the subject matter of “Lasers Edge”.

Mr. Golden was very kind when we spoke and stated that they don’t feel we would be a good fit for the label at this time. We didn’t have any real negotiations or anything of that respect. It was a simple phone call from me to him. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now insideout was another story.. A gentlemen from our former label has taken it on him self to search for another label and contacted Insideout in Germany about us. First response was interest , but needed to be up for review by another person and they choose not to from that point. So there was a little talk there, but nothing much ether.

This has been a little of a shock as we are getting contacted by fans and the albums are going anywhere between $40 and $60 online currently. But each label needs to go with what they feel is best and we won’t slow down no matter what. We will proceed to work on the new album (which we feel will be the bands best.) and see what happens.
